Tag: Jackson Mountain

Wild Horse Stampede Dispute Escalates in Nevada

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s emergency roundup about 50 miles west of Winnemucca started Friday and has been disputed throughout.

U.S. Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz, became the most recent critic Friday writing a letter to BLM suggesting they should consider “less dangerous alternatives” than helicopter roundup during foaling season.

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Americans Want Aid Sent to Pregnant Wild Horses and Babies—Not to Stampede Them

WASHINGTON (June 7, 2012)—Protect Mustangs, Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF), scores of equine advocacy groups and the American public oppose the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Jackson Mountain roundup, in northwestern Nevada famous for Burning Man, set to begin tomorrow. The advocacy organizations and members of the public are reaching out to elected officals nationwide to come to the aid of America’s wild horses and burros. The BLM has chosen to endanger heavily pregnant mares and tiny foals by stampeding them in a terrifying helicopter roundup. Protect Mustangs asked BLM to continue trucking out water and other aid as needed for the indigenous wild horses. Their request was refused. Trucking aid to them is cheaper than a cruel million dollar roundup paid for by the American taxpayer. Originally the wild horse removal was planned for after foaling season in July but BLM claims the indigenous horses are at risk because of drought conditions even though rain is forecasted and private livestock is allowed to remain grazing on the range.

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Breaking News: Roundup of Wild Horses to Begin Despite Risks to Tiny Foals and Pregnant Mares

RENO, Nev. (June 7, 2012)—Despite extensive conversations with wild horse advocates who explained humane alternatives to a deadly helicopter stampede of tiny foals and late term mares, Gene Seidlitz, BLM District Manager in Winnemucca, NV, signed a Full Force and Effect Decision to round up hundreds of wild horses in the drought stricken Jackson Mountains, calling it necessary for “the health of the horses.”

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BLM Plans Helicopter Roundup of Pregnant Mares and Tiny Foals

RENO, Nev. (June 6, 2012)—Wild horse advocates are united in protesting the planned helicopter roundup of the entire Jackson Mountain wild horse herd at the height of foaling season. The Bureau of Land Management’s Winnemucca District Office is scheduled to issue their Decision Record regarding the mustangs in this drought stricken area of northern Nevada at any time.

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