Horse News

Citizen Report: Wild Horses Notably Absent from California Herd Area After BLM Roundup and Fire

BLM wants to go back and totally eradicate native wild horses and burros

Twin Peaks Post Fire Survey

May 18th and 19th 2013


Twin Peaks Wild Horse and Burro Herd Management Area


Three experienced wildlife observers with binoculars: Jesica Johnston, Carrisa Johnston, and Kathy Gregg

91 miles traveled in 11 hours – we drove slowly with many stops to look for animals

1 horse and 8 burros found

Vegetation in burn area in very good condition with many wild flowers, low grasses, a lot of cheat grass and what appears to be some Russian/Siberian crested wheatgrass (non-native).

Many juniper trees burned beyond survival but many were not burned or will survive the fire damage.  Sage areas clearly show the patchwork pattern of the fire, with many areas completely unburned within the Rush Fire perimeter.

Saw some bitterbrush drill seeding along Rye Patch Road.  Very little black burned grass noticeable now compared with last fall immediately following the Rush fire (see Rush fire report and now most of the burned area is covered with spring vegetative growth.

Most notable was the lack of any animal trailing that can usually be seen and would have been very obvious with the new carpet of forage – believe this is because #1 no livestock on the public land and #2 very few wild horses and burros left on the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area. Also noticeable was the lack of horse and burro tracks and manure on the HMA.

Other animals observed: one coyote, two golden eagles, vultures, crows/ravens, two rabbits, birds, ducks and geese at Horne Ranch reservoir, 2 deer, ~ 20 antelope, two curlew, small fish in the Robbers Roost pond and some burrowing ground squirrels and pika.

Unless otherwise noted, all photographs were taken by Jesica Johnston and Carrisa Johnston.

[side note: BLM Litchfield Wild horses and burros facility approx. 200-300 animals maximum]Saturday 5/18/2013

Smoke Creek Road

42 miles on HMA – 4 hours

Very few signs of any Wild horses and burros in this area (trailing/tracks/manure)

1 adult brown burro 8 miles east of Hwy 395 and 1 adult dark brown burro 15 miles east of Hwy 395

    Wild Burro- Smoke Creek Road

Wild Burro- Smoke Creek Road

Turned around at Smoke Creek Ranch owned by Bright-Holland Corporation – gate locked with no trespassing signs and 150+ cattle visible and lush green fields all fenced off.

Rye Patch Road

10 miles on HMA – 2 hours

One set of fresh horse tracks on road and few manure piles but not stud pile (mare or only one horse?)  In the past (pre-fire) numerous manure piles and eight horses seen in this area.

We saw one old wild horse stud pile at Spanish Springs trough – new looking barbed wire strewn in pathway (very dangerous for any animal – we moved it)  No recent signs of horse.

Horne Ranch Road

26 miles approximately half in twin Peaks – 2 hours at dusk

Sunday 5/19/2013

Shinn Ranch Road

13 miles– 3 hours

6 Burros (5 adults and 1 yearling) north side of road about ¼ mile east of Highway 395


In our two days of observation we saw very few signs of any wild horses or burros and only saw one dark horse about a mile south of Shinn Ranch Road about 4 miles in from Hwy 395 – it was far off but 99% sure it was a horse in the far canyon and the only wild horse we saw on this trip.

57 replies »

  1. Excellent reporting of extremely sad news. Somebody chosen or hired by someone is making decisions concerning the so called ‘well being’ of our wild horses and burros, not to mention other wildlife, and that somebody hasn’t got 2 brain cells to rub together.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…the BLM was tasked by Congress in 1971 to protect and preserve our wild horses and burros NOT to demonize and destroy them.

    What is it going to take to get the attention of the decision makers in Congress? Do a lot of folks have to get arrested or maybe hurt? What exactly will focus the spotlight to the WH&B cause? Lisa Myers did a bang up job reporting on NBC but what has happened since? Did anyone pay attention?

    How do we get more people to care?


  2. We need to push for a Congressional inquiry into the science being used by these agencies to manage the land. For over 70 years they have practiced over rest as a solution to solving rangeland desertification, and for 70 years they have failed miserably. Allan Savory has it right. The land needs animal impact. Just as in the days when millions of bison, wild horses and burros roamed the lands in giant herds urinating, defecating, and trampling the land and all forms of wildlife were present to create balance, we must copy nature. These herds followed the forage and came full circle back to find the areas they had been before full of plant life due to the fertilization, aeration and pruning that had previously occurred during their previous passage cycle. These lands need animal impact. Over-resting is proven to kill microbes in the soil needed by plants to survive. As the plant life dies back the soil oxidizes and no plant life can return. It is happening all over the West, yet these agencies continue on their ill-conceived gathers and de-stocking of wildlife. Their idea of land stewardship is a disaster. Take a look at Allan Savory’s work. He is proving that animal impact is necessary for healthy rangeland. The secret is timing. The herds must have enough room to move on until their next pass through an area.


    • savorys work is flawed in that he does not understand that domestic livestock , is NOT migratory, their behavior is entirely opposite of wildlife..its not even apples and oranges, its warts and raisins..livestock has to be managed and moved on a day to day basis..we spent every other day in the saddle pushing cattle back out onto allotments, they want green pastures with water close by..cattle will not willingly leave those resources…there are plenty of legit. studies using GPS on cattle and wild horses in Australia to support this….all Savory has done is to muddle the waters and given ranchers a wet dream..wildlife yes…domestic livestock..NO
      Great job on reporting, this is the kind of effort needed, while no one more enjoys the pictures of wild horses, I have many times asked that wild horse phtographers do this when they go out to photograph, as they of all- spend much time on the HMAs, and it is a lost opportunity to gather data


      • Sandra how can you say this scientist who has spent his lifetime implementing and documenting exactly what his research has shown to not understand domestic livestock? Exactly so, cattle must be moved to mimic the movement of the great bison herds, but wildlife is not removed not even predators. This is the POINT. This is what he has proven through implementation of his holistic management in desertified areas around the world. Everyone benefits. I have seen this program in action for myself at Circle Ranch, which is a 32,000 acre privately owned ranch. Christopher Gill allows all wildlife to exist including predators. What is moved are the cattle. It works. His ranch is beautiful even in the severe drought that has plagued the SW.


    • Miss Abby,
      I totally agree with you. In fact, the BLM and Interior have studies that reflect the scientific truths that we basically agree on. The problem is that they are hidden away either at the USGS or some other site that we might not consider looking in.

      Our horses and other aspects of range science are being ignored—believe interior, USDA or some other agency has them—but, they are ignoring them. Why? Because there is an insidious government policy that classifies our wild horses as non-native, invasive, alien species, and this President isn’t going to one thing to stop it. For all his talk about scientific integrity, he has the Fox (in this case) guarding the hen house, and the only way this will get out is if we have a Congressional investigation.

      It is not an accident that the last legislation to protect wild horses was passed in 1998. The people who are profiting and expect to greatly profit from the removal of our wild horses are funding this President’s and most of the Senate Democrat’s campaigns. To the extent the Dems can get our wild horses and thus, our eyes, off of federal land, we will get no help from Senate Democrats. There may be a few who do not realize what kind of a web they are caught up in, but if they do, they are running out of time to show it.


    • Very interesting talk! He said livestock BUT the herds of horses, burros & bison were the animals that did create balance. If only there were people in power who actually listened to Allan Savory & PAID ATTENTION! The whole idea is to have the herds MOVE ON…and copy nature. Thank you for that link.


  3. Native species like our wild horses will move on if not fenced in but cattle have been proven to destroy the range and riparian areas by the 1990-91 Government Accounting Office study. Livestock need to be off of our public lands..


    • Barbara it is about timing. Take a look at this study by Princeton University and look also at the work of Allan Savory. The enemy of our wild horses and burros are not the livestock industry but the mining industries and for profit alternative energy companies. The conflict between ranchers and wildlife advocates need not be if this model is embraced. Holistic Management International is making great strides in teaching ranchers exactly this model. Even Ted Turners land manager was at a clinic I attended at Circle Ranch and will have influence over millions of acres of range.


      • Wow!! Excellent article….This needs to be handed to the DOI and the BLM…blows anything and everything they are saying or doing with their so called scientific facts ruled against our Wild Mustangs…….

        To the latest Judge who ruled in the favor of the Ranchers of the “Checkerboard region” put this
        in your pipe and smoke it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Those Wild Mustangs should not be removed…..You apparently
        favored the ruling towards the corrupted and cry baby ranchers and not to the best interest of our public lands and protected Wild Mustangs……………A real example of Justice gone wrong!!!

        I am SO SICK OF THIS!!!!


      • Savorys own test ranching project failed due to in his own words..personell failures…in other words..human nature..Ranchers who own their own lands, do practice rotation methods, its not some new idea..its because they are INVESTED in their own property..Domestic sheep on public lands are attended to by a handler who moves them…they still destroy in their wake..such ranching requires massive fencing for domestics..which has a negative effect on wildlife, who cannot it is a good idea is not the relevant point…can public ranchers follow thru? more expense and employees and equipment costs…not in the definition of a “welfare rancher”


      • The ranchers and the horses have had a love/hate relationship from the very beginning of ranching. The horses were already there. If ranchers cannot make money off the horses or use them for working cattle they complain and nit pick and get dangerous towards them. But today the wild ones are set upon by more damaging agents than the ranchers; the mining and the loss of water which is now increasing steadily. There has been no approved plans from the illustrious DOI or BLM to protect watersheds and moving water anywhere. It is a free for all that insults the history of the our ecological and geological sciences and the American public who treasure these lands. I have never seen more disregard for our resources as we are displaying today in the West and in the case of Fracking, where ever they bring their poison to inject in the ground. May this insanity end when the American People make a stand and stop it.

        Make a law that leaves BLM out of the management of wild horses and burros.


    • And I believe many of these horses have moved on from Twin Peaks and it would sure be nice to get a grant and a professional team out there to find them and other wild ones who are off HMA so we can attempt to protect them from the shifting BLM policies.


  4. Sometimes I think of the expression, “Is nothing sacred anymore?” The key word in that phrase is “sacred.” The answer to that question, to me and many other people, is an unanimous YES! Our wild horses and burros, a part of our American heritage, are sacred as well as all native wildlife should be. Why this genocide and atrocious treatment sentenced on our wild horses and burros? We can only respond to that like in so many similar situations that defy logic and ethics, greed. The good question that remains to be answered however is, how are we going to get the greedy and corrupt individuals committing these acts to stop? We sign petitions, we make calls, send letters and emails, and try to get the word out through whatever media source will listen and comply with our requests. There is certainly a long list of individuals who are controlling our country supported by plenty of money and opportunity to insure they get their desired results. We have the majority on our side and many of those people are of power and influence as well. We need to find the answers to solve the current problems we’re facing on these issues and start seeing some favorable results. Someone, somewhere, somehow has to have some answers.


    • We need more people, more money, more programs we design and take to the land and people where the horses live. I see no one doing this. Money, money and more money would help a great deal.


      • Don’t you realize how little money we have all been using to do this Herculean task? If we are failing it is because people are so emotionally divided and blind to how to go forward that they will follow anyone who gets their adrenaline up. That is not what we need. We need cool heads, investigations and research and real programs to show we are involved! Who of you can say this? A handful…. ? It is up to you and YOU have to sacrifice. People like RT and Terry and few and far between. What can you do? What are you willing to do? Then do more!


  5. Very..very sad indeed..
    That man soley depends on greed

    The vast open ranges that once had wild horses..
    Are now barren & lifeless of natures forces

    Now all the wild horses are stockpiled like junk…
    Mares..foals & noble stallions are dying because of BLM’s funk

    When will man stop playing God. & let the wild horses run free…
    Not soon enough for you & me!


    • And still, part of making a physical stand is being on the ground when BLM is not there and knowing the land and animals really well. There are many local people who we have offended with our goody two shoes attitudes that would be helping the wild ones more and siding with BLM less if the multi factioned advocacy was more sophisticated and knowledgeable and TOLERANT! We have been making some grand mistakes over the years and we have not built enough relationships where they count.


  6. It might surprise you to was not the ruby pipeline, El Paso CO that asked for all the horses to be rounded up and removed from HMAs from Utah /Wyo to calif/lakeview was entirely..BLM..corporations would prefer not to stir up the public, they can accommodate and their profits are so high they will spend what it takes to keep people happy..I know this first hand, from wind mill projects I have worked on-on private lands where large corps happily agreed to spend thousands to protect ranchers cattle while we were erecting and developing projects and returned roads to wilderness when finished..they offered to pay 10,000 per cow for any that were injured or killed during construction..they invested in hundreds of panels to fence off the holes in the ground during construction..and hired individual who just watch the gates while trucks went in and out…Government does not no how to handle business deals nor how to develop public relatons…or make a profit..they have botched everything on public lands..Business will respond to pressure such as in WYO..where the corps tore down fences to allow antelope to migrate in response to wildlife groups…we are going about this the wrong way..approaching the corporations, like Patagonia WWP and others have done..have had positive results..going around BL:M to cut a deal with Ruby, was genius


    • I personally think we are in very dangerous situation where government is running interference for corps, they are running roughshod with dummied up EA and nepas and completely ignoring input from citizens..eliminating the BLM and dealing directly with business would gain results


      • Thank you, Grandma Gregg. I would suggest that we call the White House, our senators, our representatives and insist that this scientific fraud against Native American species be stopped. The research is there, and it is being disguised and ignored. We also need to contact our Senators and Representatives to let them know that this is not just a small “wild horse and burro” issue, but an environmentally reckless decision.

        However, I will say from all the different sites I have visited, California’s public lands are being transformed for a variety of other purposes. We

        Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the goals of these changes, they began in secret in the 1990’s and have continued to the present day.


      • Yes, I agree. And we have done very little in bringing this to the door of the corporations that dwell on horse lands with cattle, sheep and mines and pipelines. They need to be paying restitution and involved in rehoming wild horses on other horse lands and ending removals and the domestication smokescreen of branding and gelding and stockpiling the harvested animals.


    • We could have done the same but we are not a well organized and vetted group of professionals. Wildlife groups have been doing this for decades and have partnerships with corporations that they both publicize and use to show the public they work together. The wildlife groups thrive from the money they get from these associations (often formed because of a lawsuit or the prevention of one). We are the new group on the land and we have not yet got to this level. But I strongly believe we will get there.


  7. Well, then…the BLM has accomplished exactly what they were hoping for…the reduction of the wild herds to the point of collapse! Shameful lot!


  8. THANK YOU, Grandma Gregg. This is a labor of love and it shines through in every aspect of your writing. For those who are new here, scroll back to the devastating wild fire that swept through the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area last summer….the fences, the cattle guards, the Wild Animals that were trapped.

    Next, read the ESR document below. You will see that the fences are to be replaced. FENCES on Public Lands impede movement and natural migration of ALL wildlife, but the Wild Horses and Burros trapped by fences and cattle guards don’t stand a chance in a wildfire.

    Did Fencing in Wild Horse Herd Area Spell Death for Mustangs during Twin Peaks Wildfire?
    Update by Grandma Gregg ~ earlier article posted on Protect Mustangs
    The Twin Peaks Wild Horse and Burro Herd Management Area is covered in fencing to accommodate the livestock permittees. These fences restrict natural migration, water resources, impact free-roaming behavior, restrict gene flow, and now have put the wild horses and burros and other wildlife in significant danger as the wild fire burns through their herd management area.

    Rush Fire Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation
    November 2012

    Click to access FINAL_Rush%20Fire%20Restoration_EA_RSN_11-27-12.pdf

    Permanent Fence
    The BLM would repair and rebuild 11 miles of existing permanent drift and pasture division fences that were burned by the Rush Fire, as shown on Map 3. Fence work would be accomplished by replacing all burned wooden posts with easy-fence paneling, pipe fencing or rock cairns. Any existing fence materials, i.e. T-posts and wire, will be reused where feasible. T-posts and wire determined to be no longer sustainable will be replaced by new materials. Burned fence materials, including wire, would be removed from the site. Reconstructed fences would be used to protect seeded areas or areas being managed for natural recovery, and to allow exclusion from livestock and wild horse grazing. Fences would be re-established on original fence line locations.


  9. looks likeTheBLM Did What They Planned To Do. WhyThey Were Not Stopped Is Beyond Me. Hope All Of The Residents Are Happy Now…Until Their Time Comes. Leery The Fires Rage . Let The Fracking And Oil Drilling Begin. Complacency Is The Cause Of This. That And Greed.


  10. After the BLM roundup of the Twin Peaks Wild Horses and Burros in 2010, there weren’t many left. After the Rush Fire, there were even less.
    NOW…the few that remain are in IMMEDIATE DANGER.

    Click to access FINAL_Rush%20Fire%20Restoration_EA_RSN_11-27-12.pdf


    The BLM plans to remove 728 wild horses and 203 burros from the Twin Peaks and Buckhorn HMAs as an emergency gather, due to lack of forage and water resources. All of the horses to be removed currently are located within the burned area or within a 5-mile buffer of the fire perimeter (see Map 4). 80% of the burros to be removed are located within the burned area, and the others to be removed are located in areas of the Twin Peaks HMA that are severely depleted of forage and water due to severe drought. The actual numbers of horses and burros captured may vary from the objective, due to the location and behavior of the animals during the gather period.

    Due to the extreme effects of the wildfire and drought on wild horses and burros, this emergency gather is considered an immediate need, with the ideal timing for the gather operations being in the winter of 2012 to 2013. If this cannot be accomplished, the gather could take place in the summer, fall or winter of 2013.


      • Most recent BLM statement says that Twin Peaks and Buckhorn and Ravendale (and maybe Coppersmith and maybe Buffalo Hills HMA – not officially announced yet) will be captured this October.


      • Oh no. So we have only a few months, folks. We need to inject some courage and funding and more time into this to make a difference. Thanks, GG! It seems we do need more boots on the ground. That is a huge area and it will decimate the some of the last California wild horses as they have already taken the vast majority of CA burros.


  11. We have a vast amount of federal land. There is plenty of room for our wild horses, cattle, wildlife, and other uses. However, our federal agencies are trying to make our public lands look devastated in order to blame it on the wild horses, so that they can remove them. Therefore, they have to let the land get degraded, so it looks like the horses are doing it to people who don’t known anything about the differences between wild equine and bovine behavior.

    What has happened on federal lands is not the fault of the ranchers. It is the fault of the federal land management agencies and the insidious forces within almost every agency in government that is working to remove our wild horses.


    • Over grazing is a huge problem that BLM has not had any control of nor have they tried. Ranchers put their cattle out there and they allow this just as BLM allows them to. They go hand in hand. And they are also hand in hand in the removal/mustanging of our wild ones into oblivion. They are often enemies, BLM and ranchers, and then again, they are often family.


  12. Dr. Rubenstein is on the NRC. He has a long history of working with wild horses and burros from his student days at Duke University. However, solid scientists have had a tough time getting their work published as originally authored. If you have to do research on complementary grazing (which currently sits in one of Interior’s sites) in Africa and not here in the U. S. (even though most colleges) endorse complementary grazing, then there is a serious problem.

    I can imagine that it must be very frustrating for better educated ranchers to see how the BLM lets the land degrade and refuses such simple and temporary methods such as exclosures. If the BLM were actually managing the land, they could manage all these acres to be productive for the different uses it is supposed to meet.


    • Thank you Hoofhugs. The management is the problem. Yes, the cattle would need to be moved as before, however the difference would be an inclusive attitude toward wildlife which is currently deemed as being in competition for forage. This attitude is not necessary if cattle are moved on to mirror the movement of the great buffalo herds. To continue the fight against ranchers rather than seeking solutions where both the wildlife and the ranching lifestyle become partnered is to play into the extractive industries playbook. Divide and conquer. At Circle Ranch it is working. No wildlife is removed not even predators. As a result his ranch has rich riparian areas and lush pasture even though his 32,000 acre ranch has suffered through a severe drought. Right next door at a Wildlife Management Area almost all wildlife was destocked, and as result the land has died. The results are significant and Allan Savories work has been proven to work in projects around the world.


    • BTW Hoofhugs, Dr. Rubenstein has shown himself to be willing to answer e-mails and questions about his work, which I found fascinating. Even he was stunned by the results of his experiment. I appreciate your willingness to think outside the box. ie., holistically.


    • Exactly. But this is a corrupt agency whose employees jump back and forth from corporate to agency in blatant conflict of interest. And yes, ranchers who have cared for their allotments and have neighbors who abuse theirs are often caught up in long legal fights. What we are doing and what we claim to do and what we could do are all so far apart!


  13. As a Mustang website owner, I get emails all the time from people asking “where can I see wild horses?” These people often know about the various private sanctuaries that offer tours, but they want to see “real” wild horses on the real American range – in Nevada, eastern Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, and California. I run into people all the time who are so thrilled to tell me (since they know I am into wild horses and burros) that they saw or heard real wild burros on their last camping trip to wherever. People are excited about the prospect of sighting a fleeting band of real wild horses or burros in their natural, historic habitat. They aren’t looking for a park, museum or zoo. There may be a place for a wild horse park in the Big Picture for wild horse and burro tourism, but no one should underestimate the wild horse & burro-inspired tourism that is ongoing right now, and could be further developed, throughout all of wild horse and burro country, for the economic benefit of a wide range of counties and cities. Rather than putting huge amounts of money into a handful of parks, I would rather see smaller development grants offered to businesses and communities in wild horse and burro country, to develop their own tourist opportunities centered on wild horse and burro viewing. A little could go a long way and would improve relationships between local citizenry to their local wild horses and burros. A case in point is the Burning Man event that takes place on the Black Rock Desert over Labor Day week each year. I cannot imagine two less naturally compatible populations than the Burning Man crews and local ranchers, and yet, once the locals began to see the economic benefits, they began to accept the blue-haired, tattooed invasion each fall.


    • Connie, I agree with you so much! And I think that we need our folks to create more opportunities for people to be able to have these authentic experiences. Working with locals who know the land is really a key point and can help us center and anchor our celebration of our wild ones with the public. And we need to be celebrating them everyday! Burning Man is a success and I have a friend who sells coffee there every year. I can see a local Wild Horse Festival in every state or on every HMA if there are people who just go out and do it and stick with it!


  14. Yes Louie, interior cross-fencing is a major issue on this HMA and very detrimental to the free-roaming behavior that the 1971 Congressional Act mandates – even to the point that inter-mingling for genetic viability appears to be at high risk. As you noted, the BLM stated that they would be repairing/replacing 11 miles of fencing. Low and behold a solicitation was recently published asking for bids on what appears to be about 50 miles of fencing materials for the Eagle Lake BLM (see link). Ut oh … do we think that they might be saying one thing to the public and doing what ever they want behind our backs? You betcha!


    • Fencing is clearly a problem for all wildlife, and not necessary for cattle grazing, so why do they do it? Grandma Gregg, as always you are focused like a laser. Great work here.


      • Twin Peaks HMA is divided into six “pastures” of varying sizes and these pastures are generally fenced and cross fenced and with NON “Wild Horse Annie” (wild horse & burro safety) cattle guards. These fences and cattle guards are entirely for livestock grazing convenience. This was the major reason we were so concerned for the safety of the wh&b during last summers major wildfire. Many wild horses and burros could have been trapped by the fences and the fire. I saw one cow in this same area that had been killed by the fire – inhalation or burned alive? Example: one “pasture” that we have been watching wh&b in for years appears to only have 8 wild horses in it since the 2010 capture and we know them by name. Can’t find them since the fire – but not giving up!


    • This is true on many HMAs and a large majority of fences I have seen are very new and the gates are not open and the non Annie cattle guards are used. The horses are not expected to be in these areas at all. They are given a pittance of land on their own home range.

      The fire is the wild card here that has caused chaos to the survivors.


    • From Grandma Gregg’s link above;
      Added: May 21, 2013 7:25 pm
      THE Bureau of Land Management (BLM), California State Office is issuing this COMBINED SYNOPSIS SOLICITATION under commercial items procedures in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only request for quotations (RFQ) and a written solicitation will not be issued. This RFQ incorporates provisions and clauses that are in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-66, dated April 1, 2013. This RFQ is set-aside for small business concerns. The North American Standard Industrial Classifications System (NAICS) Code is 332323 – Ornamental and Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing with a small business size standard of 500 employees. The Product Service Code (PSC) is 5660 – FENCING, FENCES, GATES AND COMPONENTS

      THE Bureau of Land Management, Eagle Lake Field Office has a need for Rush Fire Fence Material as follows:

      1. 2 and three eights (3/8) inch SS20 7 feet 13 gauge Steel Post with brace clamps – 3000 each 2. 1 and seven eights (7/8) inch SS20 7feet 13 gauge Steel Post with brace clamps – 2400 each 3. T-Posts Heavy duty 5 and one half (1/2) feet 5000 each 4. T-Post Heavy Duty 6 feet 3800 each 5. Barbed Wire (red brand) 600 rolls 6. Smooth Wire (red brand) 262 rolls

      DELIVER to Bureau of Land Management, Wild Horse Burro Corral Facility, 21 miles east of Susanville, CA on US Highway 395, Litchfield, CA 95117 or Ted Overton Training Center, 1495 5th Street, Susanville, CA 96130. Provide delivery charges separate for both locations. Estimated Delivery Date is June 18, 2013. Provisions and Clauses incorporated by reference and can be found at: 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors-Commercial 52.212-2 Evaluation-Commercial Items, the RFQ will be evaluated as best value. 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications Commercial Items, a completed copy of the provision at 52.213-3 shall be submitted with the proposal, or you can register your reps and certs online at 52.212-4 Contract terms and Conditions- Commercial Items 52.212.-5 Contract terms and Conditions- Commercial Items.

      REQUEST for Quotes are due for this combined synopsis/solicitation on Wednesday, June 11 at 3:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time. Please reference RFQ number L13PS00515. Quotes may be submitted via email at, by fax to 916-978-4444 or by mail to Bureau of Land Management, California State Office, 2800 Cottage Way, W-1623, Sacramento, CA 95825, Attn: Julia Lang. Offerors shall furnish the company name, DUNS number, address, phone, fax number, email address, and official point of contact. All proposals shall be signed by authorized company official. Email questions are acceptable to Registration in System Acquisition Management (SAM) shall be required for award. There is no cost to register in SAM. END OF SOLICITATION.
      Contracting Office Address:
      Point of Contact(s):
      Julia B Lang


  15. I have asked Linda Hay to come here to comment as she knows those who are here who are familiar with Twin Peaks. Linda has been going out and visiting areas she knows and has seen more animals than you have reported here. One thing that happens when you use a short period of time on the ground is this; the horses will be moving through out their day in relation to their water appointments. To be there such a short time is to miss them and not catch this daily rhythm the horses live with. And if they are wary they will still avoid you. I am not saying you did not make a concentrated effort, because you didi. I am glad you did. But maybe there is another way and people out there need to talk and devise a more thorough approach using the times of day horses move and more specific areas with water. Twin Peaks needs people on the land and looking and I thank you for going out to do this. I had hoped we could have an advocate gather there to learn more about this huge area. This is one of our big setbacks; not knowing the land and the animals there. We need the involvement of more local people and those who have experience on the ground with wild horses. Keep going back, please. And if you know Linda Hay, contact her and ask to go out with her. Share your knowledge. Cover more ground. And if in the end we cannot find the number BLM has thrown out we may have to look to other means to discover where the wild ones have gone. We do need to know. Thanks for your time and effort out there. I hope you learned from this and will go back.


    • Hi Mar-

      This is not my first visit to Twin Peaks – I have been there many times and most times with scientists. Each time I go, I document with number of hours and miles and number of animals plus photos. Each visit gives different results and is done at different times of the year and on different roads (areas) of this large HMA and thus each report is different. This was an accurate report for this trip (91 miles with three experienced wildlife observers – one and a half days – 11 hours of constant looking for wildlife on Twin Peaks) and it was the first time that I have seen only one horse.

      I am a friend of Linda and have learned a lot about Twin Peaks from her (and others) and have shared what I learn with her too and have even traveled together on Twin Peaks with her plus I have read everything she has ever written about Twin Peaks and looked at every photo she has publicly shared and even some she has shared with me exclusively. I know how many animals she sees and when she sees them and where she sees them. We travel some of the same areas and we also travel some different areas and we share what we learn. I highly respect her knowledge and devotion to Twin Peaks plus I consider her a friend.

      By the way, two independent aerial surveys have been done on this HMA – both giving the results of an estimated less than 500 wild horse and burro population on the ~800,00 acre Twin Peaks HMA. I have much more information about Twin Peaks – some that I cannot disclose at this time – but I can tell you that 84 Twin Peaks wild horses and burros were sold to Tom Davis. How does that make us feel?

      I completely agree with your wish that more people do in-depth investigation on Twin Peaks and all HMA’s and document and share their findings. Each trip takes a major effort of time and money but it must be done. Our land and our wild horses and burros and wildlife are slipping away from us and they are calling to us for help.

      Thanks for your interest and ideas and I agree with you.

      PS My family and I are the caregivers of three wild Twin Peaks horses and would give my eye teeth to have them back on THEIR land.


      • Thanks Grandma Gregg. You have been so loyal to this place and the wild ones and their history. It is heartrending to be losing any wild horse or burro from these lands. Especially now after human and fire devastation. We must become a stronger and more organized front with deep pockets in order to make a big difference and THEN make recovery and repatriation the goal for all wild ones and their lands.

        I am so glad we have you with us!


      • Grandma Gregg, I depend on the reporting that you do. As you know, I also have four Twin Peaks jennies at our ranch which were gathered in 2010. We also have a herd of wild burros from Cibola/Trigo and Chocolate Mule Mountain waiting to be returned. I believe strongly in preserving the genetics of these amazing burros which, when compared to our domestic stock are clearly built differently. Their hooves are larger and stronger, their bones are thicker and generally speaking they are made for great speed. It is my dearest wish that we will be able to return these wonderful animals to their homes, and if not them, their offspring. Thank you for your dedication and the time it took to compile this report for us. Without dedicated people such as yourself, all of these gathers would happen in secrecy. ~ MF


  16. very sad report but a well done report. I think there are MANY Americans and others who care and are upset and are fighting to stop this horror. But, there are many issues of this country that our government seems fit to do it their way, no matter what. The government needs to be the target and they hide because they are cowards.


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