Wild Horse Fire Brigade Educates the USFS on the History of Wild Horses in North America

An enlightening email thread between Jeffrey Todd, USFS Public Affairs Officer at the Apache-Sitgraves USFS Office and William Simpson II, founder of Wild Horse Fire Brigade —–Original Message—– From: William E. Simpson II <gemmaster7@aol.com> To: jeffrey.todd@usda.gov <jeffrey.todd@usda.gov> Sent: Sun, Oct 23, 2022 7:42 pm Subject: Re: [External Email]Sunday […]

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New Government Report on Trespass Livestock

“For decades our wild horses and burros have been scapegoated as the primary reason for ecological destruction on our western public lands while in reality, the documented destruction has come from private, welfare livestock allowed to graze our land at subsidized prices while far out numbering the federally protected wild equines.

This may come as a bit of a shock (tongue in cheek) but several of our federal agencies (BLM and USFS for example) are critically ate up with collusion and cronyism leading to a system of ‘good ole boy’ favoritism towards federally subsidized welfare grazing with little or no control YET the agencies, along with their welfare ranching buddies, point fingers at the wild horses and burros for grazing damage while they hold actual research at bay that verifies it is their private cows and sheep that are doing the damage and NOT the wild horses and burros.

Instead of reducing or eliminated grazing permits the BLM and USFS spends tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to attack, harass, capture, abuse, torture, experiment upon, warehouse and even sell horses and burros off to slaughter AGAINST the will of American taxpayers and politicians.

Although today’s installment does not address wild horses and burros specifically it speaks to the problem that is used as an excuse for the corrupt agencies to illegally remove the protected equines from public lands while welfare cattle and sheep run amok. It is all so screwed up that it is difficult for a sane mind to wrap itself around, but for the sake of the wild horses and burros we need to “get it” and continue to fight and speak on their behalf. Become conversant on the subject, please, and ensure that all who you know are equally aware as it is only through the force of numbers will we be able to win this war. Keep the faith my friends and keep on keeping on.” ~ R.T.

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Surprise, Surprise: BLM and USFS Fail to Identify, Track, Penalize or Deter Unauthorized Welfare Livestock Grazing on Public Lands

“…but both the Bureau of Land Management and the United States Forest Service have PLENTY of time to exploit, harass, roundup, hold and spread rumors and bogus propaganda about a handful of federally protected wild horses and burros on their rightful public land. Something is WAAAAAYYY out of alignment and skewed totally to benefit federally subsidized welfare ranchers…the “Good Ole Boy Club” smells more like rotting fish than simple cow poop!” ~ R.T.

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