Tag: Stallions

Amercian Wild Horse Team Issues Statement

LOMPAC, CA (AWHPC) – BLM has postponed its proposed roundup of wild horses from the Confusion Mountains Herd Management Area in Utah, after the agency received thousands of protest emails from AWHPC supporters. Eric Reid, Wild Horse and Burro specialist at BLM’s Filmore field office, confirmed that he […]

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Icon of Freedom—Wild Black Stallion Escapes BLM Capture

Winnemucca, NV (January 6, 2010)—Today the Cloud Foundation honors the Calico wild stallion, named “Freedom” —an inspiration to mustang roundup protestors worldwide. On January 2nd Freedom escaped Bureau of Land Management (BLM capture) by fighting his way out of the roundup corrals, jumping a six-foot fence, and smashing through a barbed wire fence to run fee again in the wild.

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UPDATE: BLM Ignores Media while Continuing Deadly Assault on Native Wild Horses

HOUSTON, (Horseback) – The federal Bureau of Land Management has ceased communicating with Horseback Magazine.

On December 31, the magazine sent several pointed questions to the bureau and copied the email to its director Bob Abbey. The agency has not responded since, despite follow-up emails to both its Nevada spokesperson, Heather Emmons, and it’s chief Washington spokesman, Tom Gorey.

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Dr. Nena Winand Strikes Back on Mustang “Metabolic Disorder” Theory

ITHACA, NY, – The original text printed on Ms. Picken’s website (I have not been able to locate it on the site) was taken from a personal email to her. The email was in regard to Salazar’s plan and about metabolic syndrome as one example of the fact that solving the problem of these horses is not as simple as plunking 1-10,000 on a farm out east and letting them run, because there is grass available.

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BLM Insinuates Press and Public to be Idiots in Recent Interview

Writer/Publisher Steven Long recently interviewed BLM spokesperson Heather Emmons regarding the disgraceful and unlawful actions being undertaken by her agency while conducting a massive winter time, wild horse roundup in Nevada. Out right lies, violation of federal law, bumbling bureaucracy and total disregard for a Federal Judge’s ruling permeate the conversation as the befuddled interviewee attempted to apply logic to an illogical and out of control government agency.

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