Tag: Freedom

An Equine Thanksgiving: Who’ld a Thunk It?

A holiday message from R.T. Fitch ~ president/co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation “Peace On!” Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for a very simple and straightforward reason; ‘it is what it is’. Thanksgiving is a holiday that is not tied to any religious custom(s) or overtones […]

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Feel Good Sunday: Freedom, Make It So!

“Today’s video installment does not directly highlight our beloved wild horses and burros but instead addresses the spirit of the wild heart and the inherent need to be free and with family. This past week The Cloud Foundation and Wild Horse Freedom Federation struggled to stop the BLM […]

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Wild Horse and Burro Prayer of Thanks

Yesterday, December 15th 2011th, was the fortieth year anniversary of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burro Act and thousands, if not millions, of compassionate equine advocates were lighting candles in memory of all the wild horses and burros who have lost either their lives or their freedom since the law first went into effect. Diluted, twisted and bastardized by multiple administrations for the sake of special interest profits the very horses and burros that the law intended to protect are now hunted, abused and removed from their rightful land by they very federal agency that was charged to protect them. How have we gone so terribly wrong?

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