Tag: R.T. Fitch

Wild Horses, China and a Holiday called Thanksgiving

For the purpose of security and for the element of surprise it is rare that I disclose the actual geographical location of my person. The requirement of the income stream that pumps the life blood into my family’s survival and funds the message of the horses regularly sends me to the four corner of the world for extended periods of time. For many years the continent of Africa was my home away from home but by the luck of the draw I now find myself behind the great wall of China, or should I rephrase that to say the great ‘Firewall’ of China.

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BLM Claims to Know Identity of “Animal Abuser” Cyber Bully

According to an exclusive article on Horseback Magazine Online a top placed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) official has confirmed that the agency has obtained the identity of the employee who attempted to post a public comment on this blog with the user name of “Animal Abuser” and an email address of AAafterYOU@yahoo.com. A finely tuned spam filter diverted the post and emailed it to this reporter’s attention, as the blog’s admin, for moderation and approval. Unbeknownst to the BLM Cyber-Bully was the fact that we record IP addresses and the address verified that the threatening message came directly from a government BLM computer DURING normal office hours.

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One Little Foal Step at a Time

It’s been a tough month for Wild Horse Advocates, even tougher for the horses. Months of legal planning had been mapped out by the HfH Advisory Council in an effort to stop four, specifically targeted BLM roundups from occurring. Two of those were postponed by a year, one directly due to our efforts. But the other two went forward, one struggle even made it to court. Did we make any progress? Were the horses helped in anyway? To put it mildly; “You bet ya!”

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Animal Welfare Groups Respond to Federal Ruling that Fails to Protect Colorado Wild Horse Herd

NEW YORK—The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), along with Habitat for Horses, the Cloud Foundation, and Dr. Don and Toni Moore, today responded to a federal judge’s ruling that declined to issue an injunction preventing the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from continuing its inhumane and illegal roundup of wild horses from Colorado’s North Piceance herd area. The case, brought against U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar in New York, charged that the BLM’s ongoing treatment of America’s federally protected wild horse herds violates the National Environmental Protection Act, as well as the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971.

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Group Lawsuit Filed to Stop Destruction of Colorado Mustang Herd

New York City, NY (October 7, 2010)— A case filed today against Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar in federal court aims to stop the elimination of wild horses from Colorado’s North Piceance herd area. Plaintiffs Habitat for Horses (HfH), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), The Cloud Foundation (TCF), Toni Moore and Dr. Don Moore challenge the BLM’s ongoing illegal treatment of wild horses residing on public lands and it’s intention to completely remove all wild horses from this area beginning October 11, 2010.

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Part II: For the Love of Wild Horses

We had been waiting for quite some time. The BLM guards told us that the helicopter was bringing in another family band of Pryor Mt. wild horses but the clock continued to click. High up atop the observation bluff we equine advocates sat down and crouched behind a feeble jute fence, as ordered, in an alleged effort to “hide” ourselves from any approaching wild horses that would be some 200 yards away.

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BLM’s Own Numbers Indicate Wild Horses Will Be “Zeroed Out” in 2011

Several days ago we ran a “tongue-in-cheek” article about the poor math skills of a much recognized individual, Mr. BLiM. That piece was published in an effort to prime the public for the following information, facts and figures. We now have a real sense of urgency upon us as the BLM’s recent release of thier 2011 Stampede schedule indicates their misguided plans to remove 11,000 wild horses from their rightful land…by their OWN numbers that is all that will be left in the wild after their assualt on the horses in 2010. There will be NO MORE wild horses, by their numbers, after 2011.

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Wild Mustang Concentration Camps: the BLM’s Future Plans for Our Once Wild Horses

With stampede operations allegedly shut down for August 28th at the Twin Peaks location Terry and I decided to head in one direction while Herd Watch Coordinator, Laura Leigh went in another. We had visited the Litchfield Holding Facility everyday for almost a week so we packed up the rental SUV and headed to Palomino Valley north of Sparks, NV. Palomino Valley is where the remainder of the captive Twin Peaks horses will go now that Litchfield is full. As of Friday, 909 wild souls had been captured and stripped of their freedom and futures, we wanted to see what the fate of the remaining captives would look like and we are sorry that we did.

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