Horse News

Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions- Wild Horses on PBS last Night


Cloud - (Photo by Terry Fitch)

Cloud - (Photo by Terry Fitch)

Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions is the next chapter in the exciting life of the charismatic stallion, Cloud, and the wild horses of the spectacular Arrowhead Mountains of Montana. This new adventure captures the twists and turns of a complex family drama; a tale of two stallions, Cloud and Shaman, who raise each other’s sons: Flint and Bolder. When the loveable colts mature into adult challengers, they battle the very stallions who raised them. Five years in the making, this unpredictable tale is both epic and intimate, tragic and joyful. Cloud fights to win new mares, surprising foals are born, lethal predators prowl, and a government bait trapping operation endangers Cloud’s family. Ginger Kathrens again captures the dynamic, complex, and beautiful world of wild horses.

Gather family and friends together and make this show an event to save America’s wild horses. Join filmmaker Ginger Kathrens on immediately after the  program for a live question and answer session. Then take a few minutes to write letters to your Senators to support the ROAM Act (§1579) and letters to your  editor requesting that wild horses be preserved and protected in viable wild herds.  12,000 wild horses and burros are to be rounded up over the next year alone and   removed from public lands in ten western states. This will leave fewer horses in the wild than will be stock-piled in government holding pens.

Cloud, and several members of his herd, in captivity 9/8/09 Photo by R.T. Fitch

Cloud, and several members of his herd, in captivity 9/8/09 Photo by R.T. Fitch

Download a printable flier  here (WORD FORMAT or PDF FORMAT ) to spread the word! Please give to local clubs and groups!

Promotional flier here

Preview of show here

Watch PBS’s Nature program on Sunday, October 25th – check your local listings for specific broadcast times!

Press Release AVAILABLE here:  3rd Cloud Program or in PDF Format here

Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions BOOK now available- 100’s of beautiful photos, 160 pages, all proceeds to The Cloud Foundation

Order here (books ship the week of October 26th)

Promotional flier here

Preview of show here

Watch PBS’s Nature program on Sunday, October 25th – check your local listings for specific broadcast times!

Press Release AVAILABLE here:  3rd Cloud Program or in PDF Format here

Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions BOOK now available- 100’s of beautiful photos, 160 pages, all proceeds to The Cloud Foundation

Order here (books ship the week of October 26th)

cloud_challenge_stallions book cover

Don’t forget to watch “Stampede to Oblivion” – George Knapp’s Investigative Report

New Article on Roundups & Next Howling Ridge Radio Show

October 20, 2009 by thecloudfoundation

Examiner.Com article on roundups going on now

Next Howling Ridge Radio show features Theodore Roosevelt National Park horses – many  are being removed this weekend and need homes.

The show starts at 9:30pm Eastern and runs for two hours. If you would like to call in the call in number is: 718-664-6596. You need not call in to listen to the program as you may listen at the show page. If you do want to call in press 1 and that will let us know that you would like to speak. We hope you will join us as it will be a very informative program. More information on horses here.

Interview with Craig Downer, Wildlife Ecologist

October 19, 2009 by thecloudfoundation

Renown Wild Horse Ecologist, Biologist and Author Craig Downer speaks out on the BLM’s current efforts to eliminate America’s Mustangs from their legally protected ranges on our public lands.

View the video interview here.

Wild horse plan rekindles cattle grazing debate- New AP Article

October 18, 2009 by thecloudfoundation

Read the article here– an excellent piece of balanced journalism discussing Secretary Salazar’s plan to clear thousands more horses off their legally designated rangelands.

please take a moment to sign this petition to restore the Coyote Canyon Wild horses in CA

The Thriving National Ecological Balance- A Report by C.R. MacDonald

October 18, 2009 by thecloudfoundation

Radio Show Interview & Update on Horses Removed

October 17, 2009 by thecloudfoundation

Listen to the Ginger’s  radio interview with Bob Oliver of Monterey’s Quantum Leap Radio show- now downloadable here.

It is bittersweet to report on the horses who were removed from the Pryors last month, but I would like to report good news from every adopter I’m in contact with. Cloud’s daughter, Rain, who now lives in Virginia and her adopter were recently featured in their local paper, read the article here. Cloud’s grandkids, Image and Ember, are together and doing very well in Ohio. Two of his other grandchildren, Arrow and Bolder’s daughter, Sage, are in Colorado and are coming along well in their training. The adaptability of these young horses is amazing! Shaman’s granddaughter, Summer, is in Montana and is doing great- as are the grulla daughters of Beauty and Seattle and Sacajawea and Blizzard. Ginger has Cloud’s buckskin brother, Sax, in Colorado and he’s doing great and is the youngest member of a six horse band now.

All but two of the older horses were rescued thanks to your generosity with the Freedom Fund (donations still needed) and the work of so many to keep these 4 bands together in addition to the bachelor stallion, Floyd.  Conquistador is with his mare, Cavalitta, and Shane, Bo and Trigger are with their mares. Bo’s filly foal daughter is also with the band. Ginger will be going to Montana soon to see the horses- photos coming then!

Both were removed in the September 2009 roundup

Rain and Arrow run in the evening light- Deb Little Photography. Now 2-year-olds, both were removed in the September 2009 roundup

USFS Horses of Theodore National Park – Homes Needed

October 15, 2009 by thecloudfoundation

Since the wild horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park are managed by the National Parks System, they are not protected by the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. 90 wild horses and burros from this park will be rounded up on Oct. 23, 2009 and bought directly to a Stockmans Livestock Auction in Dickerson, ND, where they will be auctioned off to the highest bidder WITHOUT RESTRICTION. These horses usually go cheap (not much more than $100 each, sometimes even less) so there is great concern that many will go to slaughter. I realize that this herd is just one of many being rounded up this fall, but it appears that the National Parks wild horses and burros have even less protection than those managed by the BLM. Is there anything TCF can do to coordinate temporary holding for them until at least some can be adopted?Contact Marylou Webber @ (701) 527-3243 and visit her blog with photos and descriptions of the various bands. Read more and see gorgeous photos of the horses here.TRSP horse

Roundups are starting in the McCullough Peaks of Wyoming and in Garfield Flats, Nevada. Roundup schedule here- observers are going to be at both roundups and more are needed for future roundups. Roundup schedule 2010_2009

Stampede to Oblivion- take it nationwide

October 13, 2009 by thecloudfoundation

From Vicki Tobin:

Hi, all. I contacted KLAS-TV to find out what their policy is on other stations airing Knapp’s report. They have reciprocal agreements with all CBS affiliates. All other networks can call KLAS-TV to get information on running the program.

We should all start calling our local stations to air the report. The more calls, the better chance we have of getting this much needed information out to the public. I’m sure you all agree that the I-Team report, The Stampede to Oblivion, was outstanding. It was factual and the most informative media segment we’ve seen on what is really going on behind the extinction of our wild horses and burros.

In addition, the person I spoke to said that CNN has aired some of their reports so that is another media we should also include in our calls. I would also include WGN (Chicago-773.528.2311). They broadcast on cable throughout the country.

If the stations want to contact the KLAS-TV newsroom, the number is 702.792.8870.

Please cross post this far and wide and ask everyone to start calling their local stations

Watch the one hour investigative report here

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11 replies »

  1. This program was all shot PRIOR to the insane and uncalled for BLM “gather” of Cloud’s family over the past Labor Day weekend. Members of Cloud’s family were stripped from him and the “gather” left Cloud injured and limping. Please watch and see how life for our Wild Horses should be while the reality of the brutality of the BLM resides in the back of your mind.

    Join us in attempting to put these dangerous and brutal round-ups to an end. Visit for information and stay tuned to us, here, as we bring you the latest news and updates on the plight of our American horse, both wild and domestic. Please bookmark us to stay in touch.



    Frank Kuntz with the Nakota horses said this senator is helping also. His committee can put BLM and Forest Service in front of the microphones also. Anyone know folks in North Dakota.

    Senator Landrieu , schedule a hearing on ROAM
    BLM spending 53 million, and has historical spending for 30 years with contractors.History shows one contractor was a former supreme court justice’s brother.
    Put BLM and Forest Service at the table with microphones and
    Senators asking the hard questions before the public.


  3. Matt at Pryor Mountain is posting today about the horses people ask about who have had injuries. He said he was up the mountain twice this week and took some video. Hope all are well. mar



    New Cloud Program Airs on Sunday & Roundups Continue
    The BLM plans to remove over 35% (12,000+) of our federally-protected wild horses and burros this year & this must stop- roundup schedule here
    1. Please watch the most recent report from CBS’s George Knapp, this short news story outlines how BLM has moved from over-management to the clear destruction of our wild herds. Click here to watch the one-hour report “Stampede to Oblivion”
    2. Continue writing, calling and demanding a stop to these roundups (click here for your government & media contacts). An immediate moratorium is needed if we are to protect wild horses & burros into the future. Already less than a quarter of herds are genetically viable & 20+ million acres have been taken away from them since 1971. The BLM is acting illegally and clearly not following the Wild Horse & Burro Act- they must be stopped- these massive roundups are a cruel waste of these horses lives on the taxpayers’ dime. In Defense of Animals has an easy to use mailing form and great sample letter, click here.
    3. Sign the Save Our Wild Horses Resolution petition & join the Cloud Foundation mailing list to stay informed (join us on Facebook & Twitter & check our Blog for frequent updates too).

    4. Tune into your local PBS station on Sunday evening to watch “Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions”. Check your local listings for times and join Ginger for a live chat after the show online at Click here for more information.
    5. Please continue to support the Cloud Foundation through your donations and your purchases from the Cloud store (the new Cloud book & Breyer models just arrived- donate for your signed books and models here).
    6. Please share this with friends and family– wild horses were saved from destruction before, we have to do it again. Check the Cloud Foundation site soon for our new Kid’s page. Wild Horse Annie and thousands of children saved these horses before… let’s do it again, now!
    Thank you for all of your incredible support and action. We hope you enjoy this next documentary and please let it inspire you to continued action on behalf of all our wild horses & burros.

    Cloud turns to face helicopter in last month’s roundup- Ann Evans photo. Middle photo by Tony Wengert, Cloud & Morning Star’s bands race across the Pryors, Summer 2008.
    You are receiving this email because you have asked to be on our e-mail list. If you have received this e-mail in error, please unsubscribe. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience!

    Unsubscribe from this list.

    Our mailing address is:
    The Cloud Foundation 107 South 7th St Colorado Springs, CO 80905

    Our telephone:


  5. Matt got up a little video, Cloud looks very good and seems to be clean limbed. The black foal and his mother look good, too. I hope he will do more of this. Exhilaration has a bad leg wound from a possible encounter with Admiral. So that is recent. One other foal is still missing and although Matt says the storm may have been responsible I would counter that with Mountain Lion as they got foals this past spring. I have the video at my blog or go to the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center site and see all the photos and Matt’s comments. The bachelor stallion to go to New Mexico has been gelded, Floyd, I believe. He has done well and will hauled to his new refuge home soon. Mar


  6. mar, stiles is the gelding going to new mexico! floyd, the blue roan bachelor stallion, was one of the horses that went to live with conquistador, cavelita, & the other older horses at the private ranch in the pryor mountains. even though floyd is a young ‘un, they wanted to save him with the older horses because of his rare blue roan colour.


  7. The pbs wnet nature website link is down (proxy server error)…I hope this is due to overwhelming interest in the live chat following the main program and not something darker…thank you for keeping us updated via this blog!


  8. Great show – again, Ginger and crew have provided us with an awsome living portrait and drama of our American Western Icons of Freedom and Family in thier majestic panoramic “wild” home. Congratulations Ginger and crew, and of course Cloud and all the horses! Thank you!


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