Tag: Honor

Video: Remembering Pearl Harbor

“Today we honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice without being allowed to even defend themselves from a cowardly, covert and unprovoked attack.  God bless those who perisihed. If you have not yet visited the Arizona Memorial, you should put it on your bucket list as it is […]

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Feel Good Sunday: “Just Like Them Horses”

“It’s Feel Good Sunday and time to lift ourselves up in preparation for another week of intensive warfare, be it fighting to survive on the job, struggling for ways to keep horses and burros on the range and free of slaughter or just getting through the evening news…we need strength.

Often, here, we laugh and slap each other on the back in an effort to bolster ourselves up and prepare for that slide out of the bed on Monday morning but it is also important to remember that many times it is necessary to look deep within prior to looking forward and out upon the horizon of life, and today we do just that.

The link to this video was sent to me by someone who works quietly behind the scenes, here, at Straight from the Horses Heart as many do because this is a community and not a one man show. During the week she sends me various links to newsworthy stories and always throws in a few FGS (Feel Good Sunday) stories for good measure. Her assistance has freed up much of my early morning time and allowed me to write more frequently versus searching for the latest and greatest to share…today is a case in point and after watching this video, I am both moved and anxious to step out the door of the house with my little boarder collie assistant and get to cooking breakfast for the horses, our equine children. I am blessed to, now, spend each and every daybreak with our horses, Roxy my canine keeper, the Koi and even our little monarch butterfly community where we are on our 4th batch of baby caterpillars this season. The quiet beauty, the deep feeling of connection and retrospective look back gives me strength, centers my soul and propels me forward into the harsh daylight of the intense and often times stressful day.

Sit back, breath deeply, wrap the lyrics of show business’s most delightful woman around you and claim this day to be your own, you most assuredly deserve it. Peace to you, my friends.” ~ R.T.

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