Tag: Memorial Day

Memorial Day: Horses of War

by Amanda Uechi Ronan and published on Horse Nation “As a person who has enjoyed the company of many horses over the years, I thank heaven that I have never had to take one to war.” ~ General Sir Frank Kitson The first records of horses used in […]

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The Women Who Also Gave Their Lives

Source: Cate Lineberry of Fox News “It’s memorial day and we honor those who paid the ultimate price to ensure our life, liberty and freedom.  This blog is dedicated to the horse but the biggest readership, most advocates and those who keep my male Texas mind in line […]

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Government Transparency and Public Process on Wild Horses and Burros Jeopardized

RENO (May 28, 2012)—Protect Mustangs has discovered that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) scheduled an important public hearing for 10 am the morning after Memorial Day weekend without adequately notifying the public. The hearing is scheduled for 10-11 a.m., at the BLM Carson City District Office, 5665 Morgan Mill Road, in Carson City, Nev. The wild horse preservation group is requesting the BLM reschedule the public hearing—regarding the use of helicopters and other motorized vehicles for roundups and management—in order to give the public at least 30 days notice.

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Sgt. Reckless – The Real War Horse

The little horse that could – The story of Reckless is not only remarkable – it is unusual. And once you learn about her, you will see why the Marine Corps not only fell in love with her – but honored her and promoted her every chance they got. And it wasn’t just the Marines that served with her in the trenches that honored her – her last promotion to Staff Sergeant was by Gen. Randolph McC Pate – the Commandant of the entire Marine Corps. You can’t get higher than that in the Marines.

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The Veteran, the Horse and the Lessons Learned

Many young people, just as I once did, trust in their government to such an extent that they pledge to die for their country and then swear allegiance to a supreme commander who has never made such a commitment nor worn the uniform. These, our the young Americans, who to this day defend you, me, our country, it’s laws and all of the icons that represent this great land of ours. From sea to shining sea, the plains, the mountains and all the creatures that make our country so special. One of those great and powerful icons is the horse, both domestic and wild as their ancestors carried the likes of Paul Revere, George Washington at the birth of this land to set us free from former oppressors. Without the horse, the United States of America would never be.

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