Horse Health

CA Woman Sentenced 2 Years Jail Time for Starving Horse, Neglecting Others

Source:  Multiple

Finally, an Abuser Serves Time

A 35-year-old woman has been sentenced to two years in county jail after pleading no contest to animal cruelty for starving a horse to death in Leona Valley, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced today.

AronEmilyJacquesAron Emily Jacques of Santa Clarita entered her plea yesterday to one count of animal cruelty and was immediately sentenced by Los Angeles County Superior Court Kathleen Blanchard.

Jacques was originally charged with starving or neglecting to care for nine horses. As part of her plea, Jacques agreed to pay restitution to the owners of all the horses and to the county’s Department of Animal Care and Control for investigative costs. A restitution hearing is set for Dec. 9.

She also must not own or care for any animal for 10 years.

Deputy District Attorney Daniel Rochmes, who prosecuted the case, said several horses were found starving by county animal officials on the defendant’s property in February 2014.

One of the horses died on the defendant’s property and three had to be euthanized as a result of her negligent care, the prosecutor added.

Case MA063344 was investigated by the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control.


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14 replies »

  1. The sad and sick thing about this is that there are people out there that would help her. People get into financial difficulty and are ashamed to ask for help. Our club’s always are trying to put the word out after people we knew became a case. If people would only realize you have to give up your pride and ask for help. I had a couple of sad cases where one pet steer died. If only they would have contacted someone before it was too late. As a past investigator, the calls that dismayed me were the ones where people blatantly lied about the food and just did not feed them. These are living breathing animals just like children who depend on you for care. If you know of a friend or neighbor in trouble offer to help them. Sometimes that’s all people need. However, I never let cases go beyond two concurrent visits close together. No improvement and the state Dept of Ag was notified for impoundment.
    There are always other options than letting a Horse or horses die of starvation. Now she goes to jail and gets three meals provided for her!


    • She was not in financial difficulty. She was being paid to feed the horses and used the board money for drugs. She starved not only her own horses but boarders and her friends horses.


  2. No kidding…I always wonder why we experiment on animals when there are prime candidates out there such as herself to be the test subject. Stiffer penalties helps but I’d sure like to volunteer these people for an “indefinite lab stay.”


  3. What a (w)itch. She can’t own or care for another horse for ten years? That’s too lenient, she shouldn’t have any horses near her for the rest of her natural life. Why so lenient? Oh I know….she’s mentally unwell is the excuse du jour nowadays.


    • Sounds like their lawyer should have been charged as well! These horses “skipped a meal”? How many weeks or months went by between meals? And they got off on an earlier charge! Sounds like animal abuse needs to have much stronger penalties & FOLLOW UPS!


  4. Finally there is a you have to pay for the bad deeds that you do, this is life you took and a soul In there, so sorry for the animal it went to hell before it was dead, no animal should have to do this in it’s life time.


    • Ha! I loved that – it is so unnecessary, not all women have problems like this, I know I sailed right through menopause and so did my mother. In any other culture, this is considered a respectable time in a woman’s life. Some man in the 1960s decided that we had to be put out to pasture instead. I don’t even know if I ever had a hot flash. But if women find this unbearable, there are much less cruel alternatives. Hope that wasn’t TMI. 🙂


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