Horse News

Update: Senate Appropriations Interior Subcommittee markup session postponed now indefinitely

by R.T. Fitch

Good News for the Wild Horses and Burros…

…as it gives us more time to concentrate our campaign of information and truth with the 14 associated Senators but we really have not hammered out, with clarity, what happens next.

  • On one side we have folks telling us that session was delayed due to Senator Cochran’s ill health.
  • And on the other side we hear that Udall and Murkowski canceled it and Dinky Zinke is losing his cookies, damn I love the image of that picture.

So stay tuned and we will attempt to clarify as soon as we get credabal information but keep up your good works, I think that we are beginning to get our point across.

Keep the faith.

12 replies »

  1. Music to our ears!! I must admit until I opened this there was some hesitation, expecting bad news. Loved your comment about Dinkey Zinke. Feels good to know that maybe (finally) all of us are actually making them sit up and pay attention!!!


  2. This is good news but everyone should remain vigilant as this could move forward quickly without much or any advance notice. Keep writing, calling, faxing, tweeting and making your voices heard, is is more important than ever now.


  3. Meanwhile…. MORE Foals are dying in the holding facilities

    News Release
    Northern California District

    For Immediate Release: Oct. 17, 2017
    Contact: Jeff Fontana, 530-252-5332 CA-N-17-57

    Preliminary results for wild horse deaths at BLM corrals

    SUSANVILLE, Calif. – Preliminary veterinarian results indicate that 25 wild horse foals held at the BLMā€™s Litchfield Corrals may have died from colitis, or inflammation of the colon. Additional tests are ongoing and the BLM is waiting for results from additional blood and tissue samples that could point to the cause of the colitis.

    The foals, all under six months old, were awaiting adoption, when on Oct. 2 BLM wranglers noticed signs of a flu-like illness in some animals, all of which were housed in a single pen. The wranglers consulted with a veterinarian and treated symptoms, but the condition of the foals gradually worsened over the week of Oct. 2.

    The foals affected by the illness were kept in an isolated pen. There have been no signs of illness in the other 300 mustangs in the main pastures of the corrals.

    The foals were born at the corrals to mares that had been gathered last September from the Devilā€™s Garden Wild Horse Territory on the Modoc National Forest.

    The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land, the most of any federal agency. This land is primarily located in 12 Western states, including Alaska. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. The BLM’s mission is to manage and conserve the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations under our mandate of multiple-use and sustained yield.


    Northern California District Office 6640 Lockheed Dr. Redding, CA 96002
    Jeff Fontana
    Public Affairs Officer
    BLM Northern California District
    530.252.5332 (office) 530.260.0189 (cell)


    • BEWARE of the old Bait and Switch tactic.
      The timing coincides so beautifully with the Wild Horse & Burros Advisory Board meeting.
      Perfect time to hurry and push their agenda through the appropriations committee…. as all are focused on the meeting


  4. They need to be told to audit the Grazing Program on Public Lands rather than focus on the cost to support captive wild horses and burros….. After the wild herds are eliminated, the Grazing Permit Program will still cost the U.S. taxpayer money….. This report documents a lot of information to be shared with lawmakers….


  5. Senate Appropriations Committee Senator’s email contacts — folks who aren’t constituents will probably be screened out by zip code, but if you find one of yours here, please contact them ASAP:


    2017 Senate Appropriations Committee alphabetical by state

    Richard Shelby, Alabama Ā R Ā

    Lisa Murkowskiw, Alaska Ā R Ā

    John Boozman, Arkansas Ā R Ā

    Dianne Feinstein, CA Ā D Ā

    Chris Murphy Ā Connecticut Ā D Ā

    Christopher Coons, Delaware Ā D Ā

    Marco Rubio, Florida Ā R Ā

    Brian Schatz, Hawaii Ā D Ā

    Richard Durbin, Illinois Ā D Ā

    Jerry Moran, Kansas Ā R Ā

    Mitch Mcconnell, Kentucky Ā R Ā

    John Kennedy, Louisiana Ā R Ā

    Susan Collins, Maine Ā R Ā

    Chris Van Hollen, Maryland Ā D Ā :

    Thad Cochran, Ā Mississippi Ā R Ā (Chair) Ā

    Roy Blunt, Missouri Ā R Ā

    Steve Daines, Montana Ā R Ā

    Jon Tester, Montana Ā D Ā

    Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Ā D Ā

    Tom Udall, New Mexico Ā D Ā

    John Hoeven, North Dakota Ā R Ā

    James Lankford, Oklahoma Ā R Ā

    Jeff Merkley, Oregon Ā D Ā

    Jack Reed, Rhode Island Ā D Ā

    Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Ā R Ā…

    Lamar Alexander, Tennessee Ā R Ā

    Patrick Leahy, Vermont Ā D (Vice Chair) Ā

    Patty Murray, Washington Ā D Ā

    Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia Ā R Ā

    Joe Manchin, West Virginia Ā D Ā

    Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin Ā D Ā


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