Horse Health

Animal Welfare Expert, Dr. Temple Grandin Calls Horse Tripping Abusive


Other horse and animal experts have also added strong statements in defense of the bill and against horse tripping which can cause severe injuries such as broken necks, injured spines and broken legs to the animals.

(JORDAN VALLEY, OR) – World renowned animal welfare expert and critically acclaimed author Temple Grandin, Ph.D., has issued a stinging statement against horse tripping, an event that is held at the Jordan Valley Rodeo in Oregon. Currently under consideration, Senate Bill 835 would ban tripping horses and roping horses’ legs in the course of a rodeo event. Sen. Mark Hass, D-Beaverton, is sponsoring the bill with Sen. Brian Boquist, R-Dallas.

Well-known for her work to improve animal welfare, Dr. Grandin sent an email to Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) stating, “The horse tripping event you describe in your email dated May 20, 2013 is not acceptable.  Roping the front legs and causing the horse to fall is abusive. Compared to cattle, horses are more excitable and may be more likely to be injured.”

Dr. Grandin’s books include Animals in Translation and Animals Make Us Human. Dr. Grandin presently works as a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University.

Other horse and animal experts have also added strong statements in defense of the bill and against horse tripping which can cause severe injuries such as broken necks, injured spines and broken legs to the animals.

Hillary Clark, Program Director, Hooved Animal Humane Society stated,” Horse tripping is NEVER a humane procedure and should not be tolerated in any way by the horse industry. The majority of horse professionals would never allow such a thing to happen to horses in their care. The Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act declares persons convicted in horse tripping to be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor for the first violation, and a Class 4 felony after that. Something that is humane and accepted would not be against the law. Tripping injures many horses, many times fatally. Is this something that the horse industry stands behind? No way, and it never will.”

Sandy Johnson, Founder, Arizona Range Riders said, “Horse tripping has no U.S. historical significance and certainly has no place in civilized, family-oriented “rodeo” type events.

F. M. Allen. Founder. Equine Right To Life – “ We endorse and support the ban on horse tripping since it is our view that any attempt to suffocate, cripple or maim a horse does not qualify as sportsmanship, horsemanship or sport.”

The Standardbred Horse Fan Club, BC, Canada – “As knowledgeable horse people here in Canada, we are outraged and dismayed to see the horrific Horse Tripping ‘sport’. Horses are by nature domesticated to be trusting of humans and turning them lose in a pen and choking them with ropes and tripping their delicate long legs with ropes can only bring suffering, pain, injury and death to many of those horses. Since veterinary care for resulting injuries from horse tripping would amount to thousands of dollars (if they are treatable) which most people could not afford to pay for a horse that was used for ‘sport’ with life-enduring injury(s).”

Please ban the practice of horse tripping in rodeos. It is inhumane and dangerous and a determinant to horse sports everywhere.” Kaylene Johnson. Back Country Horsemen of Alaska

Shannon Morgan. Equestrian and former rancher of 45 years – “Growing up on a large ranch we used horses to herd the animals and NEVER, EVER would have done such a thing.  When proponents say, “our animals are treated better than we are”, that is a bald faced lie.  To trip a horse is to likely lose a horse, and true “cowboys” wouldn’t do this unless the animal was in a position to hurt himself more than the tripping.   Bottom line is it is NOT a wild west “tradition”.  It is violent and potentially deadly for the horse.  Roping them by the neck then tripping them by lassoing their legs more often than not ends up in some injury, and many, many fatalities occur with this spectacle.  Broken necks and legs are fatal, of course.  And if the horse is merely lame from tripping, they are no longer of use to the rodeo and are sent to slaughter.” 

“I personally own a horse who was BRUTALIZED by horse tripping in Nevada in 2005. If my horse were human, he’d be in a mental institution. Horses like him who were lucky enough to survive horse tripping events have such dangerous fear issues of humans that any human who adopts them is in grave danger of being killed because horses are prey animals and they’ll do whatever they need to survive. My horse took FOUR YEARS to trust me because I belong to the ‘human race.’ He also has a broken C3 vertebrae in his neck and the side of his face is scarred from sliding face first in a dead run. Rodeo participants and competitors are NOT the majority of horse people. Far from.” – Catherine Revell, Equestrian.

This needs to be stopped immediately. It is cruel and barbaric. The pain these horses endure is beyond wrong.” Joan Burton. Consultant. Horse enthusiast.


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53 replies »

      • She lost all creditability when she teamed up with the gruesome twosome Sue Walrus and Doink , saying she believes in Horse slaughter !!!!!


  1. Well of course it is and you do not need to be an expert ot know that, so with that said, why is it that Temple who says, horses are excitable, which we also know, would then approve of Horse Slaughter ? Is that not a double standard? Doube thinking?


  2. Nothing is so cruel or brutal for the horse than horse tripping unless it is outright beating, tasing or slaughter. Catharein Cavell pretty much created a miracle when her horse after tripping came to trust her in four years.

    The horse is a prey animal that uses its feet to flee danger and the worst thing that can be done to them is to constrict their feet. Not only in horse tripping are the feet constricted and the horse often injured, the people doing the tripping and the sleazy audience enjoy it. Can’t imagine anything more sickening!

    SHARK is a most admirable organization. The investigators are angelic and brave.

    Now, if Temple would come out of the shadows where she whispers that horses cannot be humanely slaughtered and declare it loudly and in the open, we might be able to end the potential of American horse slaughter and the slaughter of our horses in foreign countries.


  3. Dr. Grandin was not FOR horse slaughter. She was merely hired to design a slaughterhouse to make it more “humane”. Degrees, such as “Doctorates” and “Professorships” Are valuable to any cause, and Temple Lent her support to this one. Dr. Grandin does not “support” slaughter. She was merely *used* by the pro-slaughter devils.
    She was asked to provide a more “humane” slaughterhouse design.


    • DVM Alice Villalobos, President of the Ethics Committee for the AVM, is holding a forum for DVMS in Chicago in July to promote horse slaughter. She states that two major problems can be solved at once. Penned Wild Horses can be disposed of while feeding hungry humans via horse slaughter. She makes statements like these bored Wild Horses who have nothing to look forward to can give their “Final Gift” by donating their “BIG NUTRITIOUS BODIES” to “FEED THE STARVING MASSES”. She then quotes Dr. Temple Grandin saying that Grandin believes that horses can be slaughtered humanely.

      It is rumored that Grandin does not agree with this, but she does not come out and advertise it. I think she should.


      • I’ve never seen a bored horse when it’s with it’s own kind. How many of the “starving masses” does she think the wild horses would feed, and for how many days? I’m not sure how much meat you could get from a mustang, but I’ll use 600 pounds. 50,000 mustangs x 600 pounds = 30,000,000 pounds. That sounds like a lot until you consider in 2006 a single plant – Otto and Sons in Aurora, IL – processed 560,000 pounds of beef per PER DAY to supply 3,000 McDonald’s restaurants in the Midwest. Since the mustangs in holding aren’t reproducing, it would be a one-time “opportunity”. The more insidious part is processing “clean” wild horses would open the door to raising U.S. horses specifically for slaughter. I don’t know whether she or Temple Grandin support that, but it would be interesting to ask.


      • She’s repeating the lies that the pro-slaughter lobbyists have been paid to come up with. Slaughtering horses never has and never will be about feeding starving masses. It’s always been about the foreign owned slaughter plants getting cheap or stolen horses in America and sending them to slaughter.

        I heard an interview last year where T. Grandin said she didn’t think horses could be slaughtered humanely at the big plants in Mexico or Canada. They are too flighty. Even though she re-designed some of the Canadian plants, and she had been there to audit them, she said she knew they were in violation every time she turned her back. She sounded very angry about the whole thing, and about certain advocates of slaughter who keep trying to use her name without permission. DD may like her, but she doesn’t like him. SS tried to advertise that she was designing one of the proposed slaughter plants, but Grandin said that was a lie.

        Wild horses don’t owe me anything, and I don’t want any gifts from them. As far as their bodies being so “large and nutritious,” they are one of the worst animals you could raise for meat. Our cattle dress out at over 60% of their live weight, according to some reports I read last week, horses average 30%. And it costs twice as much per pound to raise that animal. Then you have to figure that over 80% of the horses in the US are toxic and ineligible for slaughter. Why is anyone in the world willing to eat our horses?


      • Those wild horses need to be put back into their rightful herd areas. They are native and they belong in their natural and Congressionally designated places.

        Let them eat sage grouse.

        There is no reason to protect sage grouse. The horse is more native than sage grouse. If we need a keystone species, let’s petition Congress and have them return our wild horses to their natural areas. That should get rid of the Sierra Club and Sage Grouse, too.


      • You are so right Robyn, she goes where the Money is and thats all !!!!! There are more then mo\mey at stake here , there are lives at stake here , I could not ever use the horses as a pawn for money, they are to important !!!!!!!!!!! they solely are the key for survival for wildlife, the land and us ………………….


  4. Horses are pets and beloved by millions! Can’t say much more without getting too upset. Please stop this insanity!!!


  5. It amazes me that a ban on an activity as pernicious as horse tripping has to even be thought about. I understand that they have to write the law with such exact verbiage so as not to criminalize a horse owner or trainer who’s horse simply stubs it’s hoof while walking…that’s the nature of our legal system such as it is.

    There are a number of states who have already had this ban in place for some years so why not steal their language, vote on it and be done with it. I know that today the focus is on state’s rights but the problem is the ambiguity of the law between states. Criminal activity this heinous needs to be condemned nationally. The Congress of these United States needs to pass a law that forbids anyone from harming animals for the purpose of entertainment. Yes PRCA get ready because some scrutiny over your events will have to be called into this foray.

    Tradition be damned when it comes to the welfare of animals. God did not give us the animals to break like a kid breaks a toy. These are living breathing creations and they deserve respect.


  6. Just have to say AMEN to Steve’s comment. Seems crazy it takes so long to ‘vote’ on this, should be viewed and voted in a matter of 30 minutes, at the most.


  7. Seriously I have never seen this anywhere????

    Jordan Valley Oregon promotes a community of Grunts coming out of the woodwork in a rodeo,,,rather sick and regressed mentality of “Grunts” to be exact!!!

    This is Horrible!!


  8. Defective humans ..all of ’em – need a UFO abduction stat (no return required)

    Not exactly rocket surgery to eval this horrifically cruel event as abusive – pass the freak’n law already !!!

    Check out the defending comments on the linked article – where’s that electric prod ?


  9. Once again, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out when something like this is so blatantly and obviously cruel and wrong. As we continue to see and feel more of the same about so many injustices being inflicted on our horses, it most certainly brings about feelings of outrage, frustration, and disbelief that our world continues to regress rather than progress in our thinking and actions. The fact the Dr. Grandin would allow herself to become associated with people such as Sue Wallis and David Duquette to me speaks volumes. Even if you were “used” and disagree with people such as these, why allow your reputation to become compromised and ridiculed on their behalf. People who ride the fence to me are far worse than those who take a stand. Nonetheless, animals are not on this earth for humans to use and abuse. We should not put them on display and degrade them for the sake of entertainment as twisted and pathetic as this. Really, when are humans going to grow up and get a brain!!


  10. There is a whole lot of abuse going on and hope she does something about stopping it—- how can these people watch all of the abuse going on— it is really disgusting! 😦


  11. I have a horse that is a survivor of horse tripping from Nevada. If he were human, he’d be in a mental institution. He has a broken C3 vertebrae in his neck. His pelvis was fractured. His knees are severely damaged from hitting hard ground. The left side of his face is permanently scarred from sliding so hard on a surface that had small stones. In addition, the idiots subjected him to a situation in which he was gored by a bull and forced to try and escape over barbed wire. He has over 30 barbed wire punctures to his body. He also has a cigarette burn on his chest where someone thought that was the clever way to teach him to move away from pressure. His story is coming soon to Amazon Kindle. Look for “Rez Horse” soon. My horse is the spokesman for all those who suffered similar fates but weren’t bidded on by a kind person at the slaughter auction.


    • Heartbreaking story and wonderful that your horse finally found a safe forever home with you

      Hopefully we’ll hear about it on NPR too


  12. The stuff that goes in just gets worse and worse…tripping horses for entertainment? Some of the stuff I read about that is just commonplace treatment of animals almost makes me physically ill.


  13. what the F*** is the matter with “people” – and I use the term loosely, very loosely in fact. Every one of them that participates in such events and even worse is in the audience to WATCH these events without complaint isn’t human, they are sub-human. The Human Race owes much of it’s success to the horse – in fact we could go another 100 millennia and still not be able to repay the debt we owe to them.

    What is it makes these morons think they have the right to injure, maim and yes, even kill (a broken leg is a death sentence to a horse) these wonderful, noble, intelligent, and loyal animals? Too many chemicals in the McDonalds perhaps? This is a sick, sick world and I despair greatly that the one thing ruining it most is ………… man(not so)kind.


  14. This is something I hate even more than slaughter because it is done as a spectator sport to watch the destruction of an equine body being forced into running for life and then having these obvious psychos break their run and break their bones and break their spirit until the animal is shot at the end of the day. Our wild horses are sold into this. I would love to prove that BLM is selling unbranded wild horses for uses like this and for fatal wild horse races and all the idiot stuff that came out of no where to ruin rodeo and to insult the morality of our equine world. One day maybe we will have learned our lessons about the horses and all other creatures we have been the death of. I don’t see this in my life. But this can be stopped. Temple Grandin or not. I cannot go near any ‘event’ that has this as I would end up in jail and a hospital at once. This must end. How can anyone allow a child to see this? Even unsuspecting people must be shocked and horrified when this is done before their eyes. How disappointed I am in this country. I choose to fight and to not stop fighting all my life. I really have never been able to express what I feel about this. It just is beyond me.


  15. Many of us don’t need Temple Grandin to tell us horse tripping is cruel and abusive and deadly too. It’s apparent for anyone with just an ounce of compassion to see…….same is true with horse slaughter too.
    And I agree with whomever said that if Temple figures out a way to make horse tripping more humane and gets paid for it, I’d be worried about what her opinion would be then.

    Going further, Temple is NOT a horse expert, and many people, myself included, are far more expert in the field of equine behavior than she will ever be.
    She is also rather clinical in her approach, so her opinions on things have been known to change if the situation and/or scenario is different…..and even with her designing more “humane” slaughterhouses for cattle, cattle are still regularly butchered while still alive because the problem often is NOT with the facility so much as that it is a commercial slaughterhouse and often the PEOPLE that work at slaughterhouses DO have psychological issues such as being sociopaths/psychopaths that delight and “get off” on inflicting pain and suffering on animals.

    There is A LOT more to horse tripping then just what people see happen to the poor horses, and it involves the psyche’s of the abusers……we should ALL be very aware and on the defense because we have MONSTERS walking amongst us that pose as human beings and at any moment, they may “snap” and we could be next for abuse and horrendous death………


  16. Seriously, they are to send the men with the little white coats to the rodeo with their straight jackets and just grab these people, suit them up, and lock them up on the ward with the socio-psycho-paths. Anyone who harms an animal for pleasure is a potential threat to humans and society. It is one thing to participate in a sport where you train and you train your horse to perform in a way that minimizes the risk of injury to both of you. It is entirely another to torture an animal with about 200 or 300 of your nearest and dearest kin folk and friends back-slapping, clapping, and urging you on. This is just S-I-C-K!!!!


  17. I have hated Rodeos since I was a little girl same on the people that abuse animals like that I think there’s a God has a place for them.


  18. ol horsey behavior expert Dr. Grandin. I would bet my degree against hers, that in the first 25 years of my life my eyes were opened to more animal abuse, animal degredation, and horrors than this lady has EVER dreamed. Yes, it only took one time of watching a horse die from a broken neck when being roped as a teenager to realize this is NOT A sport. Secondly, growing up on my grandfathers rangeland-we were told that roping horses took strength and a delicate balance to not injure the horses-so it was strictly forbidden on his land except by those who really knew how to loosen the noose, back with the animals and only, only rope the neck low-it you got high on the neck near the head you were forced to release and re-rope. So with these standards of utmost care and kidgloves, many horses still were accidently injured…so when you see someone outright rope a narrow bone in a horses leg or make them fall with their entire body weight to the ground at a rate of speed you know there is some pain on impact. My little boy fell off a bicycle into the grass and hes stoic he said he wasn’t hurt, but the doctor revealed an injury that needed care. So I know that a really large animal traveling at any velocity being pursued with any amount of fear or adrenaline is going to be injured. They are stoic and cannot always say they hurt, and while we bute our horses and baby their booboo’s you and I know the rodeo just declares it a loss and buy another animal for the show the next day. I just wish this wishy-washy lady who apparently seems to NOT really understand animal welfare as clearly as she attempts to state would NOT only see this extremely bad sport with the same clarity as she needs to see horse slaughter and declare them both infinitely and indefinitely inhumane. She needs to buck up and state that the entire process of slaughter is abusive, degrading, horrible abuse to the horses and that the fact she already acknowledges when she has her back turned they will do as they please and kill horses inhumanely. There is NO SUCH thing as humane euthanasia by getting beaten in the head. Ask her if she takes a kitten or a puppy that gets hit by a car to a local veterinarian that was to put the dog or cat down by euthanasia would she get upset if he pulled out a mini bolt gun cracked the pets skull repeatedly, then hung it up in front of her upside down, then slit it open and began to cut it apart in front of her shocked eyes-would she still consider this humane? The double standard for welfare is ridiculous and the reason we dont have the big money to spend on lobbiest in Washington to stop this, is because most people are spending all they have to save, really save horses, they are diligently buying up any and all they see falling through the cracks-so we dont have a gigantic lobby, but Washington should know its hard working citizens are once again cleaning a man-made disaster, horse-slaughter and we are sick of it! Temple Grandin, while I appreciate this simpleton move-it’s NOT the big move to stop the animal hypocrisy. h


    • You really have to wonder what kind of people are capable of doing this to animals on a regular basis. Scary!!!! And how utterly mean and cruel to take advantage of another living thing simply because they cannot speak or fight back. We’re bullies at best, and psychos at worst.


  19. Aren’t there laws in the USA against cruelty to animals? Aren’t there organizations that ask for donations so they can continue their work to prevent animal abuse? Really?? It takes a blog to reveal the truth? I’m getting very uncomfortable with a nation that looks the other way….or pays the admission price to see torture. Who’s next in the colosseum?–christians and lions?–oh we’ve evolved so far. And then we wonder at young kids who kill….. where does all that evil come from?


    • Very good point, Ann! Where are all the organizations that are suppose to protect animals in need that are abused or tortured?! It is getting very uncomfortable and concerning that we as a nation have allowed such inhumane behavior against these beautiful and innocent creatures. Make no mistake about it…it WILL come back to haunt us…doing wrong never makes it right!


  20. Just because someone has taken College Classes and graduated , does not constitute a expert in the Field !!!!!!It only says that they have the tools to exercise and use in that field, or in other words just because you passed a cosmetology class doesnt necessarily mean you can cut hair ….. and do it right !!!!!!With that said !!!! I think you guys understand what I am saying !!!!!


    • I agree with you Arlene! My daughter’s riding instructor/trainer, also told us that you can’t learn how to be a horse trainer or riding instructor by going to college & getting an equine science degree, you learn by experience, by doing apprenticeships with people in the business, hands on training! This lady was taught by professionals, including Olympic equestrian riders/trainers, &, my daughter wants to do the same! College doesn’t make you an expert, nor does it guarantee you a position in your chosen career! I have no use for Temple Grandin, she knows nothing about animals, especially horses, & their real behaviors, emotions, actions, feelings, or otherwise!


      • Exactly !!!!!!!!Thank You ValarieW. There is no better then experience and hands on !!!!!! Almost like you can lead a horse to water , but ya cant make him drink it !!!!!! Just wondering what qualified her to be an expert !!!!!!


  21. The more I read on Temple Grandin the more disappointed I get. I have a nephew who is 35 has no degree, however, understands more about the issues with this own diagnosis of Autism and he himself clearly stated that he is angry with her mixing in things she has no actual experience in. He also grew up in the horse business with us and wanted me to tell everyone that you cannot just go to school and earn a degree and become a manager over other people’s belief systems on how animal behaviors work if you have not been around hundreds of animals prior to being a specialist. He feels she misses the nuances of the animals behaviors and lost the translation of how to read what helps animals when they are in high stress situations. He also states that slaughtering horses is developmentally wrong-in other words, you cannot preach to the benefit of better quality of life for people who suffer autism-and then state that horses in welfare conditions that appear or are obviously inhumane be inhumanely broken down, punished, and killed through slaughter. As well he wants to clarify that not all autism’s victims are unable to share with other’s how to heal and improve their quality of life, however, it is wrong for one to condone only certain ideals on how to improve life for people when there are so many options and opportunities for them everywhere. As well to sum up, if you believe Temple Grandin’s contradictions indicate she knows what she is doing from first hand experience you would be incorrect. Traveling, living, showing, and participating in all things horses would have exposed her to the behavior of the horse and she would not even consider backing a cold-hearted industry that has nothing to do with animal behaviors but animal death. As far as welfare he states this a misnomer for the industry to utilize a crutch to gain access to permissions from the general public to allow such a horrible contradiction to occur. Lastly, there are many people with no degree who have a larger view and broader expanse of knowledge no matter what their disability and limitations are. Maybe I don’t have as many human interactions as I should, maybe not quite as social as I should be for my age, but given the condition in the welfare of animals, I much prefer to be with the animals anyways. At least when my time comes they wont send me out to pasture or hang me in a slaughter plant, the animals have a much kinder way-they just hang with you til you die and then lay listlessly on your grave. As for me and my feel good Sunday, just being able to have my Aunt type my feelings for me made me feel good today. As for Autistic people’s I pray She quits embarrassing me, we have all fought long and hard to come a very long way. Now to try out the prancercize. LOL I may have three left feet.


  22. I went and testified in NV on behalf of the horses. Congressman Manendo is a horse warrior if ever there was one. he tried. Honest to God, he tried to get this bill passed as he introduced it. Had it been voted on as he had originally written it horse tripping would be banned from NV.

    But I heard so many complaints from Elko it disgusted me. This is our way of life, our culture, our heritage. What happens if the horse actually trips over his own feet? Is that tripping? No; You’re leading the horse from the barn to grooming area or wash area and he trips. (Insert Eight Belles here who sadly tripped over her own front legs) There is nothing intentional in your actions.

    If you rope a horses legs there is an implied consequence to your actions. That horse is going to fall.

    It’s a terrible practice. How anyone can cheer pokey boys on in this kind of arena is beyond me. I have seen several horses at TBFriends who were victims of this rodeo. Joe had to bring food to them since they couldn’t walk. Will they ever trust man again? I don’t know. The physical abuse is nothing compared to the mental abuse being heaped on innocent animals by a bunch of rowdy pokeys who are out in the hot sun drinking beer all day.

    The only time I’ve seen a horse roped by a hind leg with CAUSE is in the movie Buck. Buck knew what he was doing. He was trying to prevent that horse from exploding into a kazillion pieces. He was very careful not to pull that horse off his legs. Sadly that stud colt was put down. Right or wrong–I think the person involved probably had more issues on her plate than we’d ever know about.


    • Attn Elko complainers: animal abuse is no ones way of life, culture or heritage in America. There are laws in America against animal abuse. Shame on Elko for supporting such cruelty !

      A neighbor said in a youtube comment that the horse was not put down which may or may not be true. He was apparently taken home and he lives out in pasture with the other 18 +/- stallions who also need gelding.


  23. I use to go to rodeos with my husband ,he use to rope . I turned him into an animal advocate and you could hear me loud and clear protesting about the abuse. Needless to say I wasn’t very popular . We quit going and he quit rodeoing. We own horses and they are treated with love . If I would ever see horse tripping you can bet I would call the news media or find a way to free them. All animal ause disgusts me . You can tell a lot about a man or woman on how they treat an animal! Teach your children when they are young about love not abuse!


  24. Oh great! Not “her” again, as in, Temple Grandin! That’s all great & wonderful that she is against horse tripping “because it’s inhumane”, but, she’s also the one trying to make “slaughter humane, even for horses!!” She’s an “animal welfare expert”, my “you know what!” Any of us knows more than her, regarding horses & humane treatment. I have absolutely no use for that pathetic, she thinks she knows it all woman. We need better suited people & real horse experts, to be their advocates, voices, & to fight for them! She is not against horse slaughter, as long as she thinks it’s done “humanely”. The words ‘slaughter’, & ‘humane’, do not belong in the same sentence or description, nor do the words ‘horses’, & ‘food/human food chain’. I do appreciate her efforts to try to make cattle slaughter more “humane”, or other livestock, but, please, leave horses out of the discussion!


  25. Temple Grandin, finds house tripping cruel a and inhumane. She also designed the slaughter house in Canada where after viewing her own design in action has said that there is no way to humanely slaughter a horse. It all eventually comes out in the wash. I hope she realizes that no matter how you slice it, what they are doing to these horses is totally barbaric. Another example of how mankind has evolved from prehistoric barbarian to the modern day excuse making barbarian. Sad that we have become such a horrible species of animal…how unnecessarily predatory on all other creatures on this earth.


  26. I think the way to stop the crazy, abusive “sport” of horse tripping is to let enough people know it’s going on. Big thanks to the people from SHARK who filmed and released the videos showing how horrific and abusive this is. I’ve visited their website and watched a lot of the videos once (can’t take it more than once, and the images will never leave me anyway). It’s incredible and disgusting that sadistic, sick people will pay to watch the torment and torture of animals and cheer!


  27. Omg, I’m shocked I’ve seen some things in Ireland ..starvation due to recession, abandoned horses that no longer appeal to the celtic tiger families that wanted a horse in their back yard and the mass breeder that just ran out of money and buried their head in their sand…..but this cheering crowds. Subjecting horses to shock treatment and abuse to cheering crowds …what kind of people take pleasure from this. Absolutely and undeniably sick. If they are immune to this there is no godly conscience that guides their lives other than money or pain. Disappointed.. I used to go to all the rodeos in the States when I was there every year ……in truth I wasn’t that keen on roping the calves if they were falling badly but this is the last straw for me…that may of been my last visit to a rodeo. Ive fought hard to rescue horses here in Ireland from slaughter i’m not about to take part in supporting any of what I saw I had to stop the videos to stop myself crying…much love to you all that lobby to stop this…a friend in Donegal , Ireland.


  28. I am in regular communication with Temple, and we’ve have had some great phone convos on the animal issues we share an interest in. I think she’s a very intelligent lady, with a unique perspective on how cattle think. I do not, however, consider her to be an animal welfare expert. She’s a cattle slaughter processes expert, with an interest in some other aspects of animal psychology. I don’t think she’s argue with that label.


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