Horse News

An EcoTour for the Dead Foal from Colorado

Guest article by Arlene Gawne

Why is the US Government Not Considering Options?

Ah, the BLM, as usual busy destroying horses‘ lives and human jobs. On October 15th 2010, a BLM contractor helicopter drove a frightened young, wild foal so relentlessly that the foal broke a leg, wranglers shot him and hauled his mother away for adoption or a lifetime holding pen. Local people lose another opportunity to prosper with their wild horses. The road not taken. Let’s go down that road…

If the BLM had only encouraged it, in 2010 tourists would have paid these same wranglers to lead horseback tours to this family band so they could photograph the wild colt playing and the mares keeping him in line. The tourists would have thrilled friends back home in Germany or Japan with photos of the rambunctious colt and his sister. They’d describe the gorgeous blue dome of sky over the vast desert that seemed without limit. No tight horizons like their homeland. Coyotes sung down the sunset over that vast space as they drove back to the little town for “some real country food”. Plates loaded with flavors they never had at home. They listened to a cowboy spin yarns while they laughed and sampled beers. This wasn’t Provence. It was better. It was huge sky country, with a history unlike any they had ever known complete with mountain lions, wild horses and coyote song. They were enchanted.

Some of their friends would have come out a year later in 2011 to see more of the foal and his family, and spent their yen or euros on local cafes, gas stations, a museum and old hotels, one of which dated back to the town’s early mining days. Several of the wranglers’ kids would have summer jobs in those places staying in town to save for college or a SUV so they could take the older tourists out in comfort.

In 2012, on their SUV tours, they would serve their moms’ picnic lunches on a scenic bluff overlooking the wild horse bands. As they drove slowly down to the horses through sage and golden grass, they would show the birder types which hawks circled overhead and where the ground squirrels hid in safety. The older tourists wanted to know how their grandparents moved out to these wide spaces. Why did they come? How did they make a living and hang on from year to year? The young guides didn’t know so they quizzed their parents at night to find more about their own roots. That was fun.

One youngster was shocked to learn his great-granddad had come from the same little German town as that visitor he guided yesterday! Wow, maybe he would take the old couple up on their offer to stay at their home in Germany if he ever traveled overseas. Hey, maybe he would travel. His younger sister could take up the guiding while he spent a month overseas. Um, maybe he would see the motorcycle race on the Isle of Man – now he was dreaming big time.

The third year, in 2013, one of those wrangler’s wives would have hired two wranglers to renovate an old building on the main street. By spring she would open “The Mustang Cafe” complete with a section selling local crafts, ore samples from the old mine, and her brother’s cowboy poetry books. Her kids would work it with her, able to make enough of a living to stay in their beloved home town.

Years passed, and local businesses expanded to accommodate the visitors, a B&B in a neighbor’s home, a “Bunk house” for American families traveling cheap through the west but keen to see the wild horse bands that had been featured in an Alaskan airlines’ and a Time magazine article. Two wranglers renovated passageways of an abandoned mine and led afternoon tours complete with snacks and a buddy singing old western songs and strumming his guitar down deep in the mine. People couldn’t get enough of this underground experience. Wild horses in the morning sun and down in a mine at sunset. Where else could you have this experience the visitors said to their friends back home?

By the time all these jobs evolved in 2015, the colt would have been a handsome bachelor stallion to delight the growing number of visitors. They would watch amazed as he found himself a bachelor herd, and postured and reared to establish his dominance in the hierarchy. Testosterone had thickened his arched neck, put spring in his quick step, and power in his challenge squeal. The visitors were in awe of this gorgeous creature and his sparring partners.

By the time in 2018 that the colt was a mature band stallion with two mares and two foals of his own, tours were coming out daily to watch his band and the others – those bands of paints, palominos, roans, blacks and sorrels. Wranglers’ families were busy guiding, feeding, cleaning, and entertaining the visitors from across North America, Asia and Europe. And the wrangler’s wife was happily feeding her first grandchild at the Mustang Café – the first offspring of her oldest daughter who had met and married a wild horse tourist who first lunched at the café. “Um”, she smiled, “Those mustangs back of town had sure changed their lives – for the better!”

This is the new road I challenge our US government to take – ecotourism with America’s wild horses and burros. If third world Africa can do it and make millions, why can’t Americans? Bureaucrats controlling wild horse management can change but they must be redirected. For that, our politicians must grow spine. That could be the hardest change of all.

80 replies »

  1. 2015 gas prices are spiking. With China’s industrialization and demand for vehicles the demand for oil can’t keep up with supply. The mighty US is in debt once a world leader in oil supply it now fights wars and allows deep ocean drilling to grab a ever elusive supply. 2020 people move to cities, the cost of everything rises, the government rations fuel and must transport most of the food and emergency needs. Farmers can’t afford to produce. We have roving blackouts. 2025 rioting, people fighting for food, chaos. Some Amish farms are in full production food and goods are transported by horse. The railroads make a comeback. More and more horses are put into the service of mankind but there isn’t enough. There are no wild ones to breed to. That little wild colt would be priceless. We lived 100 years ago without oil the question is could we ever do it again? Some of us might. Cuba learned to.


    • We will need to consider the ethical implications of employing horses (make sure they “get paid’) if we go back to using real horsepower, but in one French vineyard, horses are making a comeback as farm labor–helping plow and spray the land between the vines, and carry the grapes: “Alfred Tesseron, 62, the proprietor and president of Pontet Canet, is a passionate, friendly man who is devoted to the quality of his wines but is not afraid to defy conventional wisdom and take risks. “Year after year, vineyard machinery has been growing more elaborate, more expensive and more comfortable for the people who use it,” he says. “The tractors now have stereos, air-conditioning. The machinery is much heavier. An impacted soil is a less natural soil. A less natural soil produces less healthy plants. Less healthy plants produce poorer grapes. We have decided to experiment by bringing back horses.”


      • In Maine and throughout New England, many people are hiring folks with draft horses to not only remove trees from, but also transport construction materials to sites where they want to build homes “in the woods”. Eco-friendly, smaller footprint, and less impact on the land.


  2. I love this! Thank you Arlene. If only our government, the BLM and powers that be,
    had such keen foresight. Eco-tourism is the intelligent answer to the wild horse issues, a positive win win. Your fable shows a reality that could absolutely preserve the herds, make Americans happy and proud, and bring revenue to our Western states that so desperately need it!

    Nevada “had” the most mustangs, and has the highest unemployment rate in the nation! Instead of raping the landscape of her precious jewels, the mustangs,
    Nevada could be doing the wild horse tours exactly as you describe. I am sure this could be a successful endeavor, if promoted! Europeans have already shown concern and interest in our wild horses, and the aggressive removals and inhumane agenda of the roundups. What will it take to get BLM off the horses backs, and get a humane and progressive thinking agency, to be the stewards of our precious wild horses and burros!

    Eco-tourism and wild horses, duh, its a hit! Certainly its worth a try, lets say, during a moratorium and the NAS studies. Is there a Federal Judge around that can see the light?

    Another great sorrow, a needless broken baby and family, more broken hearts of the American people and the sweet souls of these very special beings, the wild horses. More negative history and shame for America.
    Mr. Obama, how about a CHANGE!


  3. So why isn’t someone taking these tours out now? If they are, why aren’t they claiming irreparable harm to their business. If you take tours out and tell the stories of the family bands, one gather will do irreparable harm by tearing those families apart. Is anyone doing this? Or are the people out there not interested in promoting their icons.


    • The lawsuit filed by IDA, Craig Downer and Terri Farley, had a similar filing action, irreparable harm to their businesses and lives. The removal of the Calico herds was hurting Terri, as her many books were written about that specific herd, and it hurt her business by BLM removing them. She did go out on the range to observe them and subsequently wrote about them. She is currently being honored with a “silver pen award”. Also Craig Downer, wildlife ecologist, was affected in a similar way. This case was not successful in the end result.

      I am not aware of Colorado’s local activities involving wild horses. I do know that here in Nevada, there are some wild horse tours that one can go on, and others are in the making and looking for government support and vision! One person I know of, who offers intimate wild horse photographic tours, is Mark Terrell, famous Wild Horse Photographer in Nevada. This week I am personally delivering pamphlets to the Governors office, regarding exactly this, eco- tourism / wild horse tours.


      • Mar, I have friends who go on these tours and they spent $3,000.00 and drove, hiked and drove somemore for three days and could only find thirty horses and none of the horses they had seen the years before, so they are not going this year.

        My husband and I budgeted $4,000.00 to go and were told it is not worth it because it is impossible to find horses. I hate to say it, but we are going to Costa Rica this year instead.


      • That is sad, but when the horses are run off the range so fast by BLM it is going to happen. Sad that people who were trying to do something unique also got no support from anyone to make it work. Taking the horses and burros away will hurt us more than most. And those who were trying to show them to people who wanted to see them, like you. There are listings for many who were doing it. Now they will go under as the horses are not going to be there to see. It really is sad. Maybe you will see a jaguar… mar


    • This IS a huge part of the answer for our wild ones. I have been thinking along these lines for over a year and at one point was trying to find actual statistics that showed the economic impact of wild horse tourism *as it is now and how to project from that base* but there are no stats. And I found that it would take deep pockets to commission a study, so…. there you are, back to money.

      There is no question people are attracted to wild horses and burros and want to see them in family bands in the wild. Over 20 years ago, I knew people from Germany who visited family here in the West and went on to open a travel agency in Germany when they went home specifically because they were so enchanted with “the West”. They saw every landmark they could here, went to a dude ranch and more – they were smitten and they sent many other Germans to get a taste of our West too. Sadly, I’ve lost contact with them…

      Further, to answer the question: where are these tours right now? As others have mentioned there are tours out there. But by and far these are very small backyard/at home businesses with little funding and mostly on a shoestring. They start up overnight, barebones style, and they are not planned for growth or stability. Or they are a sideline to ranching or other established business. The small businessmen are just taking advantage in a small way of what they have access to right now. Why? Because what thinking businessman with real money to spend (in developing the business, in marketing it, in investing in significant assets for the long term) would place all that capital at risk? The very real risk: that BLM will come in next year or the year after they get their business humming along and zero out “their” herd, in which case, they’d be up the creek without a paddle. Sane committed serious businessmen do not operate in the world of such huge risks. Risks are seriously considered and mitigated because they must justify every dollar spent. For one thing, they can’t get financing with that much risk over their heads…. consider purchasing or leasing a fleet of say 6 off road vehicles, outfitting them for viewing and their terrain – that alone would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars

      These small on-the-fly or sideline home businesses that currently exist are great and we need them. But we also need some that are heavily invested dedicated businesses, well planned, well executed, focusing on these treasures and on remaining in business for decades. That will not happen until BLM embraces a different approach and fully considers that they are indeed CUTTING OUT ANY CHANCE for wild horse tourism just by virtue of their present “management”. And to justify the need to change their ways, we need to show them proof in the pudding with an economic impact study.

      In another life, I analyzed businesses via their financial statements and the level of sound conservative approach they took to their business investments, operations and management. In the current climate, there is NOTHING upon which to base a wild horse tourism business because of the HUGE risk BLM is to the actual existence of the very resource these businesses would focus upon. No more wild horses, no more business.

      Contrast it to the peripheral parks tourism opportunities, say Yellowstone or Yosemite. These things are fixed in place and are not going anywhere. There will always be the land of the parks and much wildlife on them to view. Business owners near parks can count on having the park there – it’s not leaving. Not so with our wild horses – they are at constant risk of being exterminated so how could anyone in their right mind build a really strong business upon that shaky ground?

      In every letter written in support of wild horses, advocates need to constantly demand that the BLM (or whatever agency manages wild horse & burros) be responsible for encouraging, incubating and fostering wild horse eco-tourism through the entire West by ensuring there are, accessible for tourists, healthy populations of wild horses (non-sterile) always living in the HMAs. This pushes the potential for the dedicated investment that the industry requires to be considered real and viable by lenders. It also helps BLM justify their own work in managing on the range (rather than rounding up) and it boosts many local small economies throughout the western states. It is a win-win but will require BLM be mandated to have this as a focus and for them to have goals they must achieve that demonstrates their achievement and improvement in their efforts to stimulate that industry. We must demand this as part of the solution to the wild horse problems because so many in our country are losing out by NOT having the opportunity to enter into the eco-tourism business with the current wild horse extinction plans. Not to mention the tourists who lose out and the workers these businesses will employ, the taxes they will pay and all the satellite businesses who also sell more when more tourists come to town. It’s absolutely crazy we are not kindling this fire of this industry – we have the corner on it, nowhere else are wild horses the draw that they are here in the West.


      • Don’t forget, it is the advocates who have drawn attention to the wild mustangs..not the BLM or most locals that denigrate them by calling them names- they have done nothing to deserve-It is the people out there in our group who have told the stories and taken the photos and videos and made the american public feel these horses in their hearts-love them and mourn them..we have made them real, we have shown their beauty, captured their suffering..their is real, and we have proved they have family bonds to those neigh-sayers, with pictures of stallions with their knecks wrapped around their foals to comfort them, grey beards foal ran with his sire when his dad started falling back and couldn’t keep up..these things are not our imagination..they are real, they happened and the cameras caught them, jess’ photo of the adobe stallion who went back and faced the helicopter when a family member could no longer keep up.Screw you BLM and screw your apologist friends.


      • If we do not secure the herds we will not be able to do very much. We can go off on a dozen tangents and make no progress for the wild ones. We must save lives NOW. We need to adopt wild horses and create a way to put them back on the range and keep them protected so we CAN make eco tourism work. If you see long term projects that will help educate and inform Americans and the world, by all means go for it.

        My dream is not eco tourism. That is just part of what Should develop once we are allowed to have access and a say in the management and protection of our wild ones, captive and free. I see an Institute that will belong to the Wild Ones. Where they will have a databank and we will put information on every single horse there and delve into the surrounding communities and learn history that has only been part of local lore.

        I am very hopeful, when we have won this colossal mess away from BLM that there will be studies done on the horses. Landmark works that will enable Universities to send students afield to further study and know our wild horses and create degrees in wild equine behavior and management. This was what should have come out of the 1971 Act and was squelched by BLM. I know. I was out here and trying to see them and wanting universities to study them in 1971. But BLM was having none of that. Hope Ryden needed a permit to work in the Pryors and so does Ginger Kathrens. Viewing the horses was frowned on and although locals did, the BLM was not welcoming to outsiders regardless of the land being public.

        Please think hard about what we should be putting ourselves into. What are the threats the horses are facing Right Now? This is where we need to be working. To protect them and save them from actions against them NOW! We need the strength of our NUMBERS and we need a Vestige of organization so we can SAVE LIVES!
        This must be done NOW! Please see what is most important and do all you can to help save the lives and futures of the wild ones by ACTING.

        Why can’t we develop a plan and raise funds and work to find lands as well as continue to support herds on their designated ranges and when herds are pulled off their range, Adopt the whole entire number of them?! This is for NOW, as adoption dates loom ahead and horses are being processed. If this is not what we want then Let Us Intercede. Request that all the horses we are wanting to adopt not be gelded or altered. Find every place possible who might take a family band, intact.

        Can we work towards one goal? Is that goal to save the lives of our wild horses and keep them on the range and not in LTH? We cannot let the herds near and on Madeleine’s ranch end up getting processed and pulled away from their home… Even she wants them to remain whole and free.

        This is the challenge. Save our wild herds and captives. It is a pro active challenge and it means we all get on the same band wagon and start ACTUALLY saving the wild ones. The suits will continue to help and attempt to stop roundups. But we need to be taking up the slack. Adopt our horses who are losing their designated range in this violent war against the wild horses in the only part of the entire world where they belong. We need success at this and then the dreams can come alive. mar

        We must be saving lives at this point. On a daily basis.


  4. I know what you mean, this history the BLM has of allowing the 1800s and the” tie a tire, choke them down /drive them off cliffs” people to run the modern day ‘wild horse care’ is the SHAME of America!

    Look at how the easy coast ponies have some bidding into the 20k range because of public interest.

    The BLM could have used live web-cams to their advantage!! Millions of Americans could have been watching the beautiful families of horses. Their adoption program is a failure, where it COULD have been a great thing.

    It is impossible to forgive for such death and distruction. The horses may forgive, they will never forget the sight and sounds of their families killers.
    BLM= angels of death, spreaders of bones across the public lands. Let places named ‘wild horse lake” Little wild horse canyon’ , wild horse Mesa…all places EMPTY of wild horses now be the Shame of the blms history.


    • Chincoteague Wildlife Refuge is where the Chincoteague ponies reside and it is one of the top visited Refuges (USFW and NPS) in the nation. The ponies were there before the US DOI got the property and the ponies are the main draw for the island of Chincoteague’s economy. There is a Chincoteague Natural History Association that anyone can join and through this you get a discount on the Wildlife tours that are offered to more inaccesible regions. The last couple of years they offered bus tranportation to the north end of the Virginia side of Assateague so visitors can view the pony roundup both in the spring and fall. There is a great deal of older people who take these tours and I would think that the government could be brought to task for not providing for handicapped and senior citizens.
      Chincoteague’s economy is dependant on the wild ponies and the island of Assateague and it isn’t just East coast people that go there. This year one of the “Feather Fund” foals went to a Washington State teenager and the other went to Georgia. I have seen license plates from all over the country including Canada.
      Everytime I comment to BLM I bring up the need for eco-tourism.


      • You are touching on a subject we mention in several articles on our site, the likelhood you can visit Assateague Island and get only a distant glimpse of the ponies or not see any ponies at all. The tour bus run by the Chincoteague Natural History Assn. is just about the only way to see the ponies in the larger here on the northern part of the Island. No vehicles, not even bicycles are allowed out the service road to this part of the Island. You can hike, but better be in shape for 4 to 5 miles out, plus the return. And carry your own bug spray, water, snacks and toilet tissue.
        There are actually three roundups a year, the big one in July when the foals are auctioned off, and others in the spring and fall. We have stories and photos on Robert Boswell, publisher.


  5. Deep breath, sigh. Human short sightedness and stupidity. Nothing is counted unless it has economic value. And this is the world we want? This is the world we are getting and it is brutal. Fence sitting and believing the BS one line wonders on the networks creates these scenarios. Vigilance in the light of our failings as a species is the only recourse. Vigilance and counter action.


  6. This is so logical, so sensible, and such a wonderful idea that it is not surprising that the federal government in its wisdom has not implemented something like you envision.
    The cruelty of the foal’s death, and the imprisonment of the distressed mother is another example of the unneccessary suffering that is created by the BLM.


    • Yes what a BEAUTIFUL possibility !! SO Dear Wild Horse Advocates , I urge you to look at the broader picture !! ( Google search ;BP killing Wild Horses or Ruby Pipeline and/or El Paso Corp , which are all one and the same..
      In searching & reading , Lawsuit after Lawsuit , The latest I have found is titled “Injunction Sought to Stop Construction of Ruby Pipeline ” (Google search it !!)
      Sadly I have yet to find one that has ruled in favor of halting the pipeline .. I literally tremble not only for our Wild Horses and Burros, but for all wild life and the American public’s land of the Western States at large .. YES and even the entire population of Nevada !! For they cannot live without WATER !! And the impact to ALL LIFE will be the greatest on Nevada !! It is my belief that If the general public was properly informed of the impact to the environment that the Ruby Pipeline , will bring about , maybe, just maybe there would be more hope for ALL concerned ..

      Meanwhile , From the Gulf Shores to the California coast BP/ British Petroleum , MARCHES ON !!
      The American colonies defeated the FIRST British landing ..
      But it will indeed be a MIRACLE if the same holds true for America, of this SECOND one ..


  7. As a wildlife/wildhorse photographer and tour leader I can assure you that there are many commercial aspects of wild horse management that are not taken into consideration.
    I have been leading wild horse tours for several years now and
    this is just another aspect of Western Public Lands Management that will change if we do our job.
    Thanks for bring this to people attention R.T.


    • Bravo Jess! Please tell BLM their actions are unfair to the horses, the American people and our history, and also to your long time business and joy, wild life tours & specifically, wild horse tours! Thanks for posting this info about yourself.


    • Actually it IS being pursued in Northern Nevada, but no support from the government is being realized……… yet


  8. @cat

    I was at the Extreme Mustang Makeover in Murfreesboro, TN this weekend which is actually about the best and most entertaining horse show I have EVER been to (and I’ve been to a LOT of horse shows) and the only BLM representation there was a small insignificant booth, even though adopting out these mustangs is the ENTIRE REASON FOR THE EVENT. The Mustang Heritage Foundation was doing all the work, although I guess the government does offer them a little money, I am going to have to find out more about that.

    I was shocked. I used to work some with the BLM at adoptions and demos etc back in the late 90s and in those days they always had people in BLM uniforms there interfacing with the public, and doing a good job at it. They did so much to promote the program.

    There is a story here…..

    BTW – if anyone wants to checkout a couple of the videos I did at the event go to – they are on page 1. Carothers blew me away!


    • Nell – GREAT videos. Watched both and will view the others soon. Corathers & Challenger were AMAZING! That horse has the makings of of a Reiner, Western Trail, or Western Pleasure. The basics are in place, just needs some practice and polish. Only issue – not a “peanut roller”. I’d like to smack judges who still think that’s “a good thing”. Was this a 90-day horse? If adopted, do you know the amount?

      And the young woman who exhibited “in-hand” was excellent as well. Wish I was younger and had her energy and expertise. Sure they had to make two runs at the jumps. So what? The last one was through FIRE. Don’t know if I’d attempt that one by myself, let alone with a horse … ANY horse!


      • I would have had a hard time standing on that moving sled WITHOUT THE HORSE………..;-p. I couldn’t believe he clambered right up there like he did. But, if you notice Challenger was nosing around quite a bit on the truck tailgate – I think he was used to getting some FOOD there, but that’s OK too. The Mustang Heritage Foundation I think will probably post adoption results etc. once they get a chance to settle down and breathe a little bit. The guy who won the IDOLS (amatuer) class, and beat out Ed Carothers did a BRIDLELESS presentation – including all around trucks, people, tarps etc, jumping over fire (he may have had the bridle still on when he did that) AND the beginnings of a reining pattern. It was an awesome display for any horse, but a mustang put in training for 100 days – I would have said impossible if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes!! And that horse was happy and soft as butter! I didn’t get to stay for the LEGENDS (pro) finals, but I am sure they were awesome too.


  9. Wonderful, Arlene. The Nevada Department of Tourism was very supportive, even giving us a grant to allow folks to see wild horses IN THE wild, since they had no place to recommend except Palomino Valley corrals.
    Many worked very hard on that beautiful brochure, inluding Mark Terrell, SUPER wild horse photographer, who takes out photo tours.
    A few of the brochures are still around, but after BLM’s summer onslaught, it’s good good little more than a keepsake.


  10. This a great idea.. Most definetly would have worked 5 yrs ago… But if someone points this out to the BLM this year; they will definetly will do it; I’m sure .. Because this time next year; there will be only a few working the corrals as there will be none left to round up, and the rest will be outa work.. I use Round up in a nice term; so people can understand it; seems like nobody liked the real term of death runs…Cattoors pilots can give chopper rides and demonstrate their skills in terrorizing a horse into dying..Of course they’d have to use a plastic horse for this because now it would be against the law, for even them, to use a live mustang…They would have to cut their rates too; no one could pay the same as they were charging in the past …Part of the trail storys could include how this grass system will only allow cows to thrive; sadly horses will starve on it…How strong and resiliant the mustangs used to be, how over the last 2-300 years, man used these free sources of horses for his own gain,how even the army used them to pull the guns to keep the USA a free country in two great wars that surely would have been lost if it wasn’t for the tough little Mustangs giving their lives in battle pulling them guns and supplies…Man, the stories that could be spun around them campfires… Maybe someone could bring their dad or grandfather and they could tell everyone from Germany and Japan these stories, how it was for them horses…OOPS those were the ones who were wanting North America for their people.. sorry, got carried away with this Eco tourist thing.. Good idea but like lot of great ideas, this one won’t work any time soon as first the few horses that are left have to rebuild the herds.. As it is now, the riding to be done, to find a couple horse would take days..And 8 or 10 wildhorses won’t be very impressive… EH??


    • Even now, I can find a nice little herd in about half an hour. There has been too much negative energy, but I will not shut out hope, nor the small window that lets in some light and joy. Not giving up on any dreams for the horses.


  11. This is what tourists would travel from all parts of the world to see in our spectacular western states.

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of things that take your breath away–borrowed quote:


    • Louie, thank you for the video. I have said this before – where on earth, other than domestic dogs and cats, certainly nowhere in the wild is there such diversity of color and pattern in mammals that travel together in family units as the wild horse?

      Sure a Zebra is fantastic, as is a giraffe, and awesome to see in herds, but once you’ve seen one zebra, unless you are OCD about counting and measuring the stripes or spots, you have seen them all.

      Not so with wild horses – they are the most magnificent of all wild mammal creatures. We’ve seen the magnificence documented about elephants and their family and societal structures, and the same is true of wild horses. We have seen many videos of truly inspiring actions and reactions of these horses.

      And as evidenced in this video they are so interested in us. How can it be denied that there is some ancient/inherent bond between us?


  12. And, I don’t know why our goverment with all its high tech rescources isn’t doing something like they do in Africa as far as streaming internet viewing of whatever water holes out west that has interesting wildlife. I am guessing those Africa sites pull in a lot of advertising $$$.


    • They also offer hot-air balloon tours in Africa. VERY popular. PBS/Albuquerque (home of the International Balloon Fiesta) has been running a series about balloon tours for the past several weeks.


  13. Thanks, Arlene, this is such a great piece. So many productive, job-producing opportunities gone by the wayside. There’s still hope, but only if local people are truly aware of the potential and the BLM gets behind the Ecotourism they keep talking about.

    Retorical question to the BLM: Have you ever SERIOUSLY explored Ecotourism in the West, “Where the Wild Things ARE”, or just for the non-reproducing Midwestern Preserves? If you don’t focus on the West, you’re not just “missing the boat”, you’re “missing the ocean liner”! You should be actively exploring and FUNDING Western areas with on-the-range Mustang Ecotourism potential. You’re so experienced in “making projections”. PROJECT THIS!!!

    The BLM already provides grants to “The Mustang Heritage Foundation” for individuals to train horses removed from holding. TMHF Trainer Program is another opportunity for people to add to their incomes by training Mustangs and competing for cash prizes in various events. I’ve gone to TMHF website and clicked on all the states.Try it and see how Nevada fits into the mix (vs. California, for instance). What’s up with that in a state that’s suffering such economic hardship?

    A suggestion to Nevadans (and others) who want to stay on their land and hand down their ranches: Work in mines and oilfields if you must (even raise cattle), but train some Mustangs on the side. If you’re “horse-savvy”, but not with wild ones, get help from someone with experience. And, for heaven’s sake, get your kids involved. Could provide some needed money for college in case exhibiting at the county fair doesn’t work out.

    Another note to the BLM – Ecotourism means REPRODUCING herds. Non-producing, static herds aren’t what ANYONE wants to see, much less follow. What’s the point? They want to see BABIES, as they do at Biological Parks. Build Websites with Webcams. And don’t claim you can’t do Webcams. There are already over 30 solar-powered, live-streaming or short refresh rate WCs at National Parks, and more at the National Zoo. For the best return on investment, feature wild horses (mules and burros, as well) as they progress through the years. Think Ginger Kathryns and her “Cloud” series. You’d be providing people ALL OVER THE WORLD an up-close-and-personal window into the LIVES of our American Mustangs.


    • Where you have no bands of horses, you have nothing interesting..A Stallion. creates a band, he defends and defines a band- mares without a stallion will run in herds of foals to delight people with their antics and energy..
      I have gone to websites of these sanctuarys of sterile herds and read the comments of people who paid a chunk of change to tour..they were bored and unimpressed and said it was a waste of can drive by any ranch in tesas and get that experience for free..


      • I tried just now posting something similar to what you are saying. We have friends that went on these tours for several years but, last year they could not find any of the bands they were viewing and rode, hiked, walked, and days later they counted only thirty horses after spending nearly $3,000.00.

        This year, everyone is going to Costa Rica, I am sorry to say and go look at birds, monkeys and frogs in the jungle.


      • Debra, saw on a TV show House Hunters International that Costa Rico has Wild Horses and properties where the wild horses roam are prized! So good luck to your friends – they may get to see lots of wild horsee there.


  14. Even if gas prices are outrageous in 2015, they could go back wagon. That would bring back draft horses, mules and other “beasts” of burden. And guess what? all that manure would be great fertilizer for the ground. Dried cow pies make for warm fires–sure its stinky but our forefathers did that. And you wouldn’t be on eco-tourism if you didn’t want a slice of “the old life”. If you want 4 star cooking–go hang out at the Hilton or wherever. But oh the things you’d miss.

    I never mentioned the big electrical storm we had the day I was at up the Pryors. It was amazing. First we had a bright sunny day and then gray. Then a lot of crackling and big kabooming. We actually saw a double rainbow over Penn’s that afternoon.

    Penn’s is at the top of the Pryor’s. You look out over this meadow and down into a canyon. You’re looking into the Bighorn Canyon.

    You need a permit to run these tours. But if we could get BLM onboard with such a great idea that wouldn’t be a huge obstacle to overcome. And some of the monies paid by tourists could help offset the cost of hay in drought season.


  15. R.T. This has been my Question all along? There must be a way to All get along? Thank You, once again, for an insiteful, well thought out article.
    “Keep on Keepin’ on.” We are all with you !!!


  16. Thanks Arlene. This is a ‘no brainer’ as far as I can see. How has Audobon done it? We should research thier play book and copy everything that is successful. They even get proceeds from USA postage stamps with birds on them – why can’t we do that with wild horses?


      • Copied Audubon ‘origins’ here from Wikipedia – way over simplified and not into the struggle in detail – but what would we need – one 435 page book to start covering all the horses from the separate areas? Would the photographers give up their copy rights on a few of their products to put this together? Would they volunteer their stories and the history they know of each band or herd (recently Pam Nichols told a story on her blog that made my heart pound in anticipation right along with her as she searched for a group of horses on the range). It would need to be cheap enough to reach the masses – probably in the red from the get go – lots of volunteer hours and volunteered product. Is this too massive an agenda? Is the romanticism of putting together a ‘printed’ massive consolidated display out of tune with today’s marketing?

        Audubon lived from 1785 to 1851, and over the course of a lifetime roamed across a still very wild America to paint hundreds of its birds. A determined and passionate man, he eventually realized his dream of not only painting North America’s birds, but publishing Birds of America, a massive book containing 435 hand-colored plates of 1,065 individual birds.
        Audubon became the chosen symbol for a movement begun in the late 1890s to stop the unrestricted slaughter of birds. Early Audubon society members pledged to shun the fashion-of-the-day of wearing hats and coats adorned with bird feathers and wings, and to hunt birds for consumption only, rather than sport or trade.
        Early Audubon members studied birds, improved their habitats, and fought for bird protection. Their activism fledged a broader conservation movement and eventually led to passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in 1918. The act ended trade in migratory birds, and was among the first federal protections ever afforded to wildlife


    • I have no photos but I have good writing, editing and layout skills and would be happy to help on this kindo f project. Might be good to look at the possibility of doing an adult-oriented book and a juvenile one as well. I wonder if this is the klind of project we could interest a celebrity in lending their name (and maybe some cash) to? I’ve found that often folks don’t know specifically what to do, but if they are approached with a project, they are willing to help.

      I know parents and grandparents (even those who aren’t in the horse circle) who would love the idea of a book for kids–history and photos and the story of Wild Horse Annie and of those who are trying to continue her work. Lots of celebs (Viggo Mortenson, Sheryl Crow, Dan Ackroyd, Willie Nelson and more) have already lent their voices to the issue. They might be up for another project?


  17. A lovely tribute to the little foal. I’ve wondered for a long time why some of these celebs don’t put their money where their mouth is. With their financial help a class action suit could be filed for irrepairable harm. I know if the roundups stopped today and all the horses were given their freedom (a wonderful dream) I will forever live with the tragic images in my mind. As it is now I cry a lot, can’t eat, can’t sleep and fight depression. My family is worried about me.


    • Take a good long break – we need you healthy and energetic when you come back. Go have some fun, read some books, go see some comedies, whatever makes you laugh and feel homey and protected – the fort will be held down until you are back.


  18. Thank you RT for all you do and for posting Arlene’s wonderful article on a beautiful option that is a win win situation. I want to take the opportunity to mention that Arlene was instrumental in bringing the GRH Tuscarora lawsuit and was first to contribute financially. Arlene is a talented forward thinker and her vision for eco tourism is inspiring. I appreciate RT that you shared this with us as well as your own forward thinking visions !


  19. The wild equines are being removed because of livestock and extraction profiteers.

    Soon there will not be water for the cattle and sheep OR remaining wildlife….anybody ever looked at the Anaconda (think that’s the name of that grotesque copper mine in the US) strip mine, photo or in the flesh? Ain’t no way in hell anyone is going to pay to go look at that eco mess/disaster! In fact they don’t want anyone to see what is really going on at places like that in the first place.

    That’s what we are getting folks. That’s where are public lands are headed.


  20. Ellen, the best cure for what ails you is ACTION. Here is a petition that you can sign right now–it is clear, and well laid out. Thanks to one of our RAINBOW WARRIORS for posting it. There’s still time to sign. Leave the depression and sadness to those who are responsible for the round-ups and brutality:

    Oct 24, 2010 @ 22:44:03


  21. Good afternoon,

    As a Senior Advisor to the President, I spend a lot of time talking to President Obama about the issues that affect all Americans.

    But tomorrow I want to try something a little different. I’m hosting a live chat with Americans from around the country to answer questions about the economy, health care, energy, education or really whatever is on your mind.

    Can you join me at 1 p.m. EDT?

    I’ve been in the White House with President Obama from Day One, and I know how important it is to the President to understand the concerns of the American people. That’s why he travels around the country meeting with families and small businesses and reads ten of your letters every day. And it’s why we do regular online discussions like Tuesday Talks and Open for Questions.

    Over the past few weeks, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and Elizabeth Warren, who is leading the effort to get the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau off the ground, have taken some time to answer your questions. Now it’s my turn.

    So, I hope you’ll join me tomorrow, and I’ll do my best to answer as many of your questions as I can.

    I’m looking forward to talking to you.


    David Axelrod
    Senior Advisor to the President



  22. I’ve been reading the posts here for several weeks now and have learned so much from everyone – thank you all for all your comments. As a child, I read every novel on horses I could find and fell in love with them and have loved them ever since. I was hooked as a child even though I never had my own horse or rode regularly, I had friends with horse who invited me to ride. I recall the very last ride I went on out of Jerome, AZ many years ago – but, alas, my life led me to life in the cities. Now I don’t, and I certainly don’t have the space or money to keep a horse now – but still I am drawn to them and enjoy seeing them on neighboring property.

    It seems that most of the successful , let me call it brainwashing for lack of a better term, has always been to teach the children – children have much more maleable minds than adults – they are very impressionable. The comsuming public needs to see more movies (and this goes for books too), suitable for children about horses – wild ones in particular – not just documentaries but real stories to help capture their imagination.

    Just another thought:
    has anyone considered applying for a pepsi refresh grant to start or maintain an eco-tourist program for horses – or possibly to help finance a legal battle against the BLM?
    I’ve looked at thier rules and can’t seem to find anything that would prevent financing a lawsuit but will look at the rules again.

    Meanwhile I will continue to share what ever I learn about wild horses with my friends and speak out about removing Ken Salazer from heading the DOI and sign, call and fax whenever I can to stop the ‘gathers’.


  23. I would suggest someone here talk to Mr. Axelrod. I am not as prepared nor eloquent enough to be of much use. R.T. would be fantastic. I hope you read my post R.T.

    Anyone is welcome to. The e/mail had a link. I will try to copy it as well. Did not come through with the letter.


  24. Here is some more info.

    The White House Blog
    Tuesday Talks: David Axelrod
    Posted by Kori Schulman on October 22, 2010 at 05:55 PM EDT

    David Axelrod, Senior Advisor to the President, is answering your questions in a live video chat on on Tuesday, October 26th at 1:00 p.m. EDT

    Axelrod has been with the President in the White House since day one and knows his perspective on major policy issues across the board. Ask Axe your questions about the economy, health care, energy — or whatever else is on your mind.

    Join us for a talk with David Axelrod on Tuesday, October 26th at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

    Here’s how you can participate:

    * Ask your questions in advance on Facebook
    * Join the discussion live through the White House Facebook application
    * Watch the chat through


  25. Great vision and article Arlene. I personally don’t want to see our horses subjected to many of the trainers that compete in these EMM’s. Some of them are great and some
    are a living nightmare for the horses. The favorite method at least in texas by many of the so-called pros is to rope, lay them down and cover with a tarp for 24 hours. I could go on but will not about what I have seen in the stabling area at emm fort worth.


  26. I am READY to move there!! tie the chickens to the roof-load up the cats and dog, throw the horses in the trailer, leave the racoons and head for colorado..Ah shoot..they took all the horses and shot the baby..naw..think I will just stay where i am at.


  27. Now we all understand how hard it was to fight against slavery. It is a battle that you can not ever let up on. NOT EVER


  28. thank you R.T. for your lovely vision- little foal you will not be forgotton-you are in our hearts-may the Great Spirit embrace you.


  29. The roundups are cruel and pointless. The *starving horse theory* carries alot of weight for those FOR the roundups. Just within the past two centuries our lands held enough food for massive Buffalo herds to survive and multiply. Nowadays, these same lands supposedly cant support wild horse herds. Really people? Whats really going on? What is the goal? What is the prize? I dont believe these roundups are for the good of the wild horse. I suppose clearing the land of all wildlife is probably a benefit to someone. It begins with the kind benefactor doing a good deed on behalf of the creature the kind benefactor is torturing. The benefactor even believes it is doing a great deed. The next creature will be ?? Lands must be sterilized I suppose if you have plans for those lands other than what nature intended. Baby steps to oblivion.


  30. Very good article, Arlene. Good points and well written. Thank you.

    It might’ve been a good idea for one of the wild horse tour owners to join in this last Fed court case. Or, maybe next time.


    • That is a good point, Elaine. The “standing” and monetary loss issues are always a problem for the individual altruistically battling the killers in the court; but get a Joe Blow small businessman that depends on the wild equines for his/her business like eco tourism and we may get more traction. But maybe that was stated here already (haven’t read everything)….still worth repeating though.


  31. Only ONE hour left to get your questions on the White House page on FB for David Axelrod to answer at 1:00 PM Eastern time. Ask LOTS of questions about the wild horses. Fill up the page! Let them know that we will no longer be brushed aside or ignored. Let them know that we know more than they think- use words like BP, Ell Paso Gas, and Ruby Pipeline. Tell them we know that the horses are not starving or dying of thirst EXCEPT for when BLM fences them out of water sources. Tell them that we want answers, and we want them TODAY! (Go to White House, click Like, and ask, ask, ask.) Then, listen on the web site to the Q & A and let’s see what happens.


  32. I am contemplating the following to my legislators:

    Draft legislation to make the National Park Service an indiependent agency, not under the umbrella of Interior

    Draft legislation transferring the guardianship of Wild and Free Roaming Horses and Burros from the DOI/BLM/FWS to the newly reconfigured National Park Service whose mission is to preserve America’s national treasures. Transfer all appropriations that have been previously managed by Interior for the wild horse and burro program to the National Park Service. Restore herds to their HMA’s as assured in the 1971 law.

    Include in legislation funding for training of NPS personnel wild horse and burro management practices based on sound current scientific principles.

    Additional personnel could be hired to care for these horses through the funds we are not spending on feeding the horses in captivity, paying private land owners $1.15 per day per horse to care for the horses on private land, paying contractors to gather thousands of horses, paying PR firms to cover up the and/or manage the goverrment’s message.

    Wild horse enthusiasts and advocates could work with the National Parks Service and help fund the National Parks Service Foundation in order to better assure that horses are properly cared for by trained personnel.

    The DOI/BLM has earned the public’s distrust and cynicism. It is time to find other care takers for our living, breathing nantnional symbols of freedom and the American spirit.


    • Christie, I have ponderd the same strategy. I know people who use part of their vacation every year to work in the parks repairing trails and all kinds of things. One small group who own their own mules go camping for two weeks every year in a group to work on parks land. I believe these outings are managed under the Parks, even training provided? We have been struggling to get a grip on exactly how many horses there are and the condition of the land – what a great outing for volunteeers in an organized fashion by ‘citizen friendly’ Parks organizations as another form of eco tourism – a big money business.


    • National Park Service is notorious for seeking to kill wild horses and burros.
      See Shackleford Island Horses and also burros from the Grand Canyon, etc.
      In NC when I went to visit the Shackleford horses and their rescuers, the (the folks who were fighting for the horses) had bumper stickers saying NPS is not a native species!


      • Would they do that if it was specifically a STATE Wild Horse (and/or burro) Park as Richardson is soliciting for New Mexico?


    • Christie, Let me tell you what the National Park Service does to OUR BISON because the Cattlemen’s Association is so powerful;

      1) They claim bison will spread brucellosis to their cattle. It has never happened but cattle gave the brucellosis to the Bison! Elk carry brucellosis and may give it back to the cattle but The Only time this disease is contagious is when the calves are born and the after birth is passed. I do not know any cows that would be able to get close enough to bison to catch it!
      2) Because of this situation the NPS has escalated! the war against the bison of Yellowstone and any Bison not back inside the park by, I believe May 20th? now is hazed by helicopter, ORVs and wranglers on horseback. This is during calving and there are NO Cattle in the areas around Yellowstone. But, new born calves have been run as far as 20 miles in one day along side their mothers by this assortment of idiots. Calves have died. This year was brutal.

      Remember there is no Scientific Reasoning for abusing these bison except the absent cattlemen want it done!

      If you think we cannot do this on our own… well, I think we are better off forming our own group and making sure that the horses don’t go from one bad place to another. Our bison are also National Treasures and they are killed, culled- by the hundreds because they have no National Breeding Program and believe me, they deserve to be treated better. mar


  33. Whew! I don’t know. I have been a fan of Ken Burns and there was an article in our paper Sunday about our National Parks Service. I don’t know what the answer is. NPS is currently under DOI. My vision was to remove the NPS out from under the DOI and make it an independent agency. It also involved training for employees from top to bottom in current scientific practices in managing wild horses. I could also see some advantage to having the Departent of Agriculture manage the wild horses because each state has such a department and each county (or parish) should have an extensive service agent. The extension service does a lot of good in the states I’ve lived in in terms of providing educational programs for the public and for youth.


    • Christie, part of such a movement could be similar to the parks stamps. I know people who are fanatics about getting all the pages in those Parks booklets stamped. Why not for wild horses? Stamps to idendity each herd, each diferent horse color/pattern within each herd, numbers of horses seen, how many eco tourist projects worked on, etc, etc. And people pay a small amount for the booklet and stamps. But first we need some single rally point like Audobon and some way to get people out like the Chincoteague Pony annual events – but different because that is organized annually – for our western wild horses we need to think outside that box.

      We need to somehow be bigger and louder and interactive – so loud we drown out “BLM starving horse/HMA” montra with thousands of eye witnesses in the field all year round (weather permitting) – not just at roundups.

      I’ve always thought high schools could adopt herds and hold car washes and the like as fund raisers to go on these eco tourism work projects (and get stamps for the booklets along the way).

      I wonder if the parks service stamps and booklets program makes money for the parks or is it a negative thing? It certainly is a motivator for many to go to as many parks as possible wich certainly pours millions of dollars into tourist services.

      Just a few thoughts. The economy will get better for people to entertain these type of recreational/traveling ideas.

      Not sure about the Dept of Agriculture – I think that would label our wild horses as livestock, which many of us have been fighting against – they are “wildlife”.


    • I gave up saying this months ago because few people understand what a wildlife moratorium entails. This is really what the horses need. It would be for At Least 10 years and then new on the range management can be put in place and results can be seen and ‘political’ changes between departments could be tackled.

      One of the problems we have with BLM and all of their ‘scientists’ is they either lack PHDs and/or they have not been allowed to stand up for the horses and make real suggestions. I say this tongue in cheek as I do not think the horses and burros have any PHDs to make recommendations at all as it is with other wildlife in other departments do. And since the Bush administration we have lost many of the scientists in the DOI and it has hurt the wildlife incredibly.

      As it stands, without a 10+ year moratorium with full studies and full protections, you could not get near this idea you have. It is not a bad idea… but the park service struggles as it is and does need to be overhauled also. There is no way to do what you suggest without a Real Wildlife Moratorium. Personally this is what I want and I would love to see an ongoing moratorium until the horses and burros are totally protected, reproducing and happy again.

      But no one listened to me last year when they wrote the letter and asked for a moratorium and no scientists have come forward to say this is the direction we need to take. We have Craig Downer who would agree that to change anything takes time and you must be allowed the time to make any new program work.

      Karen Sussman seems to be delaying the release of highly sensitive and important
      research and I hope she still intends to use it to show how we need the time and protections to do right by these wild herds as they have been so decimated and their family structure destroyed. Her research would back this up, I am sure. We need the moratorium and all the time needed to apply science in the field and see that it works and get the BLM off the extermination track.

      The reason I have not been putting this forward is no one is listening. My background is in biology and equine science. We need a long term moratorium to do
      right by the horses now. We need a team of scientists willing to stand up and say this is what we need and to outline it. Where are they? There is a yound woman with Sussman and there is Craig Downer and then an ecologist from UC Davis who put his name on one suit but I have never read a word from this man about what the horses NEED! Craig has put forth Reserve design for years. Sussman is sitting on research she has told us she will be sharing and we all are waiting for.

      Maybe we can change directions with a moratorium. But not in a short one year moratorium, unless we then ask for and get a longer one which is required to do any real scientific and political changes in management and see the results. But I see terrible things happening and I see adoption and removal from BLM hands as an immediate emergency action to Start Saving Lives. Yes, there is a ‘better way’ and we seem to be unable to get to the point where we can have the time to work it all out.

      All I want and you want is the best for the wild and captive herds… but How Do We Get There From Here? We are not being given choices and we need to be the ones offering up alternatives and have science and law on our side. This has not been the case and we are not making headway without suits and fights and the currant loss of lives and lands. We must do all we are able to Just To Save Lives. Do you see why I am asking for us to adopt all our wild horses now? They would be ours. And if we can do this While Nothing Else Is Happening then we Should. Then we have control and we can court science to come and study and we may get a National Status for the horses that way one day. I see no reason why not. mar


      • All right. What is the plan? Anyone – What is the step by step plan that will get us enough public clout to get a moretorium pushed through, get real science on the table, get the public involved and get a real management agency that is there for the horses interests? Our current congress is just about done for this year and is currently consumed with elections – anything on the table for next years session needs to be on a possible sponsors table when? Who would be the best sponsors and co-sponsors? (Obviously, in my opinion, not the same ones with ROAM – they and possibly us – have let that die on the vine – unless there is news I am not aware of).

        Do it all/part ourselves? Buy our own land, adopt our own horses – Pickens and Kudnra are doing that (and there are many such sanctuaries already – Pryors Conguistador for one, another just took many of the Twin Peaks or Calico – both are asking for money) – any more takers? If so and you are able, just do it.

        The court battles do bring much needed public attention, whether we win or not, and each one seems to provide yet another step in the right direction.

        We all keep crying for public support – so how do we get it? What are the methods, strategies, marketing that have been successful for other similar endeavors? I keep coming back to Audubon now for over 2 years – I was told then that was too big and takes too long and that the urgency was right now – well, its over 2 years later now.

        The Cloud series and web site needs to be pushed every day – anyone can watch all three on the internet any time they want and Ms. Kathrens has many ‘extras’ on there to get people more educated – memorize the facts list on there and contribute new ones if any are missing.

        I think Arlene has the exact right idea about tourism, interaction with the public, draw them in for more, get them attached to specific herds, bands, colts and stallions – than just “saving the horses idea” – and Christie hold on to your ideas also – who knows – as Craig Downer said at least 2 or 3 years ago in his video (sort of – not in his words) “Who will crack this nut? Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s me, maybe it’s someone we have not even met yet”. There needs to be a new Wild Horse Annie – maybe that is Ginger, R.T. & Jerry, or Laura or someone we have not even met yet – that can pull togther the big picture strategy and get this wagon on the road.

        I see this as a wheel, each endeavor should be a spoke in that wheel – but instead, in my opinion, each one is being used as a walking stick, and while each is making strides think what could be accomplished if more Audobon like?

        Just my own thoughts/ramblings. But I know nothing – I’m gone again for a while taking care of “life’ things.


      • Am working on it….

        Meanwhile we need to continue to Support RT’s and Terry’s legal burden by donating all the moolah we can to help defray their legal fees.

        Then we have to remember that Laura Leigh is still out there and help her on the road and/or with her legal fees.

        These people have done more good than most and we must stand behind them with all we can give. mar


  34. It’s obvious they are being removed for certain special interest groups. If they were really looking at ‘fair use for all’ they’d consider the tourists. I live on the east coast, if I went out west (and I hope I do get a chance, someday) it will be the wild horses I want to see. I made sure to add that in one of those ‘sign the letter’ petitions to those state governments. Look at the chincoteague ponies: their is a HUGE upsurge in tourism just for that annual pony penning.
    Salazar and cronies have to be either extremely blind or outright corrupt not to notice the possibilities!


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