Horse News

Equine Photo Caption Contest

One Shot, One Day, One Prize

?what should the caption be?

Okay fellow equine advocates; it’s Sunday afternoon so lets have a little fun.

Terry and I were just out working in the yard when we decided to let our raucous herd of geldings out to join us and to chomp down on the yard grass as the mowers will be here, tomorrow.  Well, true to form, one thing led to another and we had a rather interesting rodeo event occur which led to two of the bad boys, above, being banished back out to the pastures.  Can you guess what they are saying, can you write (in a comment) what the caption to that photo should be?

Leave your comments, today, and tomorrow Terry and I will pick the top five (5) and post them so that you can all vote for the winner.  The winner will receive one autographed copy of our book, Straight from the Horses Heart, complete with horsy smudges and maybe a little hay thrown in for good measure.

So have at it, lets see who can come up with the craziest caption!


63 replies »

  1. “Bread and Butter”
    This is something kids used to say when they would walk on both sides of a tree or light pole or other object. I have no idea why … but they did.


  2. Ok, Ok…so we let off a little steam. I still think a 15-minute “time out” is excessive! And, how long do we have to hold up this tree?


  3. …sorry, just had to add another caption….

    “I told you going grey had it’s advantages – like when you need to just fade into the background to not be conspicuous…..but you! You just stand out like a, a big red horse!”


  4. What do you mean? They can’t see us behind this tree! O.K., you go to the right and I’ll go to the left and we’ll be eating that good grass again before they know what hit them!!!


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