Equine Rescue

Trailer for America’s Wild Horses, The Documentary

Pro-Horse Press Conference

19 replies »

  1. I’ve seen the trailer. Its beautiful. I’m still waiting for the other one that came out, Saving Americas Horses, a Nation betrayed. When will it come out on DVD? Of nothing else, i want a copy of the movie. Its still not here. Where is it?


  2. What do we have to do to Motivate The American People as to the EXTREME Importance of the Mustangs Belong on the Range with the only intervention is to help them , the BLM is Paid our Hard earned Taxes to do this , and all they have done is terrorized them !!! The Mustangs need Protection from all Harm , what is so hard about that BLM,, the BLM has proven to be incapable of this important Task , the only answer is to Dismantle this Agency !!!! And put in Place an Agency that can do this !!!!!!! Mean while these gracious Mustangs suffer brutally in waiting for us to do the RIGHT thing Here , ENOUGH is ENOUGH !!!!!


  3. Nowhere to Run — Wild Horse Roundup
    Documentary about the government’s first Mustang Roundup featuring a rare on-camera interview with ‘Wild Horse Annie’, proponent of the Wild Horse & Burro Protection Act. Narrated by Will Geer, the film looks at the wild horses roaming the public lands and the struggles to keep them free. Living symbols of our Western heritage, the Mustang must overcome threats from ranchers, miners and sportsmen as they fight to survive and retain their place in the American dream.


    • Dear Louie Thank You !!! I always enjoy watching real Freedom Displayed by the Mustangs, it warms my very Soul fills me with inspiration………………………….. Its tears me up that Man cannot leave these wondrous beauties just be Free !!!!!


  4. Absolutely! The Salt River wild horse herd has a legal right to live in harmony there. They greatly enhance the ecosystem, healing its wounds. It is so wrong of that official from Arizona Fish and Game to ignorantly state that they are mere ferals and have no right to any resources. Shows how brainwashed he is. I did an ecological evaluation of this herd and was at the Salt River observing the horses and their riverine ecosystem a year ago. My report is on the Facebook page for The Wild Horse Conspiracy and Simone Netherlands has this as well. Good job, Simone!! Can’t wait to see and hear the whole film.


    • Can’t wait to see this when it comes out.!!….Love Opus Moon music in this documentary…
      I wanted to Scream when I heard the Fish & Game state they are Feral
      invasive species….He’s drinking the BLM hate Wild Horse juice!!!


  5. Super trailer – love to see the whole thing. Interesting to see the interview with Velma Johnson in Louie’s video – but watching the horses being run down & tied to tires (like the movie the Misfits) was sad. Scary seeing those men putting halters on the horse & hauling him into a 2 horse trailer – with a lot of openings on the side. The woman & her kids certainly would have had their hands full at that point. Some different than seeing the video of one of Parelli’s students.


  6. I believe it’s the contrast that really makes us see the whole picture…were we’ve been, where our WH&B should be, and WHERE we need to go. Velma’s started this work and it’s up to us to move it forward. It is truly a “David and Goliath” battle, but one that is well worth fighting. We can’t ever let up or ever relax our guard.


  7. I noticed that Louie’s video was dated 1976–and what has changed?
    Sorry but we need more than another video/documentay, no mater how good they are.


  8. Nature has given us these magnificent creatures and it’s truly up to us to protect and preserve them for future generations. I believe it’s our duty and responsibility, along with the administration, to see they retain their place in history, as an American icon of the West. The Trailer for American’s Wild Horses, is absolutely beautiful…looking forward to it’s completion! Great job, Simone!


  9. Took me a minute to realize that the name of the “conference” has been changed to “Unified Equine Welfare.”. When it is actually the press conference before the Internatoional Equine Conference hosted by Equine Welfare Alliance.

    This may be confusing to some, but par for the course. If we ever get our ducks in a row, like with this confernece, someone will come along and m “robins.”


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