Blind woman uses tiny horse as guide

DEARBORN, Michigan – Mona Ramouni’s fingers fly across the text as she proofreads yet another page of a calculus textbook to be published in Braille — with her guide pony sitting patiently by. It is dull work for tiny Cali who serves as Ramouni’s eyes through a world […]

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Room for Emotion in Wild Horse Debate

Editor: Concerning the Star-Tribune Editorial Board’s comments titled “Emotion shouldn’t rule debate on wild horses” (July 19), I contend that a healthy dose of passion may be priceless, when combined with improved federal law (Restore Our American Mustangs Act, or H.R. 1018), and data-run scientific management. Politics and […]

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Playboy bunnies hop on wild horse issue

The U.S. House recently passed the “Restore Our American Mustangs Act,” which would protect wild horses in 10 western states by providing additional land and protections. But Rep. Doc Hastings, (R-Wash.) isn’t a huge fan. “With all of the issues that are facing our country,” Hastings told POLITICO, […]

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Native Americans Refute Claims as Bogus Author Says

Washington Activist Blasts Political Opportunists Using Issue By R.T. Fitch HOUSTON (SFHH) – On July 18th, 2009 an Associated Press story hit the internet quoting sources saying  the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Oregon would attempt to reintroduce horse slaughter into the United States. The headline, “Groups Push […]

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Horse scam called ‘creative and sick’

SALEM, Ore. – The woman accused of neglecting at least 35 horses is in trouble again. This time it is for allegedly using her boarding operation in Marion County to fleece her customers. Kristina Early, 26, faces additional charges of theft and conspiracy to commit tampering with evidence. She allegedly […]

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