Horse News

Feel Good Sunday: Riderless Horse Wins Race at Belmont

Source: By KRISTEN BUTLER of UPI Odd News

Riderless horse Downtown Hottie (unofficially) wins her race at Belmont after throwing her jockey

Racehorse Downtown Hottie showed a hot temper when she threw her rider down at the start of a race she went on to unofficially win at Belmont Park in New York.

Since a horse without a rider technically doesn’t finish the race, runner up Wholelottashakin took the top spot for the sixth race at Belmont on Wednesday.

The race commentator updated the riderless horse’s progress as she moved steadily from the back of the pack to the front. Free to navigate the crowded track however she pleased, she powered into the lead.

She finished almost a full length in front of Wholelottashakin, whose official time was 1:35:58. Though Downtown Hottie didn’t win, she quickly became a crowd favorite for throwing off The Man and running free.

Experts noted, however, that Hottie’s jockey — who is fine — may have trouble finding future work after falling off his horse immediately out of the gate.

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19 replies »

  1. (1) I take exception to the editorial comment that the horse threw the jockey and has a bad temper;

    (2) The jockey didn’t stay on….good jockeys frequently do;

    (3) This happens regularly in racing…so, it is not odd as the idiot UPI “journalist” thinks; and,

    (4) Doesn’t count.


  2. Those were the first words out of my mouth – the jockey freak’n FELL OFF – geeeezzzz – typical to blame the horse – this announcer and writer need to check their dictionaries and also they might want to review the tape again – he even said she stumbled out of the gate

    She ran a clean fabulous race – so many bad things could have happened

    Way to go – those Belmont roses are yours Downtown Hottie – you are a very good girl !!!


  3. And furthermore, what expert would put that kind of notation on a jockey’s career with a fall from a “stumble” which is clearly a balance crap shoot

    Guess that would be a stupid expert

    Thank you Downtown Hottie and Hottie’s jockey for giving us this feel good Sunday gift.


    • R.T. you really did it this Sunday.. I laughed so hard the whole race…

      Love Hottie for the get in there and win anyway unofficially.


  4. Awesome! Love all horses and their denication to win because of their forever spirit to please the ones that truley understand them. Obviously this jockey didn’t. Wish they would have counted it as a win. Hope they listen to this Awesome Horse!!!


  5. the win makes the difference between weight of the jockey and no weight. This is common, but it does make me think about how much weight our pleasure or competition horses carry, big butt woman or heavy big man DOES make a difference to a horse.


    • Excuse me? Other than SS did you just tell me I have a big butt? Look I know I weight issues but since I don’t ride any longer that isn’t a shock to any horse I know. And since you know nothing about me, and I think you’re a clueless brainless fart I’ll just let it go for now.


      • Hay Margaret ! ….no, not anybody else’s BUT my BUTT!!! I’m always thinking since I gained weight, that I’m getting heavy for my horses. I know it can make a difference to the horse if the ratio is high enough. Why did you think I meant you? I don’t even see a comment from you except to me. I’m actually thinking of an assistant cutting horse trainer riding a very small arab gelding in the heat, cantering for at least 30 mins. Then, took him in the ring to cut. The horse was weak, I could see that, I complained to another guy from our barn, he agreed but said there was not much to be done since the trainer was a big hotshot and this was his assistant. I was raving pissed off, the chick had to be pushing 250, the gelding maybe 900. I wrote a letter to the trainer complaining about the extra hard work and his assistant riding the horse hard. Let’s see if anything changes next show in July. So many people look the other way, I couldn’t look the other way so I stepped up. I do believe, for anti racing people, this horse was doing this hard running on her own, no one was pushing her, she enjoyed the run. The reason she won is she was not carrying any weight. So when the horses are allotted weight when they race, the amt. is based on the quality of the race and horse.


      • Yes but see you said big butt woman or heavy man. Why can’t a woman be heavy? And a woman isn’t a chick. And nowadays it isn’t uncommon to see 250 lb women. It may not be a healthy weight for them but that’s a whole separate issue.

        I weigh slightly less than that. And I’ve been working out for the past three months. I finally started losing last week. Everything I lost in fat I was putting on as muscle.

        So let’s try to women as women (unless your on the track and your quoting a trainer who refers to women as girls)and lets try to use the same phrases for both genders. It’s rude and offensive and it doesn’t need to be. Women can be heavy NOT HEAVY (with added emphasis). Just like how you would say a male is heavy.


      • Argghhhh… Can we please stick to the topic of Downtown Hottie winning the race and the video, and R.T.’s Feel-Good Sunday blog? I’m fat too, but this is not the place to discuss it 🙂


  6. Brava, Hottie! Way to run a good, solid race, without the whip or other type of “encouragement” from humans. You deserved that win.


  7. That was a fall, not a problem with the horse, and look what no whip will do!!! Monty Roberts has the right idea, ban whips from races!!!


  8. Hottie should have gotten credit and won the race. It was probably the most honest horse in the race not having a jockey control her moves. She won in my eyes.


  9. Flippin over the new look R.T. and Terry on your updated website pic’s of my favorite Mustang “Cloud” and his family? Love them..


    • Yup I totally concur. I was flabbergasted I was here one minute and it was the same old site. I left for a brief moment and voila–it’s a whole new site! Looks beautiful!

      Now for some unpleasant but honest news. This couldve been EXTREMELY bad. I went over to the Pryor Center online Sat night before leaving for vacation. To my horror it’s under new management. Not the people just how would this affect tours already planned? ALL TOURS CURRENTLY SCHEDULED WITH THE PRYOR CENTER HAVE BEEN CANCELLED. They do NOT have a tour director which is a necessary component to the permit and no one to drive tours.

      They are waiting for each person to call to double check their reservation. They do not call or send emails. I could’ve easily driven 3 days to be bitterly disappointed. I don’t know if and when they start taking groups again. You have to call to double check YOUR individual reservation.

      Please pass this info on to anyone you know who might be going to Lovell to see the horses.


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