Horse News

Action Alert from Equine Advocates

Please Sign our Petition Appealing to President Obama to End Horse Slaughter

Dear Friends,

Right now, we have once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stop the brutal slaughter of America’s wild and domestic equines by appealing directly to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden to end this unspeakable practice before they leave office as part of their legacy. A few minutes of your time could be the difference between life or death for hundreds of thousands of horses annually. Our horses need you to be their voice in Washington. Time is of the essence. We are asking that you please Sign Our Petition.

During the tiny window of time known as “lame duck,” outgoing presidents have the ability to take special executive actions after their successors are elected — Presidential Pardons, Executive Orders, etc. The Obama Administration has already proven to be equine-friendly, and we need 100,000 signatures to present our petition to Obama and Biden after Election Day.

Rock legend Tom Petty and his wife, Dana, have signed the petition and shared it on the Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Facebook Page. Music icons Billy Joel and Graham Nash have also signed.

Will you join us and add your signature to END HORSE SLAUGHTER?

In addition to signing it yourself, please share this petition far and wide with your family, friends and colleagues.  

Thank you for your compassion and action. Together we can make a difference!


Susan Wagner, President  
Equine Advocates

9 replies »

  1. Signed and commented.
    Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse or animal neglect, is the human infliction of suffering or harm upon non-human animals, for purposes other than self-defense or survival.


  2. I signed that petition before the celebs did. I also shared the petition publicly. I do wanted the president and vice president to sign on and do something. I still have hope but as time moves on my hope is becoming less and less.


  3. Hillary Clinton had Ken Salazar short listed as a potential Vice President! We need President Obama to step up before he steps down as it is unlikely HRC will.

    “Let me know if there are people you would like to see added or removed before we begin the process,” the email reads. “I have organized names in rough food groups.”

    He grouped the following by name only, with no category titles:

    –Xavier Becerra (which Podesta misspelled as Javier), Julian Castro, Eric Garcetti, Tom Perez and Ken Salazar [Hispanic origin]

    –Tammy Baldwin, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Claire McCaskill, (which he misspelled as McKaskill), Jeanne Shaheen, Debbie Stabenow and Elizabeth Warren [women]

    –Michael Bennet, Sherrod Brown, Martin Heinreich, Tim Kaine, Terry McAuliffe, Chris Murphy and Tom Vilsack [white men]

    –Steve Benjamin, Cory Booker (which he misspelled as Corey), Andrew Gillum, Eric Holder, Deval Patrick, Kasim Reed and Anthony Foxx [black men]

    –John Allen, Bill McCraven and Mike Mullen [military]

    –Mary Barra, Michael Bloomberg, Ursula Burns, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Muhtar Kent, Judith Rodin and Howard Schultz [business]

    –Bernie Sanders


  4. We are watching a tragedy play out befor our eyes. Most of the animals have given thier all and are thrown away when are of no use any more. Others are torn from the range and families and thrown into holding pens to await a horrific fate. All for the sake of profit. Profit for the kill buyer. Profit from the ranchers who dont want to share the public lands with our wild horses. Horses help build this nation. Without them we would not be here. They help carry us across a nation, plant our fields, build railways …and even fought our wars. We owe them. Shut down the slaughter houses. Make it illegal to ship our horses off to slaughter in Mexico and Canada. We. Owe. Them.


  5. Please. We are begging you as our ENDANGERED wild horses and burros are truly in imminent Peril of HORRIFICA SLAUGHTER.
    Tens of thousands of them.


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