Horse News

The current EA, FLPMA, or NEPA legal process has not been met for Utah Roundup

Photojournalist - Journalist

I find it interesting that the Bureau of Land Management, also allowed by the Department of the Interior (oversight agency), to complete such obvious Illegal Activities — as no legal process has been given to the taxpayer public that the Conger and Frisco Roundups are being done legally.

I.  Current EA legal process must be met and signed — a 2015 EA, whether updated or not, and left unsigned as well, is unacceptable legally to complete a legal roundup;

2. An unsigned EA does not fulfill the legal process for the BLM to conduct a roundup at the Conger and Frisco Heard Management areas;

3. FLPMA as well as no NEPA requirements, legally, have simply not been met for a legal roundup within these Utah HMA areas;

4. Population Research Control (BLM’s bogus title in an attempt to make it sound valid) is a false title and irrelevant, when the…

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5 replies »

  1. The President fired the first shot yesterday, showed how he feels about Public Lands & Wildlfe!! Do the Horses stand a chance?


    • Did comment – I hope the Senate ban holds thru this “committee” process. Seems theres nothing this administration and this Repub. congress wont do to have a win!


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