Equine Rescue

Horse Rescued from Slaughter Now a Member of Police Mounted Unit

Source: WSMV.com

“I knew he had something special and that underneath this big guy’s broken spirit was a gem waiting to be revealed.”

CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) – Meet Jakar, the newest member of the Cleveland Division of Police Mounted Unit!

JakarIn the summer of 2012, a young woman attending a horse auction saw a Tennessee Walking Horse auctioned off and boarding a truck meant to take him and other horses across the border to slaughter. She felt compelled to purchase him and save him from that sad fate. The horse was then adopted by Beverly Ball who said “I knew he had something special and that underneath this big guy’s broken spirit was a gem waiting to be revealed.” Beverly named her horse Jakar which she tells us means “compelling love.” At the time, Jakar was malnourished and it took lots of time and love to nurse him back to health.

Jakar’s curious and friendly personality convinced Beverly that he would be a good mounted police horse. She decided to donate him to the Cleveland Police Mounted Unit and contacted Sergeant Mark Medwid. Sergeant Medwid visited Jakar at Beverly’s farm and took him to his new home at the Police Stable in May.

Jakar completed his police horse training and has been a solid member of the Mounted Unit ever since. He regularly patrols the neighborhoods throughout the City of Cleveland and can often be found on Public Square. If you are out and about downtown and happen to see Jakar, be sure to stop and say “hi” because he loves people.

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15 replies »

  1. Another example of a so-called “unwanted” horse that came from a neglectful owner who starved him then dumped in an auction where he was guaranteed to be sold to a slaughter buyer. Enter decent human being who brings him back to health and finds him a new job and gives him a new fulfilling life. The problem isn’t this perceived overpopulation of horses, what we really have is an overpopulation of bad, neglectful, irresponsible horse owners. It’s these bottom-of-the-barrel horse owners that supply the bottom-feeder kill buyers that supply the slaughterhouses. That’s the bottom line.


    • Staying focused on the issue is the sign of strength. You are absolutely right. The story by this horse is all about the failure of those in the so-called horse “industry” who lack responsibility, sensibility and a heart. It was luck that saved him and the fact that there are those who call themselves horsepeople making moves just like this to correct the “horse industry.”
      Truth will be needed with every sweet ending, lest we forget the horror suffered today by those who shipped.


  2. these animals are so wonderful, have beauty, loyal tot he owner if treated right, they can do it all, different breeds for different jobs, but can do most of it if taken the tiem to teach them. So happy for this horse to be a police horse and have a great owner- rider to care for him. Their are lots of good stories out there about a horse how they have helped people, gone to war , saved some people , won at games, been on teams for countries won games and medals, and etc etc.


  3. Jakar is just 20 mins from my house !!! WooooHooooooo what a great story !!!!! I am a friend of Sgt Medwid…………………………


  4. My deepest thanks to that kind woman for stepping up and rescuing this horse. He has the “look of eagles.” A magnificent horse who will more than repay the kindness extended to him. Jakar….a very fitting name! God bless everyone involved. Horses are a part of my soul!


  5. Just goes to show – these horses sent to auction are so worth saving. To be a police horse he has to be something special(which the woman who rescued him already knew)


  6. No horse should go to slaughter, all these stories prove it, prove that horses are bright and intelligent and attached to us with a golden cord of compassion and understanding.


  7. I love these success stories. I wish all of the horses’ had stories like this one. If we can only stop horse slaughter period than we would not have to worry about horses’ fate. Thank you, Beverly, for finding a diamond in the rough and turning his life around.


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