Horse News

Agreement Paves Way for Export of U.S. Horses to China


Ky. Agriculture Commissioner Quarles praises resumption of equine exports to China.

Terry Branstad and Zhi Shuping after signing of an accord that allows the resumption of U.S. equine exports to China.  Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles (center) and KTA-KTOB executive director Chauncey Morris (left of Quarles) look on.  (photo: Kentucky Department of Agriculture)

by Bloodhorse Staff

Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles praised the resumption of equine exports to China at a signing ceremony in Beijing Nov. 6.

The agreement, signed by U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Branstad and Minister Zhi Shuping of the People’s Republic of China, clears the way for the U.S. to export horses, including Thoroughbreds, to China, where a rapidly expanding racing industry has emerged.

“Today’s announcement is a game-changer for Kentucky’s horse industry,” said Quarles, who attended the signing ceremony in China. “This policy change is the result of work on the part of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and will greatly benefit our economy and workers. Today’s announcement is a victory for everyone in the Bluegrass State and all of Kentucky agriculture, from those who raise horses to the farmers who supply their feed.”

In 2015 the Chinese Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) placed a hold on the importation of live horses from America because of concerns about equine infectious anemia, a viral disease spread by blood-feeding insects and potentially fatal to members of the horse family.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the Kentucky Thoroughbred Association-Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders, the American Quarter Horse Association, Keeneland Association, U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, and Quarles worked together to address concerns in China about equine infectious anemia. The effort began with a visit to China in the fall of 2016. Earlier this year, Quarles hosted a Chinese delegation in Kentucky for a site visit.

Read the rest of this article HERE.

15 replies »

    These evil people think they are ABOVE OUR LAWS..
    They are NOT. Void THIS DEAL & VOID IT NOW!!!!!!
    UNACCEPTABLE To even consider. Not HUMANE to DO this to OUR PROTECTED By LAW American ICONS!! No Way

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mid-Term elections…. THROW THE BUMS OUT

    So happy together – Supporters of Kentucky State bill SB139 reducing horses to livestock status
    Posted on Tuesday’s Horse

    Per Sen. Robin Webb of Grayson County
    who sponsored Senate Bill 139: “Our statutes have been historically inconsistent with the designation of the horse as livestock. We have the support of AAEP, which has taken this position publicly, as well as our major horse-industry groups,” Webb told her fellow committee members before their vote, referencing the American Association of Equine Practitioners, which represents veterinarians of all horse breeds and disciplines.”

    The AAEP have been pro horse slaughter as long as we have been advocating for horses. We are in our 14th year.

    Agriculture commissioner Ryan Quarles,
    who represented Scott County as a member of the Kentucky House of Representatives, applauded the action.

    “As chair of the horse farm subcommittee in the Senate, I couldn’t vote any other way on this legislation,” said
    Sen. Steve West,
    who lives in Paris and whose district includes some of the most famous Thoroughbred farms in the world. “Basically, it’s equity and fairness for the horse industry.”

    Said Thayer [Sen. Damon Thayer,
    the Republican’s majority floor leader from Georgetown]: “I think horses are livestock, and should be treated as such in the tax code. I’m hopeful some day, when we do tax reform, we can get tax parity for the equine industry. I think this bill is a good step in the right direction.”

    All about the horse industry, never about the horses. More on that coming up.

    In the meantime, listen to this joker.

    Said Sen. Dorsey Ridley of Henderson,
    whose district includes Ellis Park: “It just puts them all (livestock) in one classification. It’s an effort to make sure that horses are certainly not taken advantage of, but by the same token, it’s to protect our property. I was glad to be a part of it. It is a big thing for the Thoroughbred industry — and for all horses.”

    Someone please explain to me why he and these others are so glad to see Kentucky horses reduced to livestock status? What more is going on here to make them all so joyous?

    By the way, look who else is excited about SB139 apart from the ones in the Paulick Report. Kentucky Food and Farm Files. Why is that? See


      • I remember reading about sb139 back in March – Did it pass? So these people want to treat horses as livestock! Which would, I imagine, remove them from animal cruelty laws pretty much? Make it easier to send them on to slaughter or whatever! Horse industry? Lets just call it INDUSTRY – period! So much for the state that is supposed to be all for the horse!


    • AAEP would seem to be contradicting this:

      Veterinarian’s Oath

      Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.

      I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.

      I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.

      Liked by 2 people

    Apr 12, 2017

    LOUISVILLE, KY –Why do Kentucky lawmakers appear to despise horses? It’s not simply having little to no regard for horses. These people seem to out and out despise them and want nothing to do with helping them in any way. How can this be?

    Kentucky Lawmakers in Washington D.C.

    The first politician’s name that springs to mind when it comes to horse hating lawmakers from Kentucky is of course
    U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) who is also Senate Majority Leader and a huge power broker in the nation’s capital.

    From where we stand McConnell is top of the list in terms of intensity of destructiveness concerning our nation’s horses and their wellbeing.
    Whether it’s interfering with legislation and other federal measures that would virtually eliminate horse soring and Big Lick animal cruelty, or his reported holds on bills session after session that would protect horses from slaughter at home and abroad, McConnell has proven to be a vicious enemy to horses.

    Cruelty, horse soring and horse slaughter are intrinsically linked. The scale of the pain and torment meted out to horses by sorers and slaughterers is extensive and horrific. It is truly unconscionable. McConnell not only supports but also uses his power to maintain both the soring and slaughter of horses.

    Why? It may be as simple as this — McConnell loves the money he gets for working on behalf of those who spitefully use and perpetrate cruelty against horses, and peddle their flesh for profit. McConnell probably doesn’t give a thought to the horses at all.

    What about the rest of the legislators representing Kentuckians in Washington?


  4. How Big Pharma Is Making Huge Profits From Torturing and Killing Horses
    By Hannah Lownsbrough / AlterNet
    May 8, 2017

    Big pharmaceutical corporations are far from having an unblemished record when it comes to their treatment of animals. But recent investigations conducted by the German Animal Welfare Foundation have revealed practices involving horses have shocked even experienced animal welfare experts.

    SumOfUs members have already demonstrated that even “big” pharma is dwarfed when it takes on public opinion. IDT Biologika could save itself a great deal of trouble by reaching the same conclusion, and kicking these cruel processes out of its supply chain


  5. The Real issue we need to be angry over is as follows:
    Horse SLAUGHTER have organized Against Wild Horses created an Actual Organization and FB to appear as though they themselves are saving lives by advocating to kill starving animals.
    Luann Grisham who cosponsored SAFE ACT is leaving Congress. We need to review who all is leavingvwho is on Our Side and make sure their replacements are against horse slaughter.
    The Bureau is distributing media releases claiming that wild horses are currently starving to death and at adoption events out East they want people to believe this so they argue FOR slaughter thinking the Bureau Is informing them of the actual truth..
    The ProHorse Slaughter crowd is pressuring people to believe the well meaning people are You and that you don’t know the facts, so get out there media wise and enforce the facts NOW.
    Last, the Welfare Ranchers and ranchers that push for slaughter are losing their believability with the general public. People are now more enraged these freeloading ranchers and interloping cattle are Still on the same exact area of Public lands they claim these horses are dying on. In other words the countries calling BS. So as ranchers lose their foothold on their version of the truth… need to point directly to the Bureaus Lies. THE conflict of interest in adopting horses meanwhile telling the adopters they will starve to death on the range so back slaughter. This is direct conflict of interest. As for the China Exports…..its the SOLE REASON they deemed horses livestock in Kentucky. THEY removed companion animals from the States terminology solely because of the restrictions in shipping companion animals to China given they eat companion animals which is Against our countries export protections. I told you awhile back this was the purpose. While some will race just like Japan they kill to slaughter. THE larger concern is that those horses and up in pet food ingredients that will return to the US illegally once again where another suspicious pet food scandal will repeat itself.


  6. Since this affects ALL equines, this also means our burros will be more valuable to the Chinese for their skins — so folks need to be mindful of this and protect theirs better, as well as keep the rescues/shelters up to speed about potential fraudulent adopters.


  7. SO…Kentucky’s Horses are going to China and Kentucky Bourbon is going to Japan?

    American bourbon fans are furious about the sale of Jim Beam to a Japanese company
    Michelle Lynn Dinh

    Nothing quite screams “USA! USA!” like a glass of Kentucky bourbon; it is “America’s only native spirit” after all. Maybe that’s why patriotic fans of the beverage have taken to the Twittersphere in protest of Japanese company, Suntory, purchasing Beam, Inc., the distillers of American classics, Jim Beam and Maker’s Mark.


    Legislative Record

    The Legislative Record is a cumulative document compiled by the Legislative Research Commission after each legislative day for daily publication and posting on the Commission’s web page. The Legislative Record contains a digest of all bills and resolutions (and amendments thereto) introduced in the General Assembly and also reflects all daily legislative action occurring on or reported to the House and Senate floors. Hence, the Legislative Record provides a current summary of the status of each bill and resolution before the General Assembly.


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