Tag: Brazil

Brazil Debates Fate of Millions of Idled Donkeys

By Luciana Magalhaes as published on the WSJ.com “Plans to slaughter burros to capitalize on Chinese market for vivifying ‘ejiao’ upsets traditionalists” APODI, Brazil—The dependable donkey once did it all here in northeast Brazil, from hauling in the harvest to carrying children to remote schoolhouses. Now so many […]

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Horse Eaters in EU Complain of Brazilian Horse Flesh Laced with Naproxen

“Sorry, can’t get upset over humans eating the flesh of companion animals and complaining about what sort of chemicals are in it. Horse carcasses from the U.S. are toxic to humans and now Brazil has drugs in meat not intended for human consumption. Just what are the poor European horse eaters to do? (I have an idea, it has something to do with that mysterious place where the sun never shines.)” ~ R.T.

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R.T.’s Original “Wrangler Iced Tea” – Nectar of the Gods

It’s time for a break, it’s time for a reward so what do you reach for? A Wrangler Iced Tea, of course, the adult thirst quenching beverage of choice for hard working cowgirls and cowboys who have just plain “had it” with beer of any flavor. Wrangler Iced Tea cools your jets while rejuvenating your “get go”. Ahhh…it’s like falling off a mountain waterfall into a giant pool of pure relaxation and rejuvenation. Move over Ponce DeLeon, we have done found the Fountain of Youth.

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