Horse News

Connecticut House: Horses are NOT “Inherently Vicious”

Connecticut politicians move to legislate the truth about equines

Recent press reports indicate that the members of Connecticut’s House of Representatives want to make it perfectly clear that they don’t believe horses are inherently vicious; a definitive response to a recent Connecticut state court ruling.

By a unanimous vote of 138-0, the House on Thursday passed legislation clarifying Connecticut law by saying domesticated horses are not wild animals and therefore are not inherently dangerous.

Last month, the Connecticut Supreme court upheld an Appellate Court ruling in a case involving a little boy bitten in 2006 by a horse named Scuppy in Milford. The ruling said a horse belongs to “a species naturally inclined to do mischief or be vicious and that even the best insurance for horses would not cover this.”

Rep. Debralee Hovey, a horse enthusiast, said the ruling put a billion-dollar industry at risk due to increased insurance premiums and legal liabilities.

The bill now moves to the Senate.

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14 replies »

  1. Well that’s good news..someone has a little sense. kudos to the voters in the house that show that they have some sense.


  2. Normally I try to be respectful of judges. But this bench blew it big time. I wonder if none of them have ever been around horses?


  3. This was one of the craziest things I have ever heard – we are so liability-focused and don’t want to accept any responsibility for our own behavior it is unreal.


  4. mothers need to watch and teach their childern the correct and proper way to act around animals . has any one ever watched how people let their childern carry a puppy or a kitten , it is so sad cause alot of parents don’t say anything .i have always stepped in if the parent don’t correct the child . then i teach the kid and parent how to correctly handle the animal. but adults are a different story when they are scared they will go to this kind of extreme or he just did want to hear it or he was payed off to rule that way .but so happy horses won this one. maybe we should get a hold of this senator and have her investigate the b.l.m. !


  5. i just received a answer back in the form of a canned email from my state senator asking her what would it take to initiate a discharge petition to bring bill S.541 part of the S.A.F.E. Act out of committee to the floor for a vote. It pissed me off so I called her DC office and told the staffer that answered the phone that I didn’t like the canned EMail that didn’t even mention the question I asked. The staffer said she would make sure the senator got my message. I also called my rep and left a message telling him to do the same with H.R.1094. Because if these bills are not passed if Canada stops US horses going there all of them will be funneled to Mexico to be killed, both of these two bills are going to die in committee and all of it will have to be done all over again. PLEASE PEOPLE CALL YOUR SENATORS AND REPS AND DEMAND THEY INITIATE THE DISCHARGE PETITION. THERE HAS TO BE AT LEAST 50 CONGRESSMEN/WOMEN WILLING TO BACK THE PETITION TO BRING IT FORWARD.


    • I asked people them and an ADVOCATE got angry and said quit telling people them?!? It needed called all along, uninterrupted. Now were needing to onslaught calls again. So if I post this will an Advocate say Dont? People get confused. I want people to.remain proactive not wait until the next time we ask. So do we call or not?


      • Colt, what was the reason given for asking you NOT to call? Are you sure this person was really an advocate or maybe a poser?


  6. Colt,
    What ever you do don’t be intimated by anybody or anything. These politicians have gotten away with the canned letters and emails long enough. The staffer that I talked to was very polite and said she would tell the senator today. If any of the staffers act snotty demand to know who their boss is and don’t take no for a answer and tell their boss what they did. I have never run across one that acted like that. I have never heard of a advocate telling a person not to call their senators and reps either it sure don’t sound like any horse person I know, that person may have been a troll planted by their kill buyer buddy. There is a politician from Oklahoma that is working against the S.A.F.E.Act his name is Frank Lucas.


    • Not itimidated, they just kept posting Not to call every time I.posted to call, same person/advocate who posted rudely on my timeline not to call over and over. She even said since I was new to advocacy I should follow the way its done. I have been a professional horse trainer for years, bred and raised 3 breeds, tons of trophies, etc. and was still all the while arguing against slaughter, even before advocates became a word. Our fight was within the industry, in the trenches, we dealt with the issues, in fact a little known fact, down the road from where we are is a property feel has some strange eerie activity, it used to also in the 70s butcher horses privately. I knew it had closed long before Dekalb became an issue, so we have been around it not once but twice. Personally, I dont want to confuse people on whether to call or not, in my opinion, we should never quit calling. It has to be the loudest.


  7. RT, is there any chance that you might have a edit button added to this site so a person could edit out a mistake???? I just made a blooper in my comment. A lot of the newspapers have them you would be surprised how handy they are.


  8. Coltswesternshop,
    I’ll not quit either until horse slaughter has been thrown in the dustbin of history where it belongs.


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