Tag: US Navy

Video: Remembering Pearl Harbor

“Today we honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice without being allowed to even defend themselves from a cowardly, covert and unprovoked attack.  God bless those who perisihed. If you have not yet visited the Arizona Memorial, you should put it on your bucket list as it is […]

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Feel Good Sunday (Honorably): How well do you know Memorial Day?

Today, and tomorrow, we will deviate just a tad from our normal format so as to respectfully honor those who have served and given the ultimate sacrifice so that we, as Americans, can live in a free and prosperous nation. I, for one, am moved to tears for the sacrifice that has been made for all of us, collectively.

But how many of us know the true history of Memorial day, it’s roots and evolution in our society? Not as many as you would think. So today we will share with you bits of information that may give you more understanding into why we celebrate and add additional depth to the feelings that stir within you.

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