Horse News

Washington State County Considering Ban on Predatory Horse Slaughter

Update from the Equine Welfare Alliance

“It’s better to do something sooner rather than later…”
Equine photographer Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation with several members of the rescued Fitch herd ~ photo by R.T. Fitch

Equine photographer Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation with several members of the rescued Fitch herd ~ photo by R.T. Fitch

The Everett Herald has reported that Councilman Dave Somers wants to put an end to the rumors (Wayne Lindahl, the owner of Florence packing also denied the plant opening stating there would never be a horse slaughter plant there and doesn’t understand where the rumors are coming from).

County Councilman Dave Somers wants to prohibit the horse slaughterhouses now, so they don’t become reestablished anywhere in the county. Somers owns horses and said moral qualms, as well as environmental concerns, compelled him to act. “It’s better to do something sooner rather than later and before somebody comes in and invests a lot of time and money,”

A hearing is scheduled in council chambers at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 19. We encourage attendance at the meeting as attendance can have a considerable impact on the outcome. If you cannot attend, please consider submitting a letter in support of a ban on horse slaughter in Snohomish County.

December 19, 2012; 10:30 a.m. Public Hearing of the Snohomish County Council

Ordinance No. 12-106, prohibiting the slaughter of horses and other equine for human consumption and adding a new chapter to SCC Title10.

Location: Council Public Meetings and Public Hearings are generally held in the Henry M. Jackson Board Room, 8th Floor, Robert J. Drewel Building (Admininstration Building East), 3000 Rockefeller, Everett.

Contact information:
Council office: 425-388.3494

4 replies »

  1. I hope it passes. I will certainly email a letter to them. Let Illinois and Texas serve as a lesson to those who support slaughter in their state. Our state closed the last horse slaughter plant in 2007 and keep a watchful eye for those trying to reopen in our state. These “House of Horrors” bring nothing but pain and suffering to the animals and destruction to the environment and the communities. It has been stated that the company who owned the plant in DeKalb, Illinois left the state owing millions in violation citations. I can’t even imagine how bad it was for the people in Texas with two horse slaughter plants. God bless past mayor, Paula Bacon, for her stedfast fight.
    I would also like to thank the past Representative Robert Molaro who took on the challenge of closing our slaughter plant in Illinois. Those of us in Illinois cannot thank him enough for also taking on the challenge of closing the plant in our state. All of us including our horses will always be grateful. Don’t ever give up the fight if someone tries to open one in your state. The other question remains that if Canada and Mexico stop taking American horses due to the EU regulations, are we prepared to take on that challenge?


  2. I called and spoke to a womannamed Cassie. She is the secretary of Brian Sullivan one of the counsil members that will be at the meeting or chairing it.

    She advised that I send her an email letting the coucilman know that I support the ban on horse slaughter in that county and the state and so I set my email.

    Here is he email if you want to send one. She informed me the emails that are sent WILL be read at the meeting. Please keep it tactful but to the point enfrcing that many of us are aware of the meeting and that we hope the decission to ban horse slaghter in the state and all cunties will be approved.

    I reminded them hores are companion animals and service animals who have fought in wars, are police officers and work in our fields. You do not find horse meat sold in any grocery store in the US . Horse meat is not a part of Americns diets


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