Horse News

Wild Horses: Please Comment on BLM’s Disastrous Plans to Study and Spay White Mountain Mares


“Spaying domestic horses in sterile, hospital conditions is one thing, and it is not a common practice. But most large animal veterinarians agree that the surgical environment needs to be completely sterile and recovery time is at least a month – this is NOT a suitable procedure to do in the field, on wild mares.  The risk of infection and death is far too high.  Some of the mares may die from shock.  I do not care if they plan to submit their plans to the Colorado State University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (which by the way, mainly reviews laboratory procedures) prior to the spaying, it is too dangerous, inhumane, cruel, and certain to result in the senseless death of many wild mares.”  – Carol Walker

CarolWalkerWhiteMountain-001 White Mountain Wild Horses

by Carol Walker

My first visit to the White Mountain Herd Management Area in Wyoming was in November of 2006. This herd is touted as a tourist attraction by the State of Wyoming, with its “loop tour” that is easily accessible to visitors to the town of Rock Springs. You might imagine that being a tourist attraction would save this herd from molestation, given that tourism is Wyoming’s 3rd largest source of income. But think again.

wild horses, mustangs in White Mountain, WY - red roan stallion and mares and foals

wild horses, mustangs in White Mountain, WY – red roan stallion and mares and foals

At the time of my visit, plans were already in the works to roundup and remove most of the horses in 2007. I had no trouble finding horses, even though the Herd Management Area itself is almost 400,00o acres. There were horses in the southern and in the northern parts of the area, and the family bands were large – this is a hallmark of a herd that has not been rounded up for a few years. The dominant stallions tend to accumulate large families, and watching the interactions of the mares and youngsters and stallions in these large families is amazing. I found healthy, beautiful families of wild horses, and my favorite encounter of this trip was with a very proud and beautiful bay roan stallion with a large family. He stopped and looked at me, making sure to be between me and his family, and I was captivated by him.

CarolWalkerWhiteMountain-029  The Bay Roan Stallion

I visit this herd about once a year, but I never saw him again after the roundup. Imagining that proud and beautiful stallion in a holding facility still makes my heart hurt. They removed 654 of the 817 wild horses in White Mountain, and the mares returned to the area were given PZP, a one year birth control drug. There was no follow up with the birth control for the mares. It was too much trouble for the BLM to go into the field and keep darting the mares each year in order to keep the population in check. It was much easier to just round them up again in 3-4 years and remove most of the horses.

CarolWalkerWhiteMountain-034   Running to water 

In 2011 the herd was again rounded up, and this time they removed 696 wild horses, leaving 209 wild horses, with the sex ratio of stallions to mares skewed, releaseing 98 stallions and 51 mares. In the wild, the ratio of stallions to mares ends up being about 50-50. One of the BLM’s unproven brilliant ideas is that the population will grow less if there are less mares than stallions. In my experience, all it does is create more turmoil, as the stallions spend more time battling other stallions and defending or winning the much fewer number of mares. The mares were also given PZP-22, a two year birth control drug. Again, despite this being a small herd and easy to find and approach, the BLM did not follow up and administer birth control every one or two years to keep the population in check.

Read the rest of this article HERE.





53 replies »

    • Yes, I wonder if bone density weakening is something that needs to be considered. But what does the BLM care I suppose; they just need something more palatable to the gullible public than outright killing them. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

    • How shameful is it when a government agency whose employees have NO scientific or medical experience are talking about spaying a wild animal “to see what happens”? Literally thats what they want to do. Are there no large animal veterinarians anywhere that might voice their opinions of this? I agree with Bruce Nock – why would any female animal have a different reaction from human female? Are these people (BLM) really just pushing the limits to see how far they can go? Apparently, there is no limit. They just do as they please and rake in the dough AND destroy our wild horses and burros.

      Liked by 1 person

      • True Louie
        Probably thats the whole point – keep people busy putting out small fires – too busy to take care of the big one. They have us running in all directions & not focused on the most important problem.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. From International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB)

    They are facing the greatest threat of our lifetime…the EXTERMINATION and PERMANENT STERILATION of these American Icons by the very agency mandated by the law to protect them, the Bureau of Land Management.

    “I want to be very clear that there is NO OVERPOPULATION of wild horses and burros in our country. We only have half the number we had in 1971 when ISPMB and our first president, Velma Johnston were instrumental in getting federal legislation passed to protect these last living symbols of the American west.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. There are only 598 wild horses on 1,022,952 acres of HMA public land……A portion of those will be removed, and the rest experimented on……

    “The White Mountain and Little Colorado herd management areas (HMAs) total approximately 1,022,952 acres.
    The Little Colorado HMA encompasses 519,541 acres of BLM administered public lands. The AML for this HMA is 100 horses.
    The White Mountain HMA encompasses 392,649 acres. The AML for this HMA is 250 horses.
    Recent population surveys suggest that there are approximately 268 adult wild horses in the White Mountain HMA and approximately 330 adult wild horses in the Little Colorado HMA.”
    According to the figures quoted above, from BLM sourced documents, there is no need for “An innovative wild horse study” launched by the Bureau of Land Management’s Rock Springs Field Office.

    There are only 598 wild horses on 1,022,952 acres of HMA public land.

    There simply is no population control problem in this HMA.

    There is, however an appropriate management level problem. How is it appropriate to say only 100 wild horses should be allowed to live on 519,541 acres?
    How is it appropriate to say only 250 wild horses should be allowed to live on 392,649 acres?

    I will tell you what is totally inappropriate in the entire Wild Horse and Burro situation, and that is the fact that the wild herds have absolutely no true representation.
    The 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act states specifically that the nine member advisory board is to PROTECT and manage the wild herds.
    With each board member appointment, care should be taken to assure the individual appointed has no conflict of interest with cattle and big energy use of our public lands…..
    As stated in the ACT, those nine people are the only thing standing between the BLM and the wild herds….They are not there to “please everyone” as a Board member said,(” We know we cannot please everyone”) and these herd areas should not be chosen for experimentation because of their location, as stated by the same Board member…”Finding areas and herds that meet the criteria for these studies is very important for the future of the wild horse.” …That is not legal reason to remove.

    Experimenting on our wild horses and burros is abuse. There is no overpopulation in these herd areas. 598 wild horses living on 1,022,952 acres is not overpopulation by anyone’s standard.
    (PUBLIC LAW 92-195) states….”The Secretary shall maintain a current inventory of wild free-roaming horses and burros on given areas of the public lands. The purpose of such inventory shall be to: make determinations as to whether and where an overpopulation exists and whether action should be taken to remove excess animals;”
    The only legal reason to consider removals is overpopulation.
    There is no overpopulation on these two HMA’s.
    268 wild horses on 392,649 acres, and 330 wild horses on 519,541 acres does not warrant any “action” taken to remove and or experiment on these protected individuals.

    The BLM and the current WHB Advisory Board are making a mockery of our government and our laws.
    The Act has been amended and compromised, but these two statements remain….The Advisory Board is to Protect the herds, and the only reason for removal is overpopulation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are absolutely correct that there is no overpopulation on the White Mountain, Little Colorado, Great Divide Basin, Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek Herd Management Areas. And experimenting on our wild horses is abuse, plain and simple. If the BLM gets their way and we are not able to stop them, there will be no future for our wild horses on our public lands.

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    • Cheryl, the advisory board is just that, advisory. They do not have any authority to make or alter BLM policy, only to weigh in and then watch as the BLM makes its owns management decisions.

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      • Actually, its a good thing the “advisory” board has no authority, right? Their main goal seems to be to eradicate any & all “unwanted” horses! Whether they are domestic or wild – no difference!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. In addition to emailing comments to the BLM on this issue, I forwarded my letter to every board member….Only one member was interested or courteous enough to answer….
    Here is his response……
    “Thank you for your comments and opinions. I am aware that BLM is preparing to do some field studies to ascertain the best approach and method for population suppression. Finding areas and herds that meet the criteria for these studies is very important for the future of the wild horse. There are currently way too many horses/burros on the majority of the HMAs​. Taking care of the land resource for multiple uses and finding good management solutions is a priority concern of the Board. We know we cannot please everyone, but our major objective is to keep manageable levels of wild horses on all HMAs.”

    #1 These HMA’s were chosen for removal and experimentation because they met criteria for studies, not because they are overpopulated. The only legal reason for removal is overpopulation.
    #2 “Taking care of the land resource for multiple uses and finding good management solutions is a priority concern of the Board.” WRONG!
    It is BLM’s job to take care of land resources for multiple use….It is the Advisory Board’s job to make sure the wild herds have a voice in all of this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly. These herd areas were chosen because they meet the criteria for the studies. The BLM and USGS have been working on these sterilization studies for a year and a half and we only see what they are planning for this herd now – we can comment and we should, but they are going to go ahead unless we are able to stop them with a lawsuit. They are keeping the details and the identities of the herds in the other studies secret because they know the public is against them.

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  4. For cryin’ out loud…haven’t we seen how deeply the BLM cares for the Wild Horses and Burros. That entire house needs to be cleaned thoroughly and leave no hangers on. It appears to be it’s own little kingdom at the public expense.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. when in my life time has anyone been able to control mother nature…..never.why is it as humans do you think you are more important than any other animal…cause they are not..humans are not number one on the food chain list…there are animals that are higher than us on that list..they eat us…when did playing God ever work for anyone…the more you kill off the animals of any kind the more you are killing off humans and our abilty to live on this earth that we are allowed to live on….enough is enough…these horses not only help you all now but in our history they did everything for humans,everything….now you want to destroy them and all they mean to this country…what is wrong with this ????everything… are not God or mother nature…stop the bull with these animals….enough is enough.


  6. The BLM has destroyed more mustangs and habitat to include running them down with helicopters and slaughtering them…….Leave them alone, let private citizens, native Indians and other WHO CARE about them, handle this and get the Hell out of the way .BLM!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The BLM is as corrupt as they come. They have an agenda that supercedes what american tax payers want. Government organizations are only concerned with their own best interest which usually involves kick backs for them from special interest groups. Its always about the money!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right on the money Tonja! They forgot that they serve “We the People”, not them the government, and “We the People” are calling on them to protect our wild horses and burros. Washington, stop getting in bed with special interest groups and start doing your job!


  8. from Fred Woehl:

    “Thousands of heifers are spayed every year without problems. It is actually no more dangerous than gelding. Will it work on every HMA, probably not, but it is a tool that we need to have for those areas it will work. The majority of folks don’t spay their mares because intact mares seldom cause a problem in a herd.”

    More wisdom from the ever-effective, always-moral WHBP “advisory” board. Fred and His Tools…


    • Just curious – why in the world would anyone spay heifers? I mean – with dairy cows – you want them reproducing for milk – and with beef cattle – wouldnt you want them able to reproduce? Tools is right!!!


    • Spaying domestic mares is risky, costly, and often fatal despite our best veterinary care and owner finances. It is certain to be no less so in wild horses, but any fatalities will come after release so may never be documented. Without followup care any spaying-related deaths will undoubtedly be painful and prolonged, the result of internal bleeding or infections.

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  9. BLM and Fish & Wildlife Service Experimenting on Wild Horses
    by Debbie Coffey ~ Director of Wild Horse Affairs at Wild Horse Freedom Federation

    PART 1 of a series on BLM and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Experimentation on Wild Horses and Burros
    (Warning: the photos below may be disturbing to some)

    At the upcoming BLM National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting, the board will likely bring up the subject of the field spaying of wild mares.
    It is important to keep in mind that the BLM and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (also a Department of the Interior agency) are partnering in EXPERIMENTING on our wild horses (and, in the case of the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, “feral” horses). This BLM advisory board was even discussing tubal ligation for mares (which seems to have been in trials in 2004).

    Below is a presentation seemingly by LEON PIELSTICK, DVM, the veterinarian who has been conducting experiments on the field spaying of mares, and it shows (possibly Leon Pielstick himself) spaying a mare at a wild horse sanctuary. There are also photos of a wild stallion during a vasectomy procedure, presumably at Sheldon.

    Your tax dollars are paying for this experimentation.

    However, other veterinary sources are concerned about a high incidence of peri-operative complications, including post-operative myopathy/neuropathy, wound infections, wound dehiscence, eventration, vaginal adhesions, peritonitis, post-operative pain and hemorrhage. Also, looking at the 3rd bullet point above, others estimate the prep time for surgery to be 10 minutes for standing sedation, 10-15 minutes for epidural anesthesia, and 10 minutes for the aseptic preparation. And the part about this being a “One time treatment, no need for further round ups” – wouldn’t “no need for further round ups” mean doing this to more than a few mares and could this create a NON-REPRODUCING HERD?

    Do you think this is what Congress had in mind when they passed the Wild Free-Roaming Horses & Burros Act of 1971? Or, do you think these government agencies are running amuck?

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  10. Part 2: BLM and Fish & Wildlife Service Experimenting on Wild Horses

    By Debbie Coffey

    What you’ll see in the documents at the bottom of this article seem to indicate that there has been experimentation without properly planned protocols (which should’ve included having medication at the site in case of an adverse reaction to any drugs) and with haphazard (if any at all) monitoring after the procedures. It seems as if the BLM is fishing for “inferences” to push these FWS experiments as a “tool in their toolbox” for population control of wild horses.

    BLM should be doing ON THE RANGE MANAGEMENT OF VIABLE HERDS. Most herds are NOT viable. Stay on this point: Should BLM even be doing population control/fertility control on NON-VIABLE HERDS?

    It is important to note that the Fish & Wildlife Service has been field spaying PREGNANT mares, in different trimesters of pregnancy. Mares that are NOT pregnant are called “open.” In a 6/15/2009 e-mail that Brian Day (FWS) sent to Paul Steblein, Rob Bundy and Gail Collins of the FWS, he said if he “remembered correctly,” during the 1st trimester (less than 112 days), the “disturbance generally causes the re-absorbtion of the fetus.” During the 2nd trimester (112-224 days) the spaying may “cause abortion.” And in the 3rd trimester (225-335 days) the fetus/foal “likely completes term.”

    However, was this information based on feral and wild mares or only domestic mares? Was this information based only on Peilstick’s studies? What studies were done on foal survival if the mares weren’t being monitored after the procedure (to know how many foals were born or died in the wild?) Seeing a few foals alive from an aerial survey and assuming all of the foals survived is not a scientific approach.
    I’ve posted the links to 24 FOIA documents at the bottom of this article. Here are a few highlights and comments:

    1) In a 7/28/2008 e-mail from Paul Steblein, who was then the Project Leader of the Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex, to Leon Pielstick (the veterinarian noted in Part 1), Gail Collins (FWS, who has also been attending the BLM’s Modoc/Washoe Experimental Stewardship Program meetings in northern CA), Brian Day (FWS) and Rob Bundy (FWS) stating that ovariectomies would cost $200 (with 4 hours next to this cost).

    However, in Part 1 of this series, the presentation by Leon Pielstick claimed that colpotomies took less than 5 minutes of surgery time, and “about 15 minutes for restraint, sedation, prep AND procedure.” It also seems to only take about 5 minutes to apply a freezemark. So how does 20 minutes add up to 4 hours?
    This e-mail also notes that the mares and studs would be turned out immediately after procedure, because there would be “less chance of antagonistic interactions.” (You might wonder if the mares might also have been turned out to avoid/skew negative data about the procedure.)

    2) In a 7/16/2008 e-mail from Paul Steblein to the same FWS employees above, Steblein noted that in a contraception study (most likely the one done in 2007) there were 2 fatalities from the ovariectomy procedure out of 35 mares. (However, it seems Steiblein’s information was incorrect, because in Leon Pielstick’s 2010 Proposal for Collaborative Research Effort/Grant application, Pielstick stated that he spayed 33 mares with 2 fatalities in 2007.)
    Steiblein noted that Pielstick thinks he can reduce mortality by abandoning the procedure if he “encounters uncertainties” for example, if he can’t be sure the organ he is feeling is an ovary or just stool in the colon.
    Stublein noted that there is “greater emotional risk of public with sterilizing mares versus studs.” (What is “emotional risk,” anyhow? Taxpayers getting fed up with money being wasted on Dr. Mengele type experiments?)
    He also noted “there are always biases in data.” (We can see that.)

    3) In a 10/21/09 e-mail Ms. Gail Collins (FWS) sent to Dean Bolstad, then Deputy Division Chief of the Wild Horse & Burro Program, answering some questions he had asked about their horse sterilization program. The answer to #2 states they (FWS) “don’t track bands as they come into the trap, so we don’t have a definitive way of identifying the lead studs.” She then noted that in an aerial survey, that there were studs they were unable to identify from the air as sterilized studs. In answer #4 she noted the aerial surveys were to monitor wildlife, and they were limited by funding and personnel.

    (A year later in an 8/17/2010 e-mail from Collins to Bolstad, she noted that “We have no data directly investigating the mortalities after the mares were released. In July 2010 we incidentally observed about half of the spayed mares during our annual pronghorn survey…However, it is important to note that horses were not the primary focus of that effort, and we were not specifically looking for the sterilized individuals.”)

    Collins also noted mares were kept in corrals for 24-48 hours after they were spayed, and were then released. She stated “There has been no direct monitoring of the mares since their release.” She gave the details about the arrow brands used for monitoring the horses: the arrow points towards the tail of spayed mares, the arrow points up for vasectomized studs and the arrow points down for geldings.

    There is also an e-mail from Stublein to DEAN BOLSTAD, telling BOLSTAD he was pleased with “the emergence of an interagency partnership.” Stublein then seemed to stress
    “As I mentioned last week, this is a working EXPERIMENT versus research project dues to lack of staff and funds.” (So, DEAN BOLSTAD was aware the word “experiment” was used.)

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    • This supposed veterinarian abandons the procedure “if he cant be sure hes feeling the ovary OR the COLON???????????????????????
      Good grief – what compassion and feeling for these animals! Sounds more and more like Mengeles experiments – EXPERIMENTS!

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  11. Part 2: BLM and Fish & Wildlife Service Experimenting on Wild Horses (continued)

    4) In a 10/22/2009 e-mail from Dean Bolstad to Gail Collins, he states “I know this isn’t a research project” and asks if “maybe inferences can be made” about the data on spayed mares. Bolstad then noted “I’m not sure how you could measure this at this point in your work unless you were able to count surviving mares in the field. It would be pretty hard considering the difficulty of reading your arrows and the expanse of the country they live in.”
    Gail Collins answered that “While it is not ideal” they made some inferences regarding the foaling data. Collins also noted that testing the safety of mares in the field would be tested in a proposal that was a controlled experiment. (Note the use of the word “experiment” again.)

    5) In a 8/17/2010 e-mail from Pielstick to Dean Bolstad, Pielstick noted that horses were spayed at a private ranch called Wild Horse Sanctuary in Shingletown, CA. Pielstick also noted he received a letter of support from Dr. Eric Davis, an equine surgeon who “works for the HSUS.”

    6) In a 4/7/2010 letter to Alan Shepherd (BLM) from Melinda McDonald, DVM, of U.C. Davis, who noted that wild mares being spayed were “fractious and did fight the restraint of being confined in a chute.” McDonald noted “There is no question that colpotomy is a surgery which carries substantial patient risks, as does any form of ovariectomy in horses. Here at UC Davis, we have observed a number of post-operative complications in mares following ovariectomy performed via laparotomy, laparocopy or colpotomy.”
    She then praised Pielstick’s experience. (However, Pielstick is gaining his experience using wild and feral horses. These are trials. And other vets may not be as experienced.)

    7) In a 4/27/2010 letter, Dianne Nelson, President of Wild Horse Sanctuary in Shingletown, CA states she supports spaying mares as part of BLM’s wild horse management.

    8) In a 12/19/2011 e-mail from Gail Collins (FWS) to Alan Shepherd (BLM) copying John Kasbohm (FWS and current Project lead) and Damien Miller (FWS), Collins noted about spays that “Per veterinarian recommendation, the mares were held at the processing facility on average 8.1 days following the procedure before release back onto the refuge.”

    And about vasectomies, “Per veterinarian recommendations, the studs were held at the processing facility on average 3.2 days following the procedure before release back onto the refuge.”

    And about geldings “Per veterinary recommendations, the geldings were held at the processing facility on average 19.6 days following the procedure before shipping.”
    But, there was no indication of monitoring them on the range afterwards.
    9) In an August, 2011 Independent Assessment of a roundup at Sheldon by Julie M. Weikel, DVM, she stated that 71 studs were chemically vasectomized on August 24 and 25, 2011. She also noted one stud died of anaphylaxis from a tetanus toxoid injection.

    Also, 32 mares were spayed on August 29th and released on August 30th. She stated “The spaying of mares was observed by professional management and veterinary personnel from the BLM Palomino facility.” (Could this have included BLM Palomino Valley manager John Neill and Richard Sanford, the vet for BLM’s Palomino Valley and Indian Lakes Road facilities?)

    It seems that chemical vasectomies (also called Reversible Inhibition of Sperm Under Guidance – RISUG) for horses are also experimental. The USDA only lists research on chemical vasectomies for dogs and cats, but not for horses.
    10) Included is an invoice from the Harney County Veterinary Clinic, owned by Leon Pielstick, so you can see where some of your tax dollars went.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I think NOT BLM! Your corrupt arm of the govt. has done enough damage already. We fecking won’t tolerate any more of your nafarious actions regarding our beloved wild horses. We will not allow you to take anymore out.

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  13. In light of the proposal, it is worth asking what the BLM intends to do with any removed ovaries, since these are known to be harvested and sold for use in cloning domestic horses.

    “ViaGen Inc. has had a field office in Canada since 2007. When the United States closed the doors to their equine slaughterhouses, the company moved north to Canada, as the cloning process requires equine ovaries (a by-product of slaughter horses).

    To take advantage of the Fort Macleod, Alberta horse processing plant, ViaGen Inc. created their cloning laboratory, in nearby Lethbridge. Mares sent to slaughter at this plant are used in the cloning process for their ovaries and oocytes (unfertilized eggs). Their cells are then used by the company’s lab to host the DNA from the animal intended to be cloned. The Canadian slaughter horse market provides a continual supply of eggs to be used for Viagen, Inc.” (Jan/Feb 2012 Western Horse”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Geri. I guess I didn’t see that article when you posted it.
      Sure enough..the biotech industry is involved and possibly in medicine also?

      ‘The factory itself, which is expected to cost over $20 million dollars, is being supported by Sooam Biotech of South Korea and Boyalife of China, major biotechnology firms”


  14. More Foul Play with the Wyoming 41?

    We’ve all heard about the Wyoming 41 – the herd rounded up in March of this year under the supervision of the BLM’s Wyoming field office as estray horses and sent to the Bouvry slaughterhouse in Canada. The sad fate of these allegedly estray horses caused a media firestorm which even made national news.
    The BLM also claims that these horses were then shipped to the Worland Livestock Auction where they were sold on March 19, 2014 at a public sale to the highest bidder, Bouvry Exports.

    Wyoming Brand Inspection Certificates

    Documentation on Gender & Number of Horses Gathered

    Click to access Gender+and+number+of+horses+gathered.pdf

    Now on the face of it, this seems like a reasonable explanation albeit not necessarily a believable one. However, new evidence obtained by Animals’ Angels raises serious questions on whether or not the proper protocol was followed when these horses were sold.

    Oddly enough, the first Health Certificate for this group of horses was signed a full 7 days prior to the roundup. The second was signed 4 days prior to the roundup. Documentation recently obtained by AA from the State of Montana clearly shows that veterinarian Amanda Thoet signed the WY Health Certificates on March 11, 2014 and March 14, 2014. Additionally, the State of Montana issued Permits of Entry for these horses, also dated March 11th and March 14th. How did the State of Montana know that these horses would be shipped to Montana?

    Even more disturbing is the fact that these Health Certificates & Permits of Entry already list Bouvry Exports as the consignee. Now how is this possible given the fact that, according to the BLM, the horses were supposedly sold in a “public” auction with three bidders in attendance days after the roundup and days after these documents were issued?

    Dr. Thoet, the veterinarian who signed the health certificates, confirmed the dates on these certificates as well as the fact that the horses were slated to go to Bouvry Exports at the time of her inspection in a phone call with Animals’ Angels that took place this morning.

    Another issue that should concern everyone, animal advocate or not, is the fact that the BLM spent over $28,000 of taxpayer money to round up these horses. The sale price for the horses? $40 a head. In other words, the entire herd sold to Bouvry Exports for $1,640. Not exactly an efficient use of taxpayer money.

    Cattoor Description of Work Performed
    Cattoor Invoice
    While the comparison between taxpayer cost and BLM profit associated with this round up raises valid concerns — what truly raises a red flag are the veterinary inspections that list Bouvry Exports as consignee long before the roundup or this alleged public auction even occurred. Was the fate of these horses sealed even before they were gathered? It certainly appears that way.

    Click to access WY+Brand+Inspection+Certs.pdf

    Click to access Gender+and+number+of+horses+gathered.pdf

    Click to access Wyoming+Health+Certificates.pdf

    Click to access Wyoming+Health+Certificates.pdf

    Click to access Montana+Permit+for+Entry.pdf

    Click to access Cattoor+Description+of+Work+Performed.pdf

    Click to access Cattoor+Invoice.pdf


    A very good article in National Geographic…except for ONE thing…the Public MUST be made aware of the fact that our Wild Horses & Burros are NOT overpopulated…REPEAT..REPEAT…REPEAT

    Capturing Icons of the American West—While They Still Run Free
    Farlow, a contributing photographer to National Geographic, has now turned that childhood obsession into a photo-rich book called Wild at Heart: Mustangs and the Young People Fighting to Save Them. Written by Terri Farley, the book focuses on the plight of the feral mustangs that are at once a symbol of the American West and threatened by loss of habitat and controversial federal management programs

    Because the horses are wild, multiply fairly rapidly, and compete with privately owned ranch animals for limited resources, they don’t have many human protectors.
    “These horses don’t make money for anybody. No one hunts them, no one breeds them, no one eats them,” says Farlow. “The only ones who advocate for them are the animal lovers—and it’s hard for them to compete and be activists.”


  16. Wild horses are meant to be just that-WILD. Any kind of so-called fixing is also known as changing. Change is not what they need. They need to be left alone to run wild and free.


  17. Please leave the wild ones alone please protect them the way they are supposed to be protected and let them be free


  18. Don’t sterilize them! They need a forever home just some land they can roam and be free! Study them all you want but these horses are beautiful creatures and don’t deserve such a barbaric treatment! Save the wild ! ❤️❤️🇺🇸


  19. BLM management, please reconsider and start practicing what you are preaching. Unsterile field spaying is not management, it is murder. As a wild population they are a natural resource that belongs to everyone…not just ranchers with a secondary agenda.


  20. The BLM are an utter disgrace. How the hell are you lot in this job? No wonder people are calling for an overhaul and staff to be fired. The plan is littered with the most ludicrous suggestions and propositions I’ve ever heard. The stupidity of you all is amazing. You are doing nothing for conservation and preservation, only contributing to mass extinction. An animal that is part of the landscape, part of the heritage of America….animals that have given us so much and helped with our own progression over the years and you treat them like sh!t.


  21. Leave our wild horses alone! They are not to be experimented on with your pharmaceutical sterilizations, or rounded up for Mexican meat markets. Our public land should allow for them to wander free and undisturbed.


  22. If you spay all these majestic animals will fade away! Then you will have No Job and our wild mustangs will be lost forever!! What the Hell is wrong with this picture?!!! If you don’t know you truly are STUPID MEAN PEOPLE!!!!


  23. Please do not spay or kill these horses that belong to all of us through history
    They have a right to life and to grow.

    We all have rights even these horses and burro’s to live freely. They have done nothing wrong to deserve this abuse.

    I urge you to consider.


  24. Leave these beautiful animals alone. The horses are a major draw for people visiting our state. Ever stop to think about the tourist dollars that will be lost? There is no reason for such atrocities as mutilation of our horses. Very rarely can you even get a peek at them even when on white mountain. Stop playing God.


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