Horse News

Britain’s ‘oldest donkey’ celebrates 50th birthday

Source: The UK Telegraph

“With the World’s eyes turned upon the Royal Family it is important to remember that there is other uplifting news coming out of the UK.  Enjoy!” ~ R.T.

Sue Force holds Tessa ‘s 50th birthday cake

Believed to have been born in 1965, Tessa retired to The Donkey Sanctuary in Devon at 20 – around the age a donkey would normally be expected to live to.

She was born in the same year the Voting Rights Act was passed and The Beatles took America by storm.

But much like the world famous Liverpool band, her legacy lives on, because at 50 years of age, Tessa is thought to be Britain’s oldest donkey.

Believed to have been born in 1965, Tessa retired to The Donkey Sanctuary, in Devon, at 20 – around the age a donkey would normally be expected to live to.

But after being donated to the sanctuary in 1985, Tessa’s lifespan has exceeded all expectations, outliving many of her peers and baffling farm workers with her youthful exuberance.

Farm worker and groomer Sue Force, 31, said: “Tessa is an incredibly sweet natured and youthful donkey.

“Whenever the doors are open to the barn, Tessa always has her head out and as soon as she sees anyone, or if there is any movement in the feed room, she is the first to start braying very loudly.

“She loves attention from our grooms and volunteers. When being groomed, she will queue up over and over in the hope that she’ll be done again – just like an excitable kid.

“She also knows all the tricks to get what she wants, her behaviour definitely belies her old years.”

Sue has been caring from Tessa, who celebrated her 50th birthday earlier this year, for donkey’s years as the ass has been growing older gracefully on the sanctuary’s farms for more than a quarter of a century.

For her 50th she received a host of birthday cards, a special carrot and donkey feed cake from her grooms…(CONTINUED)

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14 replies »

  1. Great story! (-: Hats off to the sanctuary and workers for making it all possible! Tessa is an extraordinary donkey …”Happy Birthday!”


  2. You angel ♥ May you have many more birthdays, sweet TESSA♥ Donkeys hold a special place in my heart♥


    • That was so beautiful, Geri. Thank you for sharing. I’m a firm believer that all animals love & feel deep emotions of loss and grief even. I keep praying for Cloud in is current situation. I’m sure his family misses him desperately.


      • I keep thinking about Cloud and his family too, MTHORSELOVER 😦 I sure hope for some GOOD news soon !? Have you heard ANYthing at all (since Ginger s post) ~about him OR Feldspar, Ingrid, Ohanzee, Orielle ??


      • Cssssswv, I haven’t read anything new. I got a letter from the Billings BLM Field Office on Friday about needing more comments/data regarding the summer 2015 gather of young horses by June 6th. Before I opened it, I was thinking that it may have been a hearing notice. I plan to be present at any hearings they may schedule in hopes of meeting some of the most courageous supporters of Cloud & the other Wild Horses in the west. It’s my plan to visit the Pryor Mountains for the first time sooner rather than later once I get new shocks on my truck to travel some back roads safely. I just keep praying for Cloud and the other Wild Horses everyday.


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