How an RSPCA branch sent euthanised horses to a ZOO to be eaten by lions and tigers – as the racing industry is attacked for destroying thoroughbreds

By STEPHEN GIBBS FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA Hundreds of retired thoroughbreds have been sent to abattoirs and knackeries The RSPCA in New South Wales sends broken-down thoroughbreds to knackeries  where they can be processed into pet food and the Victorian branch uses abattoirs to euthanise them. Branches of the […]

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EXCLUSIVE: How the RSPCA sends thoroughbreds from NSW to slaughterhouses to be turned into pet food – after slamming the racing industry for destroying horses

By STEPHEN GIBBS FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA ABC’s 7.30 program exposed widespread slaughter of racehorses last month  Hundreds of retired thoroughbreds have been sent to abattoirs and knackeries RSPCA Australia said the animal welfare body was horrified but not surprised RSPCA NSW has now said it sometimes sends horses […]

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