Day: July 13, 2010

America Calls for a Stop to Bloody BLM Wild Horse Roundups

Reno, NV (July 12, 2010)—The Cloud Foundation and the public learned yesterday that seven wild horses died after being rounded up on the first day of the Tuscarora (Owyhee Complex) roundup in Elko County on Saturday, July 10. The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) contractor, Cattoor Livestock, rounded up 228 horses in less than 2 ½ hours over dangerous terrain. Choosing to begin the roundup on private land, BLM prevented the public from observing the first day’s roundup and the condition of the horses after they were captured. The Foundation strongly advises that humane observers be present at all times during roundups and processing to ensure the humane treatment of America’s iconic herds

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No More Lost and Found

Original Poem by Rob Plisken BLM’s killing horses just tryin to be free Runnin them from Rock Creek, Little Humboldt and Owyhee Towards a tragic future of captivity or death While most Americans don’t even know and others hold their breath And some unlikely heroes save 174 Pay […]

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Seven Wild Horses Killed on First Day of Roundup Makes It Deadliest Salazar Massacre This Year

Tuscarora, NV (IDA) – Yesterday, In Defense of Animals (IDA), an international animal protection and rescue organization, called for a summer moratorium of all roundups and is blasting the Department of Interior which, despite a federal lawsuit and legal appeal, began a controversial roundup of wild horses in Northeastern Nevada on July 10 which has resulted in seven (7) fatalities and numerous injuries in just the first day of the roundup. BLM has indicated that 228 wild horses were captured. These horses were stampeded with the use of a helicopter over eight miles in the deadly desert summer heat. The majority of deaths are dehydration-related.

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