The Force of the Horse

Feel Good Sunday: Father’s Day ~ A day of reflection

“I would like to tip my hat to the Fathers, both two and four legged, who have protected, provided for, nurtured, trained and raised their biological charges with dignity and respect.  A good father makes for a better future adult and a better world.

But as we age, many of us no longer can say ‘thank you’ to those family leaders who made us all what we are today.  Be it death or illness, our parent is, perhaps, a loving memory or a spirit that still whispers in your ear and keeps us on the straight and narrow.

So for those who can hug their dads and enjoy this day I say revel in it to the hilt…and for those of us who cannot, I offer up this song and video to give you strength, peace and a reminder that you are not alone.  May you all have a blessed day” ~ R.T.

7 replies »

  1. Like so many here I lost my dad many years ago, and with so many entities trying to strip the male influence out of the lifes of children, it is nice to know that country music can still celebrate the head of the family, the greatest man around, our dads whom we, didn’t know how much we missed and how much they did for us, until they were gone.

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  2. So many things go through my heart and mind while listening to this song. Reba’s first words, How do you say goodbye? I think of my father so many times, now gone, and how much I miss him. I cry out to God many times,Father in heaven, I don’t know if dad can hear me but I know you do, so please tell dad how much I love him and miss him, and that I will see him very soon. So many mistakes I made, while he was here on this earth, and so many times I took things for granted and wasn’t as appreciative as I should have been, always with tears in my eyes. Again as Reba was singing, and again the tears were falling, I thought of the first roundup in the Pryor Mts. where the tears were falling just like today, as wild horse bands were torn apart, all of the equine dads taken from their familes, and still goes on with the BLM roundups in other areas. The question rises How do you say good bye to these, whose hearts were so alive,also, so full of joy and energy in their wild freedom. I remember going back through the Calico Mt Complex after that roundup of 2009-2010, and looking out over hundreds of miles, wild horse bands gone, and nothing but the sound of the wind, with an empty and dead rangeland in front of my eyes. I remember it hitting me as I felt a jerk in my heart. How do you say goodbye to these. Will we learn after they are gone that we didn’t appreciate and love them as we should have and that we took them for granted and then realize that we lost pure gold seen in the hearts of these wild ones. The tears continue to fall for wild horses and burros everywhere, just as they do for my own father in thinking of all that he was, and the gentle spirit that he exhibited. I will see him again. In my heart, with all my heart I am hanging on to a belief that this nations wild horses and burros will be restored and we will see them again also.

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