Horse Health

UK Horse Slaughter Film Reveals Welfare Breaches

By Jason Farrell, Sky Correspondent

Slaughtermen have their licence revoked after campaigners’ secret film exposes breaches of the Animal Welfare Act

Warning, Graphic Images!

Sky News has uncovered shocking animal welfare conditions at a UK horse abattoir.

They include animals being beaten, neglected and illegal procedures in the process of slaughtering British horses destined for European food markets.

It comes amid public anger that some of our biggest supermarkets have beenselling beef burgers and other products that contained horse meat.

Sky News visited the Red Lion Abattoir near Nantwich in Cheshire after concerns were raised by Animal Welfare Group Hillside Animal Sanctuary.

Investigators at Hillside fitted secret cameras which filmed horses being beaten with an iron rod to encourage them into the pens.

Some were then crammed into the slaughter pens in pairs and, on one occasion, a group of three, before being stunned together.

In harrowing images the horses fall on top of each other. Under The Welfare of  Animals Act 1995, horses should not be slaughtered in sight of one another because of the distress it causes.

Furthermore, Sky News found that sick or injured horses were left untended overnight rather than put down immediately.

As a result of the investigation, two slaughter men have had their licences revoked.

Craig Kirby, head of approvals and veterinary advice at the Food Standards Agency (FSA) told Sky News: “As soon as we got the footage and reviewed it we took immediate action to revoke the slaughter men’s licences.

“That means they cannot work to slaughter animals again. We will also look to gather further evidence to see if we can prosecute.”

Former government chief veterinary officer Keith Meldrum, who viewed the footage, said he was shocked by what he described as “appalling” welfare breaches.

“We see three animals stunned at the same time and it is totally illegal and contrary to welfare slaughter regulations,” he said.

“It’s a significant welfare problem for a number of reasons. It’s harder to render them unconscious in a group and they have a higher chance of regaining consciousness before you’ve completed the procedure.”

Another incident filmed included a horse that appeared to come round from the stun while being hung upside down before being bled. Mr Meldrum described it as “totally and completely unacceptable”.

FSA statistics released to Sky News show a dramatic increase in the number of UK horses slaughtered every year, from 3,859 in 2007 to 8,426 in 2012.

Depending on the size and breed they are bought for anything between £100 to £300 and can fetch around 700 euro on the European meat markets.

The animals come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are former pets, others come from show jumping or the race track.

A report last year from the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) found: “The number of thoroughbreds reported dead to the Horse Passport Issuing Authority rose by 580 – an increase of 29% – from 1994 to 2574 horses.

“Of these, 1127 horses either in training, breeding or out of training were reported as killed in abattoirs – and reported to the Government Meat Hygiene Service – from 499 horses in 2010, an increase of 126%.”

However, in a statement to Sky News, the BHA added: “This is a wider equine issue and not an issue for the British racing industry, which is one of the country’s most highly regulated equine pursuits.

“However, if there are allegations that any horse, whether thoroughbred or not, is being inhumanely treated in an abattoir we would fully support any investigation and subsequent action, if appropriate.”

During the investigation, Hillside Animal Sanctuary rescued one racehorse called Underwriter by bidding against the abattoir at auction. They discovered it had a distinguished career.

John Watson, from Hillside, said: “It’s not just ill and old horses being killed. There are very many fit and healthy horses, horses with foals, pregnant mares, and thoroughbreds that are being treated badly.

“It blows away the myth of humane slaughter, and there is a misery in that place that is palpable.”

Hillside’s lead investigator, who did not want to be identified, added: “What we’ve found has shocked us deeply; animals left with horrendous injuries and horses shot on top of each other.

“In all the years I’ve been doing this work, without doubt it’s the most harrowing experience I’ve come across. All the horses in there had their heads hung down.”

The Red Lion Abattoir told us it views animal welfare and public health with paramount importance.

In a statement it said: “In attendance at the The Red Lion Abattoir are three full time Food Standards Officers comprising of an official veterinarian and full-time meat hygiene inspectors throughout production.”

It said the incidents were “not the norm, but of an isolated nature” and they have taken disciplinary action against the individual featured.

The statement continued: “I agree horses should individually enter the stunning area and most certainly not three at a time.

“However, small horses and ponies having spent years together as companions are difficult to separate. Horse lovers would understand that.

“My opinion and that of other veterinarians is it is better to keep those types together to reduce the stress, providing swift dispatch is achieved.”

The Red Lion Abattoir also insisted it meat was not part of the recent supermarket burger scandal.

The horses there are destined to be served in European food markets. The scandal this time is the way they are treated, in the last moments of their lives, in a licenced British abattoir.

Roly Owers, chief executive of World Horse Welfare, viewed the footage and said: “The breaches, from what we’ve seen, are throughout; from the care of the animals to the slaughter process.

“Horses are intelligent animals. When they see an animal stunned in front of them you can only imagine the distress that animal is going through. There are, without doubt, welfare issues here and it is plain illegal.”

The RSPCA said “The footage is shocking and upsetting to watch.”  They have requested a full copy of the film with a view to investigating.

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19 replies »

  1. Again, there is no way horse slaughter can be regulated humane ‘anywhere’. The “industry” itself proves this day in, day out, year in, year out, decade in, decade out. “Not the norm…. isolated nature” ? Give us a break. “three full time Food Standards Officers” including a vet – what exactly do they do all day for their pay? Why does it always take undercover humane advocates to EXPOSE what really takes place in these places? ALWAYS. Regardless of country. And this large increase in slaughter numbers in the UK – so this many people are designating their horses on their passports as “eligible for slaughter”? Really? Those race horses have never been given banned drugs? There is no way I can watch that video, reading the description was bad enough. Why are animal Nazi’s getting away with this – constantly? I think all of the Humane Slaughter Acts of the world are nothing but a big ugly lying joke. If we humans would ALL quit eating other species this would all come to a stop. It isn’t just horses being tortured before their gruesome deaths. Think about it.


  2. In a weird way I’m glad this happened. It brings to light that which we’ve been saying that there is no humane slaughter. Even England who has a long history can’t get it right.

    Slaughter breeds violence–against the animals and people.

    Keep bringing these stories to light. Eventually mainstream America will get the message. And then hopefully change will occur.


  3. The same horror show goes on in the four slaughterhouses in Canada that kill horses. People in the U.S., you have get the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act passed to stop it! Over 67% of the horses killed in Canadian slaughterhouses are, sadly, from the U.S. We, here in Canada, are working to get our own Bill C-322 passed to ban slaughter here.
    Please work to pass your S.1176.


  4. I agree – this needed to happen (the article). Having read the comments & hearing how many people “had no idea this was happening” – tells you the article & these poor horses & ponies might have made more people aware of just whats going on. And the one or two who “enjoy a horsesteak” certainly dont realize what “additional ingredients” they are putting into their stomachs, do they? The stories (as horrible as they are) need to be told. Just maybe it will save some horses & ponies from going thru this and help to put a stop to slaughter.


  5. I didn’t and won’t watch the video. The descriptions are disturbing enough…
    This is proof that, given the chance, these people will violate even the most basic humane regulations when it is convenient and they think no one is watching.


    • I just now watched it. Don’t look. There are disturbing pictures that I can’t get rid of. You don’t need the filth.

      To those that would promote horse slaughter can you honestly watch this video and tell us that you see nothing wrong?

      Despite the graphic nature of the recent stories and video thank you for bringing them to light here. I know I heard something about slaughter on the news the other night. It can’t be shoved under the carpet any longer. There are religious groups who count on American law to set the standard above Kosher. I don’t believe the slaughter plants are in compliance here. There are too any incidents of animal abuse.

      Just be ause an animal is about to be slaughtered IS NOT reason to mistreat it. Kicking, punching, dragging animals around by the neck, electric shocks that aren’t fully knocking the rose out–all these abuses need documentation. Someone that immune to death–is a danger to only to themselves but to society. It’s when a person has that little regard for life that they physically abuse others and animals. It’s time to move on to another job.


  6. I couldnt watch the video either – doesnt stop the images in my head, tho. How any human being can look at slaughter videos & not FEEL guilty for allowing it to happen. And more & more, I feel its not any different for any of our animals – whether they are bred for meat or not.


  7. The anguish is beyond comprehension. How anyone can do this to horses and other animals lives in a pit of blood and hell. There is nothing humane in the slaughter process for any animal period. I see the images floating around in my head and a cry for them, Buckets of tears for our horses suffering. We must stop this brutal, hellish experience for them and for us. Bloody humans how can we let our humanity come to such hell and accept it? Stop the madness now. Stop horse slaughter all across the world, stop brutally killing our horses and other animals.
    Stop wild horse round ups, stop horse transport and brutal treatment, inhumane course of action now. Our horses are crying blood, guts and tears. Stop the madness.
    How many more have to die before we can shut this horrific slaughter pipeline down for good?
    We just have to stop this somehow. I can’t stand this anymore.


  8. It’s disgusting that some men are the most dangerous and vile species on planet earth! There time will come, in hell!!!!!! Inflicting pain and torture on horses or any animal of God is a mortal sin!!! It’s called murder!


  9. The descriptions were enough for me. As long as these places and the bad handling of horses get exposed and are closed for violations, this will help to end slaughter as it has been known; inhumane.


  10. I could not as well watch these horses/ponies final hour. Its VILE all away around. I have a magnificient Arabian gelding who was one day away from the ‘Killer Buyer” because of the owners family and financial conditions. It breaks my heart and makes me FURIOUS. I will fight this issue until I leave this Earth. There is NOTHING HUMANE about this process. We must band together and fight this. It just goes to show the shame is World wide. I agree with the person from Canada. If we stand together we may stop this madness. JUST DISGUSTING and so HEART BREAKING. I pray for all of the equines who have lost their lives by these miserable humans.


  11. What is shown is identical to what went on in the slaughter plants for years in the US. This is what is on the films taken at the two plants in Canada. I checked to make sure I was right about the anti-slaughter bills that died in committee they never made it out. Congressman Moran might be asked to introduce a new bill but the US Senate will never allow any anti-slaughter bills to be passed because of the lobbyist dollars. This has been true for the past ten years. I wish people would wake up to this fact.


  12. This disgusts me. No slaughter is humane and no horse should be slaughtered. This is another example of the evolution of mankind, the true barbarian! I’m not going to ask the question that is on ago many lips. I’m not going to ask why. Perhaps with the over population of humans on this earth there will come a time when humans will also be sent off to the abattoir to be fed back in the food chain. Like the cattlemen say, what’s the difference between a chow and their kid, or them? More stress? How much stress does the victim of a serial killer have before they die? Same damned thing! Who will make this stop? When will this end? Those are my only questions.


  13. I could not watch either !!!! I have seen this enough, It is not only disturbing but it is insulting to the Horses, and i just cant stomach it, the thought of it is enough……………… The Horses are regal part of History, whom deserve respect >>>. I cannot accept this barbaric treatment of these majestic beauties……………………. Anyone having or playing a part in this EVIL turns my stomach, !!!~!!~


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