Equine Rescue

Under the Skin – Donkeys at Risk

Source: The Donkey Sanctuary


Right now, millions of donkeys from Asia, Africa and South America are at risk of being stolen and slaughtered for their skins – the gelatin in the hide being a key ingredient in the prized traditional Chinese medicine called ejiao (e-gee-yow).

A new report by The Donkey Sanctuary reveals the shocking scale of this global demand for donkey skins – a demand that is unsustainable, whilst simultaneously causing mass-scale suffering to donkeys and risking the livelihoods of millions of people who depend on them.

Read here about the serious issues being faced and act now to add your voice to our campaign and help us curb this trade.

To learn more: https://www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk/under-the-skin

19 replies »

  1. OMG…Don’t let the you know whose about this! Our US donkeys SNF burros could be next since they feel we have an over population. What the hell is wrong with people!! I think the World and OUR illegitimate leaders have been drinking the same kool aid!
    It just takes a few to create chaos and yikes do we have it! This is the result of uninformed and non educated people. Is this planet Earth or some other planet in the galaxy we have spiraled into!! One thing is for certain, we need to push HR 113. This may seem minor in the big picture in light of the current situation!! In light of all the stupudty, I wonder if the Dumpster and his Ba sket of Deplorables will want to send our Arabian horses back to the Middle East.as 90% of them do not have passports or green cards!


  2. This situation is becoming acute. We already have suspicions about disappeared wild burros but lack proof at this point. The crisis started unfolding 10 years ago, however the news did not reach my ears until I started hearing about donkeys being killed enmasse and left skinned. For the past two years the stories trickled in and then the flow of devastion turned into a waterfall of wanton destruction of the most loyal, historic animal on earth. If this continues, we could see the extinction of donkeys in 10 years. Donkeys/burros have a long gestation period of 12 to 14 months. (they can hold off giving birth under extreme conditions). Wrap your heads around the numbers. They are already slaughtering 2 to 4 million a year. (at this rate our country’s entire population of donkeys would be wiped out in 3 months. Our wild burros would be wiped out in one day.)


  3. And its the so-called newly rich, entitled people who “need” the latest in anti-aging products! You would jump to the conclusion they would also be the better educated population, right? Apparent NOT. The whole idea of intensively “farming” donkeys certainly ranks right up there with our factory farms. Animal welfare really doesnt matter only the profit that comes from it.


  4. NUISANCE BURRO REMOVAL has been re-issued for 2017

    Land owners from Stony Creek and Buffalo/Heller Ranches have submitted written and verbal requests to Bureau of Land Management Eagle Lake Field Office for the removal nuisance Burros from their private lands
    Stony Creek Ranch-Deep Cut Grazing Allotmesnt
    Heller and Buffalo Ranches-Twin Peaks Grazing Allotment
    Bull Flat Ranch-Twin Peaks Allotment
    Approved and signed by Kenneth R. Collum 1-11-16
    Eagle Lake Field Office Manager


    Click to access CX2017_06_SignedScanned.pdf

    Click to access Signed_DR.pdf



    • So – are these ranchers complaining about burros on PRIVATE land or are they describing the allotments (public) as private land? Sounds like the burros HMAs
      dont have grass or water! So the answer is to remove?


      • Maggie, the map can’t be posted here as it is on a pdf file, but this much of what is shown on the map can be posted


        Buffalo Meadows Ranch Bait Trap
        Approx: 20 Burros removed in 2013
        Burros were following feed truck
        Permittee just closed the gate


      • This is from an IBLA complaint that was filed a few years ago: The Appeal was denied and more Federally Protected Wild Burros were trapped and removed from Public Lands.

        It is noted within the CX on attachment 4 map insert that approximately 20 burros were captured in 2013 by the rancher by allowing the burros to follow their feed truck and they admittedly then closed the gate behind the animals causing them to be captured. This enticement is illegal per the Wild Horse and Burro act and verified by this excerpt from the BLM.

        Sec. 4. If wild free-roaming horses or burros stray from public lands onto privately owned land, the owners of such land may inform the nearest Federal Marshall or agent of the Secretary, who shall arrange to have the animals removed. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a private landowner from maintaining wild free-roaming horses or burros on his private lands, or lands leased from the Government, if he does so in a manner that protects them from harassment, and if the animals were not willfully removed or enticed from the public lands. http://www.wildhorseandburro.blm.gov/92-195.htm

        Nevada is a “fence-out” state
        The entire Buffalo Meadows Ranch to Heller Ranch area is in the state of Nevada which has a “fence-out” law that requires private property owners by law to fence out unwanted livestock, including wild burros and wild horses. It becomes obvious when reading the CX that the Buffalo Meadows/Heller Ranches are not following this Nevada state law on their private property, therefore it becomes possible that wild horses or burros could stray onto their private property but this is not the error of the wild horses and burros, it is the error of the private property owners for being in violation of the Nevada state fence-out law.

        California has an “open range” law
        Similar to the Nevada “fence-out” law, California has an “open range” law which includes Lassen County where the Stony Creek Ranch is located. Open range laws in California were created in the 1800s. The laws require small property owners and farmers to be responsible for building fences to keep grazing cattle and other livestock off their property. Open range applies to privately owned and public land. The Bureau of Land Management and the United States Forest Service administer much of the open range land in the state of California.


  5. Please please PLEASE take every action you can to stop this inhumane and horrific situation … even IF there were some validity to stated claims – and there is not – it is immoral, barbaric and totally reprehensible and unjustified to push a species to extinction like this.


    • What do you mean IF there there were validity to stated claims? Not sure if you ate discussing donkeys being wiped out by China or burros crossing fences. In both cases, the hide trade is very real and the two ranches are not far from each other and sitting the middle of the HMA. In the report the complaint states he was told to repair his fence, which he did. Some years later the fence needed repair which they did not do and the burros made their way on the ranch. This CX is nothing but an excuse to get rid of burros. I am curious. How many of you have been around a donkey? How many of you have seen a wild burro? My guess is that you have not seen many donkeys or wild burros, because there are not many.


      • Marjorie, the Twin Peaks/Buffalo Meadow/Heller Ranch “Nuisance Burro” bait trap removal was just re-issued again for 2017 and is most likely being conducted right now. The above few paragraphs are from an IBLA Appeal that was filed 3 years ago and denied. It appears that ALL Burros are being eradicated across the globe, even those in our own country that are supposed to be protected by Federal Law.



    Where’s the Love for Donkeys?
    By JAMES GORMANOCT. 31, 2016

    Veterinarians, donkey rescuers and donkey defenders gathered recently for the fourth annual Donkey Welfare Symposium at the Cornell University veterinary school in Ithaca, N.Y., to talk about the problems faced by an animal often at the bottom of the ladder of human regard.

    Donkeys are the least of the least,” said Eric Davis, the veterinarian from the University of California, Davis, who started the symposium. He travels with other vets to provide free care to donkeys in many places where none is available. Donkeys are sometimes abused and, in the worst cases, slaughtered for gelatin and for meat.

    Dr. Davis spoke by telephone at 7 a.m. one recent morning, fresh from feeding the five donkeys that he and his wife keep. Asked why people who do not have or know donkeys should care about them, he said, “Much of human civilization was created because there were donkeys to move pastoralists and traders around the world.”
    “I think that we as a species owe something to donkeys.”


  7. American horses and donkeys, especially our wild ones, are not for eating. These special creatures are part of our history and helped to explore, expand, settle and protect this land. They have paid with their lives.


  8. It’s truly heartbreaking to realise the extend of the ejiao trade, and how much further it wishes to reach. I live in Australia. A country where many people believe the feral donkeys here are pests. Indeed, this is what the government calls them. They have been culled in the thousands. They are play things for hunters and station owners. ‘Under the Skin’ outlines how our Northern Territory government is considering exporting donkeys to China-both feral and farmed. There are reports of Chinese trying to buy donkeys for sale as ‘pets.’ I am becoming increasingly concerned and am acting now to figure out ways to make the Australian donkey more valuable alive than dead. This is not easy in a country that used donkeys to ‘civilise’ and then discarded them, letting them fend for themselves. I’m hoping that, with low birth rates, farming donkeys won’t be deemed viable. And I’m hoping the vast undertaking of mustering in wild donkeys from a huge land mass will also be deemed unworthy. But how long will they be safe? I dream of huge reserves being made available for them to be safe on. Right now they really are standing alone…


  9. Over a year ago I was getting frantic reports from Craig Downer about donkeys in Peru being slaughtered and skinned. The farmers impacted by this loss were devastated. I explained to Craig what I believed was happening to them. There have been many more reports since then. And, he has passed on the information. It is truly devastating that such lovely, intelligent creatures could be reduced to the value of their skin.


  10. Totaly unnessery. Se dont have to slauther animals and usesome smal part on medicin or cosmetic produkts. This must stop fight now.


  11. China’s growing animal rights movement is making its voice heard
    PUBLISHED : Monday, 05 December, 2016

    Wearing fake fur animal suits, chains and masks, the men, women and children – members of Freedom for Animal Actors (FAA) – protest outside the Beijing Workers’ Stadium. “I’m a monkey, chained, starved and beaten to learn to perform unnatural tricks. If you love me, don’t see my performance,” they chant in the video, as they try to deter people from attending a circus in the stadium

    “The people of China are often the recipients of criticism from around the world when it comes to animal welfare. But there is an enormous and growing movement of animal activists in China today.”

    Animals Asia’s welfare director Dave Neale agrees, and says groups such as the FAA will change hearts and minds on the mainland.

    In 2014, China revoked a law making animal testing mandatory for all cosmetics, and tightened regulations governing the protection of wildlife. Now, anyone caught eating an endangered animal or buying it for other purposes, including use in traditional Chinese medicine, faces 10 years in jail.

    Also in 2014, Kai Bao Pharmaceuticals, a major player in China’s bear bile industry, consuming 18 tonnes of powdered bear bile every year for use in medicines, announced it would spend US$3.7 million researching synthetic alternatives.
    Last month, the mainland’s largest food-delivery services Ele.me, citing food safety reason, banned business that sell dog meat. As a result 294 vendors and 7,733 meal options were deleted from the app.

    In Beijing , Grace Ge Gabriel of the US-based International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), says although the rise of animal activism on the mainland is encouraging, there is still much to be done.

    Li says the Chinese authorities have a lot to gain by legislating animal protection.
    “China cannot be a modern country if animal abuse and cruelty to animals are allowed.”



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