The Force of the Horse

Why We Live With Horses

by R.T. Fitch ~ author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

The Gift of Life Often Comes on Four Legs

There are many blessings that greet us when we first open our eyes at the beginning of a new day.  One of the first positives, to consider, is the fact that our eyes have actually opened and that we have another period of wakening before us where we can make a difference and excel in any endeavor that we are either tasked or decide to accomplish.  That is always an uplifting thought and I attempt to remember, every morning, to thank all that is good in the universe for allowing me another opportunity to improve myself and, hopefully, the world around me.  Such feelings are particularly sweet when I am home from my travels and know that I will be spending the day with my wife, on our farm surrounded by the four legged creatures that we love and who love us in return.  (Actually, that feeling of love and home is extended to our wild kids too; the deer, squirrels, birds, fish and even the coyotes but I have yet to become enamored with the wild hogs…that will take some doing.)  And although everyday is special in its own right there are a few that just jump out there and shine brighter than others and I had the wonderful experience of enjoying just such a morning while I was last home.

It started out like any other morning, up hours before the sun has risen, fresh pot of coffee and off to the sanctity of my home office to check emails and ponder over what might be the writing topic of the day.  Instead of completing another nearly finished book I often am tangled up in the plight of our American equines, domestic or wild.  Cruelty, abuse and neglect are not found in my vocabulary so it takes a great deal of mental gymnastics to wrap my mind and heart around what goes on in the public eye under the bright light of day, I am usually astounded by the ignorance.

After battling the enemy from afar by tossing words like grenades at our foes, Terry usually joins me and we sit either in my office or step outside, weather permitting, so that we can chat and discuss the issues and plan which direction our day will take.  I live for those moments as my travels take me away from home more than I am there but it is required, now, so I appreciate the time that we do have together.

If outside we are greeted by our two, geriatric, rescued German Shepherds and together we sit and watch the birds, squirrels, and horses in the back as the sound of nature and nature alone surrounds us like music and keeps us sane.

When home, I take over the daily feeding chores so that Terry can have a break, so after our quiet time I am off to the barn for hay and out to the back pastures to feed the boys their breakfast.  Of course, they are always glad to see me; particularly the two Thoroughbreds as they are a bottomless pit for groceries but one day, several weeks ago, things were a little different.

We feed the two TBs and our Mustang teenager up front and then wheel a cart out back for Terry’s Brazilian soul mate to eat in privacy.  He is the wise old man who has never bought into the silliness and immaturity that is so very evident in the other three.  His aloofness is one of the things that draws him to Terry as his calm wisdom is evident to all who know Apache the Mangalarga Marchador.  So on this day the three stooges got their hay and then I wheeled the cart out back to feed the old man.  I wasn’t halfway across the pasture when I heard a tremendous uproar of thundering hooves and snorts of fear from behind me.  I turned around to see the three musketeers running up and down the fence line with heads alert, ears up and fear in their eyes as they intently watched an unusual creature move towards the fence line on the other side of the fence.  They were terrified and it’s been quite a while since I had seen them this spooked, it made me feel glad that I was not on any of their backs.  It took me a while to figure out what the problem was but when I finally identified their source of such abject fear I fell to my knees in laughter.

Several days before, our white German Shepherd, Kenny, had laid down near a fire anthill and the ants had attacked the end of his tail.  Being partially neurotic anyway Kenny then proceeded to chew all of the hair off from his once very bushy and handsome tail.  So in an effort to keep him from licking off the applied medication Terry had wrapped his tail in vet wrap and put a collar on him in an attempt to keep him from licking and further irritating his affliction.  As usual, ole Kenny had followed me down to the pasture to ensure my safety and was doing nothing more than watching over me, as he usually does, but he DID look a little different.

The horses wouldn’t give it up, they wouldn’t eat, they wouldn’t settle down and I still could not stop laughing as ole Apache just kept right on chowing down with an occasionally glance over his shoulder at the nonsense going on, sigh, and then go back to chewing on the hay.  It was hilarious, so much so I called Terry on my cell and had her come out and document it with pictures.

This was a special moment, this was a time to laugh and enjoy as the animal children interacted, this is what life is all about and I was appreciating every second of it and thankful to have shared it.

The final outcome was that Kenny became embarrassed by the entire thing and went back to sit nearer the house and watch from afar with a very clear ambiance of being insulted.  I couldn’t blame him nor could I fault the horses as in their eyes he looked like one of the creatures right out of the movie “Avatar” although I am not sure if they have seen it or not.  But we removed the collar from Kenny, the horses settled down and finally they went back to eating but still with one standing guard while the other two would lower their heads, this was of deep concern to them.

So as I sit on the other side of the world and contemplate the memories that I hold dear this recent scene comes to mind and brings a smile to my face.  The simple joy and wonder that graces our lives is often brought to us on four legs with humility, honesty and sincere simplicity.  I am forever grateful for the depth and richness of my life born on the back of one of nature’s most obligating creatures.

This is why we now and forever more will live with horses.

They have the gift to keep on giving.

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R.T. – “It’s Sunday, lets take the day off; I started the ball rolling, how about sharing a few stories of your joys and experiences with your equine children or horse related encounters.  This is a chance to cleanse our minds and souls and reestablish why we do what we do, please share…you are all so very special and unique.”

46 replies »

  1. This story really had me laughing. Thanks so much for sharing. Kenny clearly knew that he was the problem. I think he was embarrassed. He looked like one of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, the one that could display a collar like that on his neck.


  2. R.T. I think the horses still knew Kenny, but were afraid the creature that had attacked him would get them as soon as he got near enough.


  3. Horses can give us much humor in our lives. My husband had extensive surgery last January. It was about 3 weeks before he could come back to the barn to help feed. Our horses weren’t sure who he was for a bit. Each one had to “ask” me if he was supposed to be there. Once they realized who he was, they were so glad to see him again. Another time Star (our “wild child” and saved off a feed lot in Kansas) gave a “danger” snort in the barn. Thought all the rest of them were going to fly over the stall walls to escape. Took a bit to calm them down. It was almost as if she was laughing to herself as she was calmly eating while the rest of them were going nuts. Oh yes, just when is the next book? I’m ready for it, lol.


  4. “As I went through all of our experiences together, health, wins, losses, accidents, show preps, dark dawn breaking mornings, late evenings when the moon was high in the sky, colic, frolic, and fun ~ I realized not only how greatly Mooch has affected my life but, how much we as humans owe this great species, Eohippus ~ The Horse! ”



  5. Awww—poor Kenny and his tail—he was a “sight”!

    My little horse herd consists of a Mustang mare, Ally, who was rounded up in Nevada in 1987, her best friend, a Shetland pony gelding Winnie the Poo, 15 years, and a Chincoteague pony gelding, Kayak, 3 years. I credit this group that resides outside my front door with lowering of my blood pressure and stress reduction! The mare is definitely the Alpha and is so closely bonded to the Shetland that she gets overly concerned when he is taken out of the pasture to be groomed etc. She and the pony eat from the same tub and tries to steal Kayak’s feed when hers is gone. She gets along well with Kayak–they mutually groom–but Poo Bear is her first love! When the farrier comes all three have good manners once they are caught! The mustang always tries to get between myself and the pony. Shetlands can be pretty tricky to catch and she certainly helps him in his escape! Ally loves dinner time and when I go out of the back door she is on the way to the barn. She is also the first to “point” out deer in the woods or a fox in the hedgerow.
    I count them as my blessings and they have enriched my life! Thanks for enriching our lives RT with your warm horse observations!


  6. What would my life be without my horses! Since I was 3, all I wanted was my own place with my horses on it. I have been living my dream for the past 16 years! They are a continual joy for me. I can stand and listen to them munch hay for hours, and feel the stress leave.
    I have my Alpha 20 year old mare, who greets me every morning with a nicker, she is the Queen of her(and my ) world, a 9 year old QH gelding who THINKS he runs things!, A 6 year old QH gelding who is happy to be part of the family, a 17 year old “donated by a friend” gelding, and the newest addition, a 2 year old 3-strikes mustang filly.
    the 17 year old is “terrified” of the lawn tractor. I expected the snorts and fleeing in terror the first few times he saw me on it, but after 2 years? he puts on quite a show for an older boy though!
    My children think I should sell some, board the rest and move to a townhome!!!! They don’t get it, which doesn’t matter, because I get it and RT, YOU get it, as do many of the rest of the bloggers here: slogging through mud, going out to feed/chat/brush in all types of weather, going to the hay sale, chipping ice out of buckets, watching them play in the snow, roll in the mud, fly with the wind. When I pull into my driveway after a 12 hour day, and they are standing at the gate; waiting with a quiet whicker,(or a loud”where have YOU been, we’re starving!” it makes all of it worth it.


  7. Thanks for the giggle this Sunday morning!!! What a sight LOL. I always marvel when I glance out of my Kitchen window and see my horses happily munching, playing or just sleeping out in the field. I could spend hours just watching them, I used to spend hours sitting out there with my camera taking random photos, so peaceful, good for the soul. The neighbors think I am nuts!


  8. We were “out of our league” according to the young woman vet when we got our first horses, an older pair of Tennessee Walkers with excellent ground manners and trained for trail riding. You’d call her an equestrian, skilled in dressage and whose horses obey every whim on cue, or else! One of her first comments was that Walking horses were as stubborn as mules and that if she had our mare, she would beat her daily. As might be expected, this caused us, as novices, much alarm at first, but fortunately the horses were smarter than us and we learned to become good students. The bond was made.

    From that point we chose the senior vet, who was more patient and giving of knowledge and didn’t seem to mind Walking horses. One day a minor emergency arose though and only the young woman was available. She would come sometime that afternoon and bring her “assistant.” I decided to avoid conflict I would have both horses haltered and all my husband would have to do is put a little grain out and close their stalls. It should work like a charm.

    Of course this young woman wouldn’t listen and allow time to get them stalled. She charged into the barn, calling out the gelding’s name in her demanding tone. As I watched from the house, they were off like the Kentucky Derby, running in big circles around the pasture, dust flying, with my husband, the vet and her assistant in hot pursuit. I watched in amazement at first and then began to laugh, doubled over and with tears rolling as the drama continued. The assistant at this point was standing with his arms straight out, like you do when you want to convince cattle that you’re a “fence,” or as if in crucifixion pose, hardly helpful in this situation. I ran to the barn, got some grain and called the mare and gelding to their stalls. They came willingly to escape the melee. It was the best laugh I had that year, counting coup on that woman vet. I guess stubborn can also be in the eye of the beholder.


  9. Great story and pics! We are all so concerned about the wild ones that we’re trying to somehow save, and it becomes a boulder on our shoulders to bear as we go through our days, worried for their lives. This comic relief comes timed perfectly on a Sunday morning. Thank you for reminding everyone of the smiles that horses bring us when we remember to look.

    (btw, I grew up with a white German Shephard named Chief. Seeing your Kenny was a nice reminder of my much-loved pal in days gone by. Wonderful dogs!)


  10. R. T. I loved your story. I don’t have a horse for several reasons. One I don’t have enough pasture or decent fence and second I don’t have the physical ability to take care of large animals. I have dogs, cats, chickens and goats. The goats especially are good for a laugh. Romping and jumping without a care. You definetly get it I wish my husband did. My animal friends make life worth living!!!


    • Emily, I love goats. The man next door raised Nubians and in the spring when the kids were born I got many an hour of enjoyment sitting on my back deck watching those little ones–running up to trees and doing their martial arts kick and turn half way up the trunk. They were just hysterical, better than any TV show anyone could write.


      • Our horses are so tolerant of the baby goats. I’ve come to the barn early, while the horses are laying down in the run-in area, to find the kids playing king of the hill on top of a resting horse.


  11. This was a great idea, RT, so good for the soul. I am really enjoying reading about everyone’s horses. Here at our farm we have two adopted mustangs, an 18 year old proud cut herd leader (Cheyenne) and a 14 year old gelding (Jazz) with the most innocent eyes who is his shadow. My most special memory of Cheyenne is when I got caught down at the barn the day a rainstorm moved through. Our barn also serves as a run-in for them so they can come and go as they please. So here I am, sitting on a bucket watching them graze and waiting for the rain to let up some so I can make a dash for the house. Cheyenne came into the barn, settled in next to me, lowered his face to touch mine and closed his eyes for a little snooze. His breath on my cheek is something I will never forget. As for Jazz, you have to understand that we are not his first adopters and if ever a horse was distrustful of humans, it is him. For the last three years, every day has been a new “first” for him, and seeing the expression in his eyes just melts my heart. Even through the moments when he had my knees knocking in fear some days, watching him grow to trust and bond with me is like watching a child seeing new things for the first time. His expressions will make you laugh and cry at the same time. He is the first horse Cheyenne has ever shared his hay pile with, and seeing the two of them graze side by side in step reminds me of the “me and my shadow” song. Jazz gave Cheyenne a close companion, and Cheyenne is giving Jazz security and confidence to let his personality shine through. They both give to me a happiness and peacefulness I never had before. Thanks for letting me share them with you all.

    As a side note of good news, I wanted to let you all know that the two 5 year old mustang geldings that were on the feedlot in CA are safe and are heading to a sanctuary in Oregon tomorrow morning thanks to alot of very good folks. 🙂


  12. Loved your “every-day” but “special-day” story.
    This is a little off the main subject, but there were a few previous inquiries about what happened with the Sheldon Wildlife Range horses that were recently captured … I just found this:
    “Eighty-two wild horses arrived at the ISPMB in South Dakota from the Sheldon Wildlife Range (SWR) in northern Nevada. The SWR is not mandated by Congress to protect wild horses and proposes to reduce herds to 125 animals with the eventual possibility of eliminating wild horses altogether on the range.”


  13. Oh thank you RT for my Sunday escape from the uglier, seamier side of life. I’m not owned by any particular horse–I get my horse fix by “borrowing” from a small horse rescue I volunteer with. Of course all the horses at the stable where the rescue horses live are “borrowed” by me, I borrow them but they own my heart. From the 30+ paso Mr. Vidal who I groom and walk, Cowboy, Inge, Mercedes (a darling sweetheart who somehow got tagged as a dangerous horse??) and many others but last and MOST CERTAINLY NOT LEAST (just ask him!!!) El Nuki, an ex-racer who has decided that life is now going to be lived by Nuki rules. He’s a BIG darling who is also a big a**hole. But that’s part of his charm and why I secretly love him the best (no matter how much he tries to nip and generally torment me and anyone else who comes near him) To Nuki!!! Hold on guy, I’ll be up to see you in about an hour.


  14. I saw a horse race yesterday that took me several hours to comtemplate. It was heartbreaking to see Zenyatta lose the Breeders Cup. But upon some serious reflection I realize that in defeat she showed more game and heart than anyone else out there.

    She was on an unfamiliar track. She had dirt come flying into her face. She was so FAR BEHIND I thought she was hurt. And that run down the homestretch is one I’ll never forget. She fought back with all she had. She ran the daylights outta everyone. And had that race just been one step further–she wouldda won.

    Zenyatta no matter your feelings on her–could teach all of us about heart and game and never ever giving up.


  15. The first time I saw wild horses was on a trip to Idaho in about mid 1970s. We traveled at night (from Northern California)because we had no air conditioning and a small herd of wild horses ran across the road in our headlights (thank goodness we had an old truck that didn’t travel fast). To see them was startling and surprising and OH WHAT A MAGIC FEW MINUTES! I only remember that I wondered who they belonged to and how wonderful to be so free … I was obviously young and dumb. LOL After that we were lucky enough to have a horse or two or three for my daughters to grow up with and it instilled the love of the horse in both of them – I wish everyone could grow up with a horse in their lives. It was a few years later that I was on a fishing trip in northern Nevada and on the way there, all of a sudden I could see hundreds and hundreds of horses corraled – back to back and belly to belly – just jamed into some holding pens. This was northeast of Reno – I believe it must have been the Palomino BLM holding facility. I stopped and looked at them and cried and cried. I had no idea what they were doing there and had no idea that they were “my” horses. I had no idea that I could do anything about it … but that sight never left me because I knew it was wrong. It wasn’t until about a year ago that my youngest daughter started teaching me about the “wild ones” and since then I have been trying to do something (any little thing!) each and every day for those beautiful and innocent wild creatures … who deserve better than what we people have done to them. I do this not for me … I do it for the spirit in each and every one of those animals and for the spirit that is within my daughters and grandchildren. It is the right thing to do. I may never see our wild horse dreams of freedom come true … but it is my hope that my grandchildren will see our world a better place … for them and for the wild ones.
    PS We are now trying to arrange to acquire a Twin Peaks stallion … keep your fingers crossed!


  16. Grandma Gregg, that is the point that we have to keep hammering. Furture generations must be given the opportunity to experience that same thrill that you describe so well. We owe it to them.


  17. In Feb. 2001 I was diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer & told I had to have a radical mastectomy with chemo to follow. I went through my surgery & it took 3 months to recover well enough from that to start my chemo. My husband (Ed) was so upset with me because as I was going through all this, I INSISTED on feeding our horses, cleaning the stalls, doing all the things you have to do including loving on them, scratching in those places they can’t reach, just to see the funny faces they make, & in turn, made me laugh. Going through my chemo I came close to dying twice. Every single day, I would make myself get out of bed, go to the barn & just bury my face in their mane & smell them. Just to know, I am still alive & will not give up so I could not be here to smell them any longer. Of course, I beat the odds, as I would not be here to tell my story. This Jan 2010, I was diagnosed with stage 3 Liver cancer & told my chances were not good but went through the surgery anyway. I, again, return to my barn for love, support, laughs & tears, & again because of them I survived to see them another day! They are my saviors!


    • Dawna,
      Two words came to mind when I read your story:
      LOVE and COURAGE
      PS Please thank your horses from me on your next trip to the barn.


    • Wow, wow, wow! What an amazing story and testament to what the partnership between horses and humans can do! Thank you so much for sharing. Your story is an inspiration! What courage you have!


    • Thank you Louie, my strength came from them, knowing they are always there for me, how could I give up & not be there for them?


      • Bless you, Dawna. I’m currently recovering from my second hip replacement surgery – right hip replaced 12 years ago – and, as I did with the first surgery, I hobbled out to the barn every day after coming home just for a few minutes with my horses and barn cats. I don’t know how I would get out of bed every morning if not for them.

        Horses give us strength we would never, ever find without them. You will be in my thoughts, I promise you. I will tell my equines, Indy and Ami, and they will send karma your way as well. We are always here for you.


  18. Horses ability to forgive,adapt and find the best in their situtation. To use their knowledge learned from the wild years in their life with humans. The joy a nevada mustang has when it rains. When it pours rain she loves to dig a little catchie, lower her head just so and the rain gutters off her mane and fills the hole. She drinks it all even though there’s always plenty of fresh full water.

    She was trained by prisoners over 10 years ago, good training with a snaffle and direct reining. One of the lucky few that went into the old prison program for a full 120 days- from the thousands removed after the huge nevada wildfire. She misses her family yet loves humans, especially groups of men that look like prisoners. Shes not afraid of anything, even heavy construction-road work- right next to her just gives her something ‘fun’ to watch.
    She wants more than anything to be wild again, to go “home” to her family. She waits for that day, patiently.


  19. Love your story, RT — and great to hear what others have to share, too.
    We had a funny thing happen at the barn this morning. Smokey Joe had turned away from my husband and me, and I commented, “What a big, beautiful quarter horse butt he’s got!!” Instantly, as if he knew EXACTLY what I’d said, Smokey tossed his tail, shook his dusty butt like a hula girl, and topped off the act with a goofy snort. In school, he’d have been the class clown!!
    Love and horsey hugs!!!


  20. I have an odd group of horses that come to the barn for breakfast each morning, find their own stalls and stay in for a nap after breakfast. The barn was NOT built for horses. Some have 12 x 25 enclosures, some 10 x 12 and one used to eat outside the back door, while any foal will eat in the aisle and meet the other horses as Mother gets nervous.

    A few years back Marv, a tall beautiful TB was the senior group member at age 33. He was also one of the smartest being the only horse smart enough to push a gate with his nose to get in his stall. He had one of the long stalls and would back up into the far dark back corner for his nap.

    When Marv moved on to his final pasture, Rough, who had been outside the back door got the big stall. Rough had always been one to hang his head out in the aisle to make sure he could see every member of the group, so I was quite surprised to see him napping in the dark back corner when I came to let the horses out.

    By the second morning Rough new where his new stall was and walked right in. At turn out time he was napping in the dark back corner again. I asked him if he was with Marv.

    The third morning I could see as I followed the horses in, that we were about to have a problem. The gate to Rough’s new stall had blown across the opening, and I new from experience that he would stand blocking the aisle until I came to his rescue. A chill went down my spine as he pushed the gate open with his nose.

    After about a week Rough went back to his normal behavior. I have never seen him nap in the back of the stall since, and he has no idea what to do when a swinging gate blows across his path. I don’t know what happened those first few days. I don’t suppose anyone knows, except maybe Marv.


  21. Know all about that bottomless pit! We have a senior Thoroughbred and a mini donkey to keep him company. They are two peas in a pod. The horse needs many groceries and the donkey almost none. Concerned about the weight of both has been a big challenge. Keeping the donkey out of the horses hay but yet keeping them together equals grazing muzzle on the donkey. Yesterday we put the muzzle on the donkey and upset the horse more than the donkey. My husband took the donkey out of the pasture and walked him around the property to ease stress from wearing the muzzle. The horse started sounding off and running wildly throwing a fit. The neighbors across the way were out working. Five guys stopped working and had to check out what the fuss was all about. My sister is my neighbor and she was in bed when she said she heard the strangest noise and ran for the window to see. It was hilarious! The most excitement our neighborhood has seen in awhile, eve
    rybody was laughing!
    Our Thoroughbred came from an auction destined for slaughter. This old guy is so smart he shakes his head for yes and no. We have a little friend with spina bifada and he had been on a ventilator, when it came time for him to talk they couldn’t get him to ( even several therapists) and many bribes. One visit with our horse and he talked! This child has had multiple operations and more to come. Every time before he goes in to have surgery, he asks to come see our horse (Max)! Max bows his head in this childs lap and nuzzles him while he sits in his little wheelchair. It is an awesome sight!
    All our neighbors love our equine and yell hi to them, come to visit and bring apples and carrots. I had a strange incident happen in August. Our neighbor girl, who we called Maxs’ girlfriend was riding her bike when a man texting on the phone hit her and killed her. She was home from college for the summer. We always knew when she came home because Max would hang in the back paddock and not up here by the house (hence his girlfriend). The morning she was killed, I was back at the barn mucking out the stalls. A Cardinal was sitting outside the window in the back of Maxs stall sounding off with an alarm call. I checked, nothing was around but me and the equine. I opened the gate to remove the wheelbarrow and Max was acting wild and tried to rush the gate on me! He has never done this! A few minutes later I heard the siren. She was killed a mile and half from our pasture. It had to be the moment of impact that he tried to get out! It still gives me goosebumps thinking about it. He mourned her for a couple of weeks.
    I am convinced horses are connected to our souls in some special way! I could go on and on with incidents that have proven this to me!


  22. This kind of communication from soul to soul in not unique to horses. Many humans get so tied up in verbal communication they forget how to listen with the soul. You all knew how as infants. That is why nothing quiets and reassures like a mother’s touch.


  23. What a lovely story – I don’t know how I would cope with the “rat race” in Johannesburg if I couldn’t escape everyday back to our smallholding with my 7 horses and several dogs who just love trying to steal the horse’s food at mealtimes. I have two horses that are terribly militant about whose territory the paddocks belong to. I never tire of watching them. I wish I could have sent a video of myself trying to get them in before a storm – I had my raincoat on and so had suddenly turned into a scary monster – eventually took it off and got soaked!!


  24. Poor Kenny…Thanks for sharing such a great story, and the pictures are priceless!!! He looks a little like Rin Tin Tin on a photo shoot…and the expressions on the horses’ faces are priceless, too!!


  25. Thanks rt awesome story well written as always !!!!!! I also am still recovering from Zenyattas loss , no other horse in this world could have made that run like she did with that slow break Kudos to Queen Zenyatta, She is without question HORSE OF THE DECADE !!!! There is no question in my mind that she earned HORSE OF THE YEAR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bar none she is HORSE OF THE YEAR !!!!!


  26. Thanks for sharing this heartwarming, &, funny, story with all of us! It made me happy & made me laugh. You certainly are a very gifted writer, & have a way with words, thanks again!


  27. R.T., you have truly made my day. So often we are inundated with sad and horrific stories about horse abuses and issues, which can bleed over into our lives and make us depressed and discouraged. So it’s good to not forget the positive aspects of our lives and especially when we are blessed with having animals of all manner in our lives. A good lesson to not forget to be thankful for what we have and make sure we take time to appreciate what we have…and our furry children that live life moment to moment.


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