Tag: National Cutting Horse Association

USDA Releases Second Equine Herpes Virus – 1 Report

Cases of EHV-1 and EHM have been identified recently in horses that attended the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) Western National Championship event in Ogden, Utah held from April 29 to May 8, 2011. The NCHA has notified State Animal Health Officials of horses from their states that were entered in the event and may have been exposed to the virus. State Animal Health Officials have contacted the owners of potentially exposed horses. Standardized recommendations were developed by state and federal officials and are being followed to isolate exposed horses, monitor them for clinical signs of EHV-1, and work with private veterinary practitioners to test and treat horses affected with the disease. Biosecurity procedures have been recommended for premises with suspect and confirmed cases to mitigate further disease spread.

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Equine Herpes Virus Scare Spreads

Being both an Equine Advocate and a responsible horse owner I cannot help but keep an eye on the spreading news story regarding the outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus that occurred in Utah last week. Since that time there have been reports from the bulk of the western states, including Texas, and even up into Canada of infected horses being diagnosed but one may wonder if the news media may be driving this alleged “outbreak” harder than the reality of the situation.

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