Horse News

Equine Welfare Groups Seek Investigation Tips from North American Public

Information supplied by Equine Welfare Alliance and Wild Horse Freedom Federation

You Can NOW Be An Active Part Of The Solution

Equine Welfare Alliance and Wild Horse Freedom Federation have partnered in bringing a team of certified Investigators into our program so that we can jointly work together to shine the light of documented truth upon the bloody trade of kill buyers transporting American horses across our borders and the BLM’s continued cruel roundups and ultimate sale of our national icons to the very same kill buyers that haunt auctions, race tracks and unattended pastures of everyday horse owners.

If you know of a suspect activity or have evidence of any violation of law by kill buyers or the BLM you can instantly alert us by sending an email to:

Your information will be held in the strictest confidence so as to preserve its integrity for any impending legal action and your return email address will be closely guarded.  But if anonymity is your preference you may fill out the simple form, below, and it will be automatically forward to our “tips” email box so that it can be evaluated and acted upon.

(This form resides at but is also functional, here)

Please remember that investigations are performed by unpaid volunteers and with that in mind if you wish to aid in appropriate mileage, accommodation and meal expenses please hit the Investigation Donation Button on the left.  Your donation will be tax-deductible and managed in a legal, appropriate and appreciative manner.  The horses thank you for your information and support.

9 replies »

  1. YEAH!!!!!! What a great addition to these two horse loving orgs. Now lets GO GET THEM!!!! I can’t wait for the first reports! Donations on the way.


  2. Awesome RT. There are many of us who have seen things. I have been trying to do a bit of investigating but have no results so far. I had wondered where I was going to send the info when I do get it and now you have just made that easier.


  3. Amen. Again, we all never stop For-The-Horses. Advocates have strength, stamina, power… one day we will see the horses FREE! Thank you RT. If I ever drive out to Indiana again, I will follow that double F decker!


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