Month: February 2010

Cloud while captured by the BLM - Photo by Terry Fitch

March for Mustangs

The Bureau of Land Management’s cruel and costly mismanagement is destroying a vital piece of the American west. The American public is sanding up for our horses and burros- please join us in a March for Mustangs, rally and protest.

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Help Habitat for Horses for FREE

News Update: You can Help Save Horses at HfH without Spending a Dime Since December, iGive special challenges have meant tens of thousands of dollars for the organizations listed at iGive, groups just like Habitat for Horses. These challenges are our response to the tough economic times. We’re […]

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Horse Trainer Ken McNabb in Bed with the BLM

Commentary and eye witness report by R.T. Fitch RFD-TV’s Ken McNabb endorses BLM’s Cruel and Deadly Mismanagement of U.S. Wild Horses During the Pryor Mountain Round-up, last September, Emmy award winning cinematographer Ginger Kathrens was held in a designated “protest area”  and required to have “security” escort herself […]

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