Day: June 4, 2011

Battle to De-Fund U.S. Horse Slaughter is Not Over

Now this is not a done deal for the American horse; the Bill comes up for the vote of the entire house on June 15th, along with this amendment, and renegade Wyoming State Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis, the Queen of bloody horse slaughter, is calling up the dredges and dark demons of hell to launch a phone calling campaign to kill the horses.

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Key Government Report Leaked to Horse-Eaters

HOUSTON, (Horseback) – Horseback Magazine has confirmed that a long awaited report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has been leaked. The report, titled The State of Horse Welfare in the United States Since the Cessation of Horse Slaughter in 2007, was quoted at the Summit of the Horse held in Las Vegas in early January.

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