Horse News

Former Governor Bill Richardson and Robert Redford Join Fight to Stop Horse Slaughterhouses

Announce Formation of Foundation Focused on Protecting Animals and Wildlife

SANTA FE, NM- Former Governor Bill Richardson and legendary actor, director, and conservationist Robert Redford today announced they are joining the fight to stop horse slaughterhouses from reopening in the United States. The action is the first of a new foundation the two have formed to protect animals and wildlife.

The Foundation to Protect New Mexico Wildlife has filed in federal court to join as a plaintiff in a lawsuit filed by animal protection organizations, including the Humane Society of the United States and Front Range Equine Rescue, to block the revival of American horse slaughter. The lawsuit claims the U.S. Department of Agriculture violated federal law by failing to conduct required reviews of the known environmental dangers caused by horse slaughterhouses, including one trying to open in Roswell, New Mexico. The Foundation and other plaintiffs are seeking an emergency injunction.

“As a lifelong horse lover, I am committed to doing whatever it takes to stop the return of horse slaughterhouses in this country and, in particular, my own state,” Governor Richardson said. “Congress was right to ban the inhumane practice years ago, and it is unfathomable that the federal government is now poised to let it resume. As a country whose rich history is so closely tied to horses, we should instead be focused on exploring new horse rescue and retirement solutions.”

“Horses have played an important part of my life, and I strongly believe they need our protection,” Mr. Redford said. “Horse slaughter has no place in our culture. It is cruel, inhumane, and perpetuates abuse and neglect of these beloved animals. We must oppose it with all of our might. We need to ensure horses have safe and kind treatment during their lives and are afforded the peaceful and dignified end they deserve.”

In addition to its opposition to horse slaughter, The Foundation to Protect New Mexico Wildlife will focus on the preservation and protection of the state’s wild mustang and burro population including seeking out appropriate alternative habitats for the animals.  Other efforts will focus on the Mexican gray wolf, bison and the reintroduction of native fish and mammal species. The foundation will also work to support New Mexico’s animal shelters and to prevent animal cruelty.

The Foundation to Protect New Mexico Wildlife is a natural extension of both former Governor Richardson’s and Mr. Redford’s decades of animal advocacy and conservation work.

As governor, Richardson spearheaded legislation and enacted polices aimed at preserving and protecting New Mexico’s wildlife and domesticated animals. He fought to ban cockfighting, increased funding for animal shelters, and enacted more humane euthanasia practices in shelters. He made natural habitat and restoration a priority and supported the reintroduction of native species, including the Mexican gray wolf. Most recently, he was instrumental in convincing the National Institutes of Health to halt medical testing on chimpanzees, many of which are housed in Southern New Mexico at the Alamogordo Primate Facility.

Mr. Redford, a part-time New Mexico resident, is a world renowned conservationist and animal advocate. For decades he has fought to protect our country’s greatest national resources. He is tireless in his efforts to bring attention to the issues that threaten our natural habitats and the wildlife that call them home. He is a trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council and has received countless accolades for his efforts, including by the National Wildlife Federation.

By entering the lawsuit against the USDA, Former Governor Richardson and Mr. Redford are also standing with Native American leaders who have asserted that federal approval of horse slaughter constitutes a violation of tribal cultural values and is an insult to their age-old connection with America’s horses.

34 replies »

  1. AWESOME !!!!! God Bless these two and all who take the initiative to use their influence to save Our Beautiful Horses…………………………….


  2. That’s right.. Get out the big guns and go to war. I’m glad to hear that these people see joining the campaign.


  3. These two men are amazing for stepping in and joining the fight! I’ve always been a fan of Robert Redford but now I’m loving him more. Stopping slaughter is only the begining. This cruel and inhumane process needs to end for good. Its just wrong! We need to educate the public with the environmental danger slaughter houses will bring to communities and the dangers of human consumption. Horses have been a part of my life for a very long time, I am in this fight for the long haul to save and spare any animal from such cruelty.



  4. I sure hope it stops, especially here in New Mexico where I live as I see these horses along the road in the fields. Former Gov. Richardson wanted to develop a horse sanctuary here and it was shot down…. while he was governor. Maybe if we ALL stand together on this one and with the clout and animal rights groups there is lots of hope.
    The Roswell Slaughter house needs to be stopped and also it needs to be stopped in other states.


  5. As all have said we will be forever grateful to ALL who are standing up and helping support all of our horses…. Just the best news, 🙂 I think we have a really good fighting chance to put a hold on all this, THEN maybe WASHINGTON MIGHT wake up and pass 1094/s.541 OMG would that be JUST the best but getting ahead of myself…. Our hearts will be with you all on Aug.2 Truth will win for a change it will>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    • pls join in the worldwide ralllies and keep up with the news this is 2015 and its really worse! we need mr redford and all celebs for horses right now. but they MUST STOP THE PZP BLM LIES HSUS PROMOTES. they are now going to genocide. Today is worldwide rallies to save them from EXTINCTION. everyone must keep in tough. be organized know who is who. this is big big money and yes there are spies that beat us to deadlines and court and go in the night in revenge when we have a win. the win isnt enforced. many more are gone ./ no and so borders. pls keep yr eyes on and news updates from all horse groups u can. I dont even realize how many there are. rallies are supposed to be just that HUGE. go to one ..more upcoming…WE need Mr Redford..for a flash there was a post that said he was cleaning up and making a more humane slaughterhouse!!! ppl are just buyin blm lies still. anway look for update on the rallies hope there is one near you!


  6. We need to work hard and fast to support this effort; plants are already starting to open up or try to, walking through a kill pen; the most startling thing on earth, lets get this legislation repealed.


  7. Thank you Mr Richardson&Mr Redford for all you do for everything that matters! How can an average person help you both with this important endeavor?


  8. I received distressing news earlier today that a family member is seriously ill. I TOTALLY needed to hear this wonderful news. Thank you doesn’t even begin express my feelings.


  9. Thank you!!!! The federal government is corrupt enough and is ruining this country one bill at a time. Thanks for opposing this disgusting and cruel slaughter.


  10. Good news!Do not stop as the people with their eye on the $ will not stop,the horses need protection


  11. They bring attention to the cause and that’s great!
    If I hear one more thing about Valley Meat being a “small family business just trying to survive…” I am going to throw up!!!


  12. These are the people that I admire, the ones that use their clout, their credentials and knowledge to speak now and forever against this cruelty. Along with Mr. Grijalva and the many others that come at this issue at “full gallop” in order to put this shameful history behind us. Using their voices as a Force for Good in the world, the guys in the White Hats if you will, let the reckoning begin. Thank you so very much for stepping in to help, I cannot thank you enough. And to advocates everywhere that are fighting the good fight, hat tip, you guys are my heros.


  13. Mr. Grijalva for years has tried to stop the BLM from any further Round Ups !!!! He is relentless in this Quest , Please give to him the recognition he deserves also !!!!!! I say Bravo to this REP from Arizona , Please Mr. Grijalva never stop !!!! We together will find FREEDOM for Our Magnificent Mustangs !!!!!


  14. I went to Gov. Richardson’s Facebook page yesterday and thanked him. Wish there was some way to thank Mr. Redford. It can’t be done on his Facebook page….so guess I’ll try Twitter. Sounds like they’ll tackle many things close to our hearts…..wild horses, wolves, & bison in NM. Praying they get involved with our wild horses & burros, wolves & bison on our western public lands. I’ll bet they could make a difference fighting the BLM and fracking!


    • Regarding the horses on the indian reservation : Want to lower the population??? How about gelding the young stallions. It certainly appears from the pictures I was able to find of the Reservation – the horses are fenced in – the BLM says they aren’t responsible! And the Reservation says the same! So they just sit back & let the horses starve! Sounds like animal abuse to me – but of course no one is to blame – because they don’t belong to anyone. Sadly, there have been other reports of “thousands of horses starving” on Indian reservations – the reason slaughter is needed!!!!
      Isnt it strange how many little herds are scooped up by the BLM or Forest Service to “protect” them from starving – when these horses ARE in need of help & nobody does a thing except say how horrible it is.


      • Neither slaughter nor gelding is”needed”. Let the people who put them in confinement take them back to the open range from where they got them, and then sure, fine, or jail them for having taken them on the first place. The open range belongs to the horses, not the cattle industry.




  16. It is unbelievable to me that there are people being so brutally cruel to our beloved wild horses and burros. They have always been a symbol of freedom and beauty, in this land so otherwise constrained. To remove them from our open ranges takes away that symbol, and also our hope, that someday we can all live happily in peace and freedom. It would also remove our happiness in knowing they are alive and well and doing fine. Was the BLM originally formed to change our open range into a stock yard, because that is what they are doing. Using our tax money to do their dirty work begs the question who all has their greedy hands in this horrid, lucrative, business? Without any proofs other than that of their own nefarious actions it is clear that the people running the BLM, and their superiors who could stop this, do. Surely if we go back to the original purpose of the founding of the BLM, we can see when and where they were overtaken by the cattle industry, and sue the hell out of them all, for this horrid equine holocaust they are committing. Surely prison would not be too good for them. It is time to put them down. They do not deserve the time of day, let alone to be taken seriously when they purport a “need” to kill 90,000 horses and burros. The Godfather only killed one, and we all know how horridly repulsed and revolted by that we all were. A shudder ran through the audience when it was shown. They are all ruthless liars, cheaters and con men, but I say the jig is up!!! No more!!! Let our courts of justice take care of these criminals in no uncertain terms. Humans must not be allowed to claim the lives of any animal simply because they want to.


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