Month: May 2017

USDA’s Wildlife Services Sued Again: Enviro Orgs Ask Court to Halt Wildlife-Killing Program in Idaho

Story by Dan Zukowsk as published on EnviroNews.TV “Conservationists contend that Wildlife Services operates primarily for the benefit of ‘ Welfare’ Ranchers…” (EnviroNews Nature) — Four conservation groups filed a lawsuit on May 11, 2017, aimed at stopping the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from killing Idaho’s wild […]

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Should Animal Abuse be Considered a Violent Crime?

by Elizabeth Buff as published on “When we consider the harm done to animals as equal to the harm done to members of our own species, we can begin to change cultural perceptions of animals…” As news reports and undercover investigations reveal, animal abuse occurs with troubling regularity in […]

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