Tag: Grazing fee

Rancher Kevin Borba & Eureka County Commissioners try to pull the wool over public’s eyes

CORRECTION:  When this article originally posted, the incorrect information that Kevin Borba owned 330,000 acres was quoted from the Elko Daily Free Press (Thomas Mitchell).  However, according to newly obtained information from the Eureka County Assessor, Kevin Borba owns 1,339.55 acres.  This article has been updated to include […]

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Obama Administration Refuses to Raise Paltry Fee for Destructive Cattle Grazing on 258 Million Acres of Public Land

Public lands grazing (which produces about 3% of the beef consumed in the US) equates to around a net loss of $123 million annually to American taxpayers and the livestock do upwards of 500 million to 1 billion in estimated damages annually. Wild horse and burros are often FAR outnumbered by livestock… Thank you to the Center for Biological research for this press release.

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