Horse News

Horse Meat Found in U.S. Food Chain

News from the Equine Welfare Alliance and Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“Sorry, no ‘Feel Good Sunday’ today as this breaking news is tooHorsemeat on a bun hot to hold until tomorrow.  We have tested for it, we have suspected it and yes; now it is here in it’s tainted glory, Horse Meat in your American food.  The horse haters said it would never happen and we have always held the position that they were full of crap and now their noses can be smeared in it because it is here.  The predatory business of horse slaughter is a sick, twisted, perverted abomination that needs to go away forever.  Please take the time to read and/or download the report, below.  May God have mercy on their souls!” ~ R.T.

Additional links of interest:

41 replies »

  1. “Bute” up my friends. Horse dealers, and everyone in the pipeline of transport or slaughter should be subject to criminal charges for exposing unsuspecting people to regulated toxins.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The Cattlemen’s Association needs to realize, they stand to lose business, as more and more citizens become aware of the fact that U.S. unregulated/unsafe horse meat is allowed to enter the “for human consumption” world’s food supply…….

    From Diana Alf St
    “Please call the National Cattleman’s Beef Association in Washington, DC, and leave a message that you are giving up beef because of the horrific American horse slaughter pipeline. The number is: (202) 347-0228.

    Kristina Butts is the head of this powerful lobby, and these cattlemen lobbyists need to understand if they continue to allow the slaughter of American horses, more and more people are going to quit beef. Horse slaughter is killing the beef business.”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. From Diana Alf St ……”I am hoping people will pick up the concept and then call to assure the meat industry they will continue to lose money and lose beef eaters if they allow the SAFE ACT to languish. If the meat lobbyists called Conaway (TX) and said “Pass that #$%^ SAFE ACT”, he would do it. Conaway is the key person in the House as he is the Chair of the Ag Committee who stuffed it into subcommittee.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Scum. When we first heard about this in Europe, we knew it wouldn’t be limited to ‘over there’. I am so glad I do not eat beef, and haven’t in two decades at least. The unscrupulous will always try to make a profit at the expense of others.


  5. The United horse men and the whole pro horse slaughter lobby did it, they where selling horse meat mike conaway they told him they would fix one for him if he had the gop block the Farr amendment, and if conaway blocked the safe act.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. And think of the unsuspecting and innocent children that are being fed this infected garbage – even in our schools. There are so many things to think about once the thought of horse meat becomes a true fact.
    Spread the word.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Seriously if someone would put this in plain english (the pdf is not) I bet we could get it trending on facebook, twitter and other social media sites. The cattle people would take note at people saying en masse on these sites that if this isn’t stopped they won’t eat beef.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Bottom line Terri is that Horse meat has been found in samples of meat being sold in the US. The rest is details of how well the study and testing was done.


  9. I don’t know how to express my outrage about this topic. God help me with this, I feel so helpless to make a difference and stop the present day tragedy against horses. I do know know, maybe before God, they will be held accountable

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Is anyone surprised?? I have not eaten meat since 2006 since I began to follow this disgusting trade in DeKalb, Illinois. Just disgusting!! And the Ranchers/cattlemen and USDA wonder why we don’t trust them. This just confirms what many of us feared! Mmmmm, don’t you just love that Bute Burger!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Theres two things to do. WE need a Petition to the Government USDA and Cattlemens Association each to demand they start sampling meats for our protection against horsemeat. The Cattlemen NEED to wake up. This is A complete outrage but I think Americans are so confused by proslaughter propaganda they dont know if horsemeat could be in OUR country. These twisted morbid purveyors of false data have people leary of whats true. Please lets get some Petitions started and phone calls to sample foods especially meats for DNA. Remember they JUST REMOVED COOL LABELING. This is why!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Saw a report on CBS morning show on ground beef. BUT it appears they only tested for bacteria!!! I expected to hear something about the mix of other species in ground beef – but nothing! (I really am naïve, aren’t I)


  13. This has nothing to do with the ground beef mixup, but after hearing about the private fire-fighting corporations that are supposedly “protecting” our public lands – where are they? Wouldn’t you think that they could be mobilized to help all the men & women who are putting their lives at risk fighting these darn fires out West? Its gotten to the point where people with no experience fighting fires are volunteering to help. Seems to me a company offering to help with experienced fire-fighters would get some good publicity – especially if they did it without asking to be paid!!!!! Just an idea.


  14. If anyone has a few minutes, please consider sending this information to news media. The public needs to hear this – loud and clear.

    You can just send a brief message like this one:

    Horse Meat Found in U.S. Food Chain
    “Horse meat has been detected in two of 48 samples of ground meat products purchased from retailers in California.
    It is ILLEGAL for horse meat to enter the food chain in the United States.”

    Click to access Horsemeat_In_US_Food_Chain_-_Kane_Hellberg_2015.pdf

    Liked by 2 people

  15. My God this can’t be happing so why is there no one doing anything to keep our HORESES save and out of the kill Byers hands and out of the SLAUGHTER HOUSES may the people that kill our horses and send them to slaughter may they be done the same way


  16. Reblogged this on nk4g2 and commented:
    “The predatory business of horse slaughter is a sick, twisted, perverted abomination that needs to go away forever. Please take the time to read and/or download the report, below. May God have mercy on their souls!” ~ R.T.”


  17. To: Diana Alf St- According to the report the Meat Specialist sell every kind of meat including Horse online which is really gross. Do they work with the same rules as the USDA? Its hard to read the awful things people do to are poor animals.


  18. Please advocates Comment on all the horsemeat articles of the dangers and the fact this exposes the horsemeat trade as illegal and illicit. We need to speak out Assertively Now!


  19. A little off the subject – but not really. Did anyone watch the Frontline documentary on PBS a few days ago regarding Salmonella in poultry? Sickening … and as explained in the documentary … the government knew and did nothing to stop it. Sound familiar? Has there been a big media coverage of the Horse (and other) meat discovered as explained in this “Horse Meat Found in U.S. Food Chain
    News”? The meat business is very big and very powerful in this country and that is frightening for consumers and for our wild horses and burros and other wildlife.
    Excerpt of Frontline story:


  20. Geri, if they refuse to monitor and recall salmonella poisoned poultry here … we can only imagine what imported foods contain … OMG. And by the way, I assume you know that some imported salami-type sausages contain burro meat? Check it out for yourself. And then we could talk about so-called imported “medicinal remedies” that contain all kinds of species – including burro and I think it is the same with imported cosmetics too.


  21. Thanks. This is the LAST thing any of us want to talk about … but ignorance is NOT bliss … not bliss for any of us or for our animals and so we must educate ourselves and fight for what we know is right for the sake of future generations – both human and animal.
    Howard Lyman says, “Do what you can do, as well as you can do it, every day of your life.”


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