Horse Health

SFTHH Exclusive: Youthful Equine Advocate Launches Horse Awareness Video Series

Source: Children 4 Horses

“It’s ‘Feel Good Sunday’ and once again our good friend Declan Gregg and Children 4 Horses have been working hard to bring appropriate equine awareness to the public…Thanks Declan and company!” ~ R.T.


Declan has created “Ask Declan” to raise awareness for horses and all equine in an effort to promote responsible horse care, ownership and horsemanship.  Anyone can submit a horse/equine related question and he will find the answer.  Declan’s very first question was submitted by his grandmother – “Do horses have baby teeth?  How many teeth do horses have and is that more than a person?”.

Declan wants to show other kids as well as adults, that learning can be fun and his hope is that by educating people, they will make better choices for the horses and other equine who depend on them.
Check out the new Children 4 Horses channel on YouTube at:
and Watch Episode 1 of Ask Declan, and some of Declan’s other videos.  Let Declan know what question you would like answered by posting your questions on his Children 4 Horses page at:

11 replies »

  1. Thank you Declan for helping young people respect and appreciate horses. Keep up the good work and hopefully the future will be filled with loving and compassionate horse advocates!


  2. Declan does so much for the horses at his age. Hope he keeps it up – we need more like him.
    And RT LOVE the picture at the top –


  3. RT I have one that needs checked out really quickly. Please if you see this check into it. The wells on the Navajo Reservation are contaminated by fracking, seriously contaminated to the point they have uranium, ecoli, and arsenic in them. They have an article on Navajo Times its entitled NRCS helps replace livestock wells at Teec, and Red Mesa. Please read! This is really serious! These animals going to slaughter from the reservation have exposure, they are attempting to dig new wells, but they claim higher and higher numbers of horses and they are claiming they are drinking the wells dry. If the water issue were true the these horses have been exposed, the current Environmental issues in court would pale in comparison to having horses the FSIS has no testing for the wild horses carrying uranium and would be passed/approved, may have already with slaughter in Canada or Mexico this means the plant in New Mexico would be contaminated with this in their waste water. This is really serious, serious enough they are having to replace wells, please note, article states livestock that covers all varieties of animals drinking this water. Another note is that they are only at the replacement of the hundred or so wells and they have thousands contaminated or potentially contaminated. This is very dangerous as they do not test horses for arsenic specifically either, as well Arsenic in low levels in horses does cause ematiated appearance if not given enough to kill the animals. We have no way of knowing which animals were exposed, to which extent, and how many. So this has to be stopped, we need to alert the proper people to prevent this from entering the food chain. As well, It also explains why they cannot bury, incinerate, or put down masses of horses on the reservation. They have made this knowledge public and they all know there are risks in their livestock and the feral horses. We need to simply get this to the most knowledgable people and to the people who can verify all the information. This is a serious danger to the food chain! We also need to bear in mind that they have not mentioned their well issues at all in their reasons for not destroying them on their lands! Please, Please RT get this information to the right people! We also need to get this out in the news asap! The backing of the slaughter houses is being put forth in the media daily by the Navajo’s so we need to be countering it! Thanks RT!


    • Sounds like a real nightmare, Cynthia. When you go against Mother Nature, in my opinioin, it will eventually come back to haunt you. This sounds very serious in a number of ways and I hope action is taken to stop it immediately.


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