Search results for ‘Sue Cattoor

Eyewitness Report: Wild Horses – December is the Cruellest Month for Salt Wells Creek Part 1

“Two weeks ago, noted photographer Carol Walker traveled to Wyoming on behalf of WHFF to witness for the wild horses as they were stampeded to capture by the BLM’s helicopter contractor. Unfortunately the stampede concluded over the Thanksgiving weekend when the public was banned from observing but Carol did have the opportunity to view the conditions at short term holding and the release of PZPed mares. Carol’s photos, shown in slideshow format exclusively, here, at SFTHH and later on her Facebook page, created quite a stir within the advocacy and around the world. So much so that Carol will be interviewed sometime next week on CNN so stay tuned for details.

Here at WHFF and SFTHH we shared Carol’s daily field reports and photos but now that she has made it home to a warm abode she has published her thoughts and descriptions of the photos that she snapped on her personal website, Wild We share only the opening paragraphs, here, in hopes that you will jump over to her site to view the photos, read her detailed report and comment with your thoughts.

Again, we want to thank Carol for making the trip, suffering the sub-temps and sharing her observation with this readership as the days ticked by…thanks Carol and to the Cloud Foundation advocates who were present earlier in the week at the roundup! Keep the faith my friends.” ~ R.T.

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BLM to begin Diamond Complex Wild Horse Stampede

Unedited, less headlines, BLM Press Release Release Date: 01/18/13 Contacts:Dorothy Harvey, 775-635-4040, Yet Another Assault on Native Wild Horses and U.S. Taxpayer’s Wallets to Commence Battle Mountain, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will begin the Diamond Complex Wild Horse Gather on Friday, Jan. 18, […]

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2010 Owyhee Wild Horse Roundup Reboot ~ Cloud Foundation Denied Access to Observe

Cloud Foundation Press Release ~ Tuesday, July 20th 2010 It’s Happening AGAIN, Monday November 27, 2012 Remember the History and Never Forget! The Cloud Foundation Media Contacts: Anne Novak Tel: 415-531-8454 Makendra Silverman Tel: 719-351-8187 For Immediate Release: BLM Above the Law? Salazar’s Agency Ignores Federal […]

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Equine Writer Blasts Chauvinistic Wild Horse Blurb

I spent some time reading your “Special Report MUSTANG Legends and myths. Faith, hope and charity.”
And, I must say that I was completely and utterly dumbfounded at the depth of misguided opinion put forth in this so called “report.” This is no report. This is a poorly drawn editorial and to call it anything else is an insult to any thinking person’s intelligence.

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New Year’s Day Horse Eater Attack Backfires

True to form and working along their “assbackward” philosophy “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and Dave “Doink” Duquette’s trumped up Native American complaint on Madeleine Pickens Rose Parade float totally blew up in their faces with the net result of garnering the Wild Mustang float an easy 10 times the publicity that it would have received if they simply would have stayed beneath that slimy rock that they live under.

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Equine Rescue Group Publicly Challenges Horse Eaters

GLENVILLE, PA (Angel Acres) – With the US press awash with misinformation regarding the plight of the American horse, Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue is stepping up to educate the public about horse slaughter via a billboard & internet campaign. Two billboards are up in Baltimore that display 2 horses with the statement, “Stop Killing Us” and a new website has been launched.

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