The Force of the Horse

Videos: Police Horses Lick Dogs To Celebrate Labor Day Weekend

Compiled by the The Gothamist

“It’s an Extended ‘Feel Good Sunday'”


Labor Day Weekend is the symbolic end of the summer, the time of year when beaches begin shuttering their shores and bitter screeds about Summer Fridays go the way of the dodo. The long weekend provides the chance for a moment of reflection for millions of overworked, overtaxed, Simpsons-marathoning Americans. Or you could be like us, and just watch a bunch of videos of curious police horses licking, nuzzling, and generally being adorable with dogs like Carrie at TreeHousePuppies.  It’s Magnificant Monday so let’s enjoy!

From all of us at SFTHH and WHFF: “May the last lick of summer lather you in the slobber of true love!”

9 replies »

  1. There was an older horse next door and my Great Dane loved ol’ Hoss. Gracie would lean up against the fence and Hoss would nibble on her back from one end to the other. The further down Hoss nibbled the more Gracie would slide down the fence until she finally collapsed on the ground feet waving in the air. Either that or they would stand there nose to nose kissing on each other. I think it was an interspecies marriage.


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