Horse News

Video: Stop the Slaughter of American Horses, Now

Video supplied by Simone Netherlands of Respect 4 Horses

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10 replies »

  1. Simone:

    Good job and thanks for keeping up the good works.

    Two suggestions:

    (1) The US export of dirty horsemeat jeopardizes the production integrity of traditional, legitimate meat producers in the cattle, swine, poultry and sheep/lamb industries and their reputations. The backlash of US importers is already here.

    (2) It is against the law to sell “sick animals/horses” for meat to ANYTHING. Humane euthanasia is available to every equine owner. Humane euthanasia is gun shot (not Sappington) and chem euth….no one is taking that away from owners.

    I would focus more on the international, export issues as it is focused on monies. And every owner has the right to euth…HCHS is not euth, it is the meat business.

    Good job Simone and the bay with star and strip/stripe should get some extra carrots for the months. What a hoot!


  2. Thrilled to see more Horse Advocates and their video’s to save our horses from the cruel inhumane ending of our American Icon………

    Good Job!!! Keep up the great work as we March on until it ENDS!!!……………………


  3. The video was great! The horse behind her almost up staged Simone. He liked being in the spot light and was adding his agreement to the video. He enjoyed being in the video too. What a hamster! I loved his engery! It is obvious that he is very smart and well loved! What a talker!!!


  4. Thank you, Simone. A few weeks ago, from sheer frustration with the slaughter pressure rising anew from government influences, I wrote; “I wish people would just stop breeding any domestic horses for a few years!” If only this point of cruelty and inhumane treatment were seen as coming from those over breeding who have always been sending good horses to slaughter for the money.


  5. Wonderful video. Hope it gets distributed all over the place! Thanks to Simone for making it. Will share.


  6. Great video. I will call or write to my Congressmen/women. I wish they could put that video on tv. I’ve never seen a horse behave like the one on this video did, but it was funny. Reminded me an impatient child waiting for his snack or treat.


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