Month: May 2017

Stop The Slaughterhouse on CSU’s Campus

by Becca Bleil As a freshman at Colorado State University and a member of the Rams Organizing For Animals Rights student club, I was outraged to learn that our school has accepted money from a meatpacking company to build a slaughterhouse in the middle of campus. Construction could […]

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Panama City Beach “Big Lick” Horse Show Manager Tells CCABLAC (Citizens Campaign Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty) Animal Welfare Advocate “You Are A Dead Man”

Posted on PANAMA CITY BEACH (FL) –  On Wednesday,   April 26, 2017,  the  Panama City “Big Lick” Horse Show Manager Mr. Todd Fisher assaulted a CCABLAC (Citizens Against “Big Lick” Animal Cruelty) Welfare Advocate Clant M. Seay at the Frank Brown Park by telling him “You […]

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