Horse News

Beloved Toronto Police Horse Dies Suddenly on the Job

by Wendy Gillis as published on the

“He would just do what was asked of him, a fantastic servant for the city…”

The Toronto police mounted unit is mourning a reliable partner, Royal Sun, who died at age 16. He is ridden here by Const. Patrick Penney. photo by Anne Dehaas

He was the ever-obedient servant, the Toronto police mounted unit’s gentle giant. But during the odd midnight shift at the force’s CNE stables, Royal Sun was known to show a mischievous streak.

Officers would hear rustling from the barn and know the massive horse was wandering the aisles, usually en route to the hay stack. He had finagled his way to freedom by sticking his head out the stall door window and lifting the latch with his teeth.

“He took the door off one time. He was walking around the barn with it on like a necklace,” remembers Sgt. Chris Heard.

“We had to put the chain on all the doors, because other horses were learning from watching him,” said Staff Insp. William Wardle, the mounted unit commander.

After 12 years of devoted service and occasional unauthorized jaunts, Royal Sun, a 16-year-old crossbreed, unexpectedly died on the job early Sunday morning while patrolling the Entertainment District.

The animal tore a major ligament near his leg, causing a leg bone to twist and shatter. Officers rushed him to an equine hospital, but after analyzing X-rays and discussing all options, they made the tough decision to put him down.

Royal, as he’s known, was due to retire in two or three years, and Wardle expected he would live six to 10 more on a farm. The sudden loss has left the unit mourning one of its most beloved and longest-serving partners.

Equal parts majestic and mild-mannered, commanding and calm, Royal was the perfect police horse, said Heard: gentle, kind and willing to please, but bold and capable.

Heard rode Royal off and on for 11 years, often choosing the nearly 900-kilogram animal over the unit’s two dozen other horses. Royal’s size, combined with his willingness to please, made him the best choice for tough jobs — including the G20 summit.

“I won’t lie to you; there were a few times there when I was uncomfortable, looking at the monster crowds and the anger that people had,” Heard said. “Having that boy under me, it gave me assurance. ‘I’m on Big Royal and, you know what, we’re going to get through this.’”

Dominating as he appeared, Royal was also the first to be trotted out for school tours to the unit, thanks to his calm demeanour.

Heard remembers a visit to the station by blind children. Royal let them touch his side and whiskers, even feel the breath coming out of his nose, and no one was afraid he would act out.

“He would just do what was asked of him — a fantastic servant for the city,” Heard said.

Police will hold a private memorial for Royal Sun preceding the burial of his ashes at the Thistledown Pet Memorial in Uxbridge.

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13 replies »

  1. Tragic and heartbreaking. How did he tear a major ligament? Doing what?
    This wonderful and noble horse had many years to live in retirement after his
    excellent and admirable service. How much more grief and mourning can we endure?


  2. Sweet horse Royal Sun …thank you for all you gave and all the long years you protected eveyone You were so loved and will never be forgotten It is so lovely to hear that you were a little mischevious and used to get out of your stall and how gentle and kind you were allowing children to touch you and visit with you

    I am so sorry you life had to end this early and am so sad that you hurt your leg so badly that it could not be healed. RIP beautiful soul You are in my prayers.. and heart always


  3. Royal was one of many horses that has served us. That is why it is so sad that our politians( including Obama) see fit to open slaughter in the U. S. Americans do not eat our companions.


  4. Thankyou for your service…Royal. You will be missed by so many. There are green pastures with all your friends over Rainbow Bridge…peace be with you big fella…much <3!


  5. Thank you Royal for giving us everything you could. If there was some way you could have given more, it would been given as unselfishly as it was everyday…and thanks to all, who continue to stare in the face of danger to keep us safe.


  6. Royal, thank you for all your did in your years of service. You will be missed by all who ever crossed your path. You will never be replaced for all you’ve done. But, now, in your new home, you will be watching over those you worked with for so many years. Condolences are sent to all who worked with him. You were so lucky to have had him and enjoyed him for his time with you.


  7. Rest in Peace Big Royal. Thank You for all your years service to the Police Dept. My prayers go out to all who were forunate to work with Big Royal, especialy Officer Heard who had a special bond with this gentle giant.


  8. What a sweet horse! Feel bad he had to be put down, too bad he could not retire to a farm. He sounds like he was truly a kind and caring and dedicated horse. This must be a huge loss emotionally for all involved.


  9. It’s so wonderful to hear about a beloved horse in Canada getting a honorable end to his life. When I first saw the post I was afraid that he had been sent to slaughter for being mischievous. Losing a beloved animal is always a shattering experience and my heart gores out to the people who had the luck to be somehow involved in this great horses life. Royal, you will not be forgotten and you will surely be missed. At least you were given a noble, humane departure from your body.


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