Horse News

Author Terri Farley on Wild Horse & Burro Radio, Wednesday night (10/28/15)


Wild_Horse_Burro_Radio_LogoJoin us on Wild Horse Wednesday (*SM) , Oct. 28, 2015

7:00 pm PST … 8:00 pm MST … 9:00 pm CST … 10:00 pm EST

Listen to the archived show (HERE!)

or listen to the show live on your phone by calling (917) 388-4520.

You can call in with questions during the 2nd half hour of the show by dialing (917) 388-4520, then pressing 1.

This is a 1 hour show.  It will be archived so you can listen to it anytime.


Our guest tonight is best-selling author Terri Farley, who will be talking about her first non-fiction book, “Wild at Heart: Mustangs and the Young People Fighting to Save Them.”  Mustangs have thrived for thousands of generations.  Now they are under attack, but courageous young people are trying to stop the round-ups and senseless killings by standing up to government and big business to save these American icons.  Learn about cutting edge science and the young people leading the charge to keep horses wild and free.

“Anyone who cares about wild horses should read this book.  So should anyone who cares about how science is being abused to justify flawed management policies masquerading as ‘responsible conservation’.”  –  Dr. Ross MacPhee, Curator of Mammalogy/Vertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History


Pulitzer Prize winning freelance photographer Melissa Farlow, whose photographs are featured in Wild at Heart, has had work from 25 assignments and projects published in National Geographic, including a story about wild horses.

Terri Farley is the author of the Phantom Stallion series for young readers and Seven Tears into the Sea, a contemporary Celtic fantasy nominated as a YALSA best book.

Tonight’s show is hosted by Debbie Coffey, V.P. and Dir. of Wild Horse Affairs for Wild Horse Freedom Federation.

To contact us:, or call 320-281-0585



1/28/15 – John Holland, President of Equine Welfare Alliance, with an update on horse slaughter issues. Listen HERE.

2/11/15 – Ginger Kathrens, Founder and Executive Director of The Cloud Foundation, and Debbie Coffey, V.P. & Dir. of Wild Horse Affairs for Wild Horse Freedom Federation: The PZP debate. Listen HERE.

2/18/15 – Gail Fagan, spokesperson for Help Alberta’s Wildies (HAW), a group of concerned Canadians who have been fighting to save the remaining wild horses, called “wildies,” from being culled in Alberta, Canada. Listen HERE.

2/25/15 – Janine Blaeloch, Founder & Director of Western Lands Project (fighting to keep public lands public) on industrial solar plants, and BLM & Forest Service land swaps. Listen HERE.

3/4/15 – Carol Walker, Dir. of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation with an update of the Wyoming checkerboard case and the captured wild horses. Listen HERE.

3/25/15 – Marjorie Farabee, Dir. of Wild Burro Affairs for Wild Horse Freedom Federation & Sean Paton, founder of BICEPS Bonaire and radio host of Forum Antilles, talk about the endangered donkeys of Bonaire. Listen HERE.

4/8/15 – Erik Molvar, the Sagebrush Sea Campaign Director for WildEarth Guardians, talks about retiring livestock grazing permits, oil and gas issues, a uranium mine in Wyoming and public lands issues. Listen HERE.

4/15/15 – Carol Walker, Dir. of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation on western wild horses under siege. Listen HERE.

5/6/15 – Marjorie Farabee, Director of Wild Burro Affairs for Wild Horse Freedom Federation and Simone Netherlands, founder of respect 4 horses organization, on the BLM’s plans to remove wild burros from the Black Mountain HMA in Arizona. Listen HERE.

5/13/15 – HOWARD LYMAN, (featured in Cowspiracy and author of “Mad Cowboy” and “No More Bull.”) Lyman stated his opinion of the risk of Mad Cow disease on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1996, and he, Oprah and Harpo productions were sued by Texas cattlemen.  Listen HERE.

6/17/15 – R.T. and Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation on equine disaster preparedness and evacuation.  Listen HERE.

7/29/15 – MARJORIE FARABEE, Dir. of Wild Burro Affairs for Wild Horse Freedom Federation and SEAN PATON, journalist, radio host (Forum Antilles) and founder of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) BICEPS BONAIRE, on saving the wild donkeys of Bonaire.  Listen HERE.

8/5/15 – Carol Walker, Dir. of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation, on the BLM’s plans to STERILIZE wild  horses, including the FIELD SPAYING OF WILD MARES.  Listen HERE.

8/7/15 – R.T. Fitch, Pres. of Wild Horse Freedom Federation, and Debbie Coffey discuss Forest Service plans to roundup the Salt River wild horses In the Tonto National Forest in Arizona, and misc. topics.  Listen HERE.

8/12/15 – Ginger Kathrens, Founder and Executive Director of The Cloud Foundation.  Ginger will be giving us an update on Cloud the Stallion and the wild horses in the Pryor Mountains in Montana.  Listen HERE.

9/2/15 – Susan Wagner, Pres. & Founder of Equine Advocates, and Susan Kayne, creator of TV show Real Horse Rescues on ABC-WTEN, with Dr. Ray Kellosalmi and Paula Bacon, on mainstream media’s poor coverage of horse meat in the U.S. food supply, over 90,000 PMU mares trapped in torturous conditions while having their pregnant mare urine collected in China, and other equine welfare issues.  Listen HERE.

9/9/15 – Sinikka Crosland, Exec. Dir. of Canadian Horse Defence Coalition, on horse slaughter in Canada, and the  7,000 horses transported live by air  from Canada to Japan each year for slaughter.  See video The Truth About Horse Slaughter in Canada (WARNING: this video contains GRAPHIC SCENES).  Listen HERE.


6 replies »

  1. Excellent show…as always. I sent the promo for Terry’s book to someone that has been a teacher and school administrator for many years and who knows the value of educating the next generation. We are very apt to see a different planet and an entirely different mindset in a few years. Things are changing fast.
    As Garrison Keillor said in an interview,
    “Our replacements have arrived”


    • A much better outcome than Palomino Valley! How is it that this advocate group was allowed to do this rather than gelding the stallion & sending him to LTH – or worse!


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