Equine Rescue

Dutch Company Linked to Horse Meat Fraud Bankrupt

Source: The Jakarta Post

“court declared the Willy Selten meat works bankrupt Tuesday”

cuts-of-beef-horse.jpg.492x0_q85_crop-smartA meat processing plant and wholesaler suspected of mixing undeclared horse meat with beef has been declared bankrupt.

A court in the eastern Dutch city of Den Bosch court declared the Willy Selten meat works bankrupt Tuesday. The company is at the center of a huge recall announced last week of suspect beef across the European Union.

A Dutch labor union requested the bankruptcy on behalf of workers who had not been paid since February and can only claim unemployment benefits once their employer has been declared bankrupt.

Last week, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority called on 370 companies around Europe and 132 more in the Netherlands to recall 50,000 tons of meat they bought from Willy Selten.

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10 replies »

  1. Anybody have a problem with “The Jakarta Post” on the lead with this scum bag and corrupt food system? I have read a few other reports, but notice the silence from countries and ag lobbyists in the countries responsible for this fraud and cruelty….kinda smells like “Central Park Five” syndrome.

    Hmmmm….bankruptcy?!?! Not a surprise, but will the authorities keep the cretin from future food endeavors? Nope! He will roll on, with his funds in the Swiss or Cayman banks system.

    Good news? You betcha! Horsemeat appears NOT to be the pricey commodity it used to be. Why? Because the killers and creeps are using it as an extender in beef, pork, processed and other meat products. It also shows how poorly regulated and enforced our meat and ag systems really are.

    USMEF better get hip quick if they want to export traditional meat livestock products….and US equines AIN’T it!


  2. Wonder how many shell corporations the money trail leads to.. where the money really went.

    Now it appears the taxpayers will cover the unemployment.

    Astonishingly, EU regulators decide horse meat contaminated food can be relabeled and sold. You can’t make this stuff up.

    Will the labels state, don’t ask, don’t tell about the performance enhancing and brood mare drugs .. and 150 or other horse drugs we’re pretending aren’t in this?

    Please, Congress, protect us from this!


  3. I’m glad to say I’ve found another “meat” source. I use TVP. No it isn’t a juicy steak or sausage. But then it’s much lower calories fat and it even has fiber! You load the TVP with all kinds of spices and then just use it as stir fry.

    I like stir fry. I like all kinds of veggies that before Jan. I wouldn’t have even given a chance. I don’t care for beans but I DO like them roasted. Plus you don’t get gas!

    Ranchers have only themselves to blame for this mess. The push for more lands and the push to slaughter caused a majority of these problems. Did the suppliers have any idea? Possibly not. These contaminations did happen in foreign countries and it’s possible the co’s. involved don’t speak or read English. Should they have known? I don’t know. Hindsight says yes. But it’s possible the plants had no idea how bad horse meat was and is.

    The foreign plants actually did us all a HUGE favor contaminating the food chain the way they did. They gave us the kick in the pants that we needed. And now more people know and understand why horsemeat is so bad.

    Personally I don’t feel any need to go back to eating chicken or turkey much less red meat. I don’t care how much USDA etc thinks they have things under control. As long as meat is processed outside my view it’s adulterated.


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