Horse News

Oklahoma Votes to Become Horse Abuse Capitol of the United States

Ethically Challenged Politicians Fast Track Horse Butchering Legislation

NotOKOKLAHOMA CITY – Two separate bills to end Oklahoma’s ban on the slaughter of companion horses slid with slimy ease through the state House and Senate, yesterday.

The state Senate passed a bill 38-6 Wednesday, while the House measure was approved on an 82-14 vote.

Senate Bill 375 and House Bill 1999 repeal the section of Oklahoma law prohibiting the slaughter of horses for human consumption. With their passage, drug tainted horse meat could now be produced and packaged in Oklahoma, only if it is to be exported internationally, only if the horses are sold through a livestock auction and purchased by a livestock dealer and only if it is federally inspected which is what closed down the three remaining slaughter plants in 2007.

The sponsor of the House measure, Rep. Skye McNiel, has strong family times to a known slaughter livestock auction and is being pursued on conflict of interest and ethics charges by equine advocates. The Bristow Republican said the sale of known carcinogenic horse meat for consumption in the United States would still be banned, but that it could be sent overseas to poison foreigners.

Opponents point to the fact that 80% of Americans are against butchering horses and say that a slaughtering plant is no humane way to dispose of a horse and that the bills are being fast-tracked through the Legislature before opposition mounts, which it is.  Likewise, with the bulk of the BLM long term holding facilities for captured and condemned wild horses residing in Oklahoma a scent of collusion is heavy in the air.

71 replies »



    • Not every one in Oklahoma is for this,I am Against any thing that is bad horse business ect..How would you feel if it were You’re State that this was going on in, Probably the same way i would, Hate it with a passion, I Don’t want my State to be known as the State of Shame, Oklahoma is just as good a place to live as any where in this world, the Bad thing is the people who Make us look Bad because of the People who don’t see the fact that NOT EVERY ONE IN OKLAHOMA WANT’S ANY OF THIS TO HAPPEN, I know Because I Am Doing every thing I Can to Put a Stop to it..Sharing,Sending and any thing possible to Get My Voice Heard..I HATE IT JUST AS MUCH AS EVERY ONE ELSE..


    • Thank you Rob! I just called and left a message for Cindi Reisman.

      The number 405-230-8309 however is not a working number for Janet Craven.

      I am very upset about these bills as I am a native Oklahoman and live here now. I have been spending ALL of my free time working on stopping these bills.


      • Tookah:
        The horse men and women in Oklahoma had better get on the stick and start forming a coalition
        because these people will not stop at anything. Please let us know what news media is in your
        area because it imperative that emails, calls and anything else be done to stop this madness. I
        lived in Illinois where the last slaughterhouse existed and God help you once there, you will never rid
        yourself of this cancerous business. Do the people have any idea how this will impact their environment?


      • As an Oklahoman myself..I HATE IT TOO…Hate It!! I’ve been doing what i can to get my voice heard also..


  2. If in fact, this does become law, opposition should come fast and furious. Conflict of interest does not even come close to what these greedy and irresponsible people are doing. Is there something in the water or air that makes politicians think the killing of horses is okay and that sending the tainted meat overseas is better. Remember when China sent tainted foodstuffs to the USA? What an uproar from our vaunted politicians. Is it the obsession for more money that drives these less than honorable people? Sue Wallis and Dan Douquette must be dancing a jig now. Finally, someone who legitimizes their insane ideas about the humane treatment of horses. Just how far right can politicians go before they fall off the credibility cliff. This is insane and thanks to Kohl, Kingston and Blount, the USDA has to aid them. Is civil disobedience the only way left to try and stop this madness? This is no longer a country of the people, by the people and for the people. I think this is evidenced by eighty percent of America being against slaughter, yet a very small minority says screw you, we will do what we want to do. Equine advocates have to organize and become a force that politicians have to reckon with. We are too splintered to be effective. Why does the NRA have such power with 4 million members and the HSUS and the ASPCA with 6 million members have so little? Because politicians know the HSUS and ASPCA members won’t vote as a single entity. We need to focus on this slaughter subject and hammer the people responsible for not doing anything to stop it. Big Agriculture and the Farm Bureau need to be countermanded by more action from equine advocate groups. Enough pontificating. Let’s do something.


    • As I Have Said to Some of the other comment’s on this Issue..NOT EVERY ONE IN OKLAHOMA LIKES THIS OR WANT’S IT IN OUR STATE, I will Continue to Do what I can to Voice My Opinion on the Issue, But there Are Good People In Oklahoma Who DO NOT APPROVE OF THIS, + I Am One Of The People who Live in this State that DISAPPROVES this Issue..


      • I support all the good people of OKLA who do not support horses not some slaughter…I was horrified when ole Dave who is from my state Oregon, tried to get a slaughter plant opened in oregon in hermiston, where the biggest horse sales go on monthly..thank god it did not turn into a legislative issue..the small cow town would not support it..I donot trust politicians even in a democratic state to do the right thing, which is why I suggested going to the business who could be directly involved because of a boycott…losing jobs is not something any state wants..slaughter jobs are not good can you have the many shows and sales for horses in a state where the screams of horses are in the background


  3. With the ongoing ‘horsemat scandal’ in Europe and the danger of bute entering the food chain, I don’t think there will be many takers in Europe for tainted US horsemeat. (I’m a vegetarian, thank goodness).


  4. “Rep. Curtis McDaniel, D-Smithville, also emphasized the economic development potential of a horse processing plant.
    “It’s not just a humane deal, but it’s an economic deal,” he said, adding that his father ships two loads of horses a week to Mexico for slaughter.”

    His father, huh?
    What a legacy to leave one’s children.

    Thank you, God, for a father who left behind memories of kindness and honor and love, not visions of horses beaten to bloody death in some third-world abattoir.


    • NOT EVERY ONE IN OKLAHOMA WANT’S THIS TO HAPPEN, AND I DON’T KNOW ANY ONE WHO DOES,As a Horse person + a Oklahoma Resident I Will Continue to Voice My Opinion on this Issue + Do Every thing I Can to Put a Stop to it, There Are Good People In Oklahoma!! Boycotting Oklahoma Does Not Solve the Problem, Every one Working Together to Stop It Is What Is The Most Important Period!


  5. I think I’ll bump it up a notch and NOT only NOT visit their state anymore but also NOT buy any products made in Oklahoma! I’ve already googled and found products list.


    • Boycotting Oklahoma,Not Visiting Oklahoma + Not Buying Oklahoma Made Product’s Does Not Solve the Problem or the Issue,As an Oklahoma Resident + Horse Owner, I Will Do Every Thing I Can To Voice My Opinion and Fight Against the Issue at Hand, I HATE IT JUST AS MUCH AS ANY ONE..There Are Good People In Oklahoma Who Do Not Want This In Our State + I Am One Of Them. How Would You Feel If It Were In You’re State And Some One Were To Say The Same Thing About You’re State?? You Would Hate to be thought of as a State of Shame..That’s Exactly Why I Will Do Every Thing I Can To Put A Stop To It..


  6. OKLA receives millions in tourism dollars from horse related events in the state..contacting restraunts hotels western wear stores directly about the impending bocott of the state and all events. it will get them to contact their politicians.and that is something they will respond to-.the loss to the state will outweigh any possible benifit..who will eat in their restaraunts given the possibility of Rob, point out the different events and places you will NOT be visiting…It is a long list..we need to get really organised for this boycott..those who are members of horse org. or clubs need to start blogging and putting up petitions..because they will not listen to outsiders..they think we are all peta people instead of horse owners…by the way, dont say you are a just means you were not going to be a customer anyway


    • There are Thousands of Oklahoma Horse People Who DO NOT WANT THIS IN OUR STATE!! And I am One of Them, Boycotting Oklahoma and ect..Does Not Solve The Issue at Hand, Oklahoma Has Thousands of People Who HATE THIS AS MUCH AS ANY ONE ELSE, I Will Continue to Voice My Opinion on the Issue and Will Fight It Every Step of The Way..There Are Very Good People In Oklahoma That Deserve To be Better Thought of than that..How Would You Feel If It Were In You’re State and the Same Was said about it?? Just Because it’s Oklahoma it’s Not every one’s fault..And Yes WE Do Listen to Outsiders..I Have Supported many, many Petition’s Outside Our State On Many,Many things + Issue’s And I Will Continue To Do My Part For What Ever Reason it is Any Where..


  7. I think all of us equine advocates, the humane societies, etc. should just not buy or support anything to do with Oklahoma!! A pamphlet should be made featuring the horse slaughter plants and the destruction they do and this should be made available in the tourist centers, much like the tourist attractions are. After all…horse slaughter will now be a featured business attracting all the scum of society from all over the country. People should be able to see the dirty truth behind the business and the suffering of the poor animals in the hands of merciless kill buyers and plant workers! Yep, sure is a nice way to attract tourists, right?




    • pack a lunch and stay in a motel across state linies..if you are not willing to do that..then we are part of the problem instead of the solution. make sure we ask for wild horse facilities be closed in OKLA for the safety of our WHs..when is the last time we got something for the horses out of these meetings..yes we need people there to speak for the horses..but lets put it into perspective and add to it a boycott of OKLA, publisize you are not eating there nor are you staying there and stick to it..hell yeah its inconvient..but make it a momment to emphasise the boycott as well..bring a BBQ and steaks from texas..then put up a banner explaining why


    • I know that some money would still fall into OKs coffers from the gas to operate your vehicle and such. Maybe the meeting should be moved across the border to one of the other nearby states. Just saying this to include a boycott of this state.


    • Sent Email to Chamber of Commerce.. NO HORSE SLAUGHTER in US….and Oklahoma
      No Tourism for OKLAHOMA who is Pro Slaughter and high Greed Factor for income streams themselves. Those sitting on the board of decision with personal income interest need to RECUSE themselves as a conflict of interest. REVOTE needed..


    • I Live in Oklahoma, I Am A Horse Owner + Like Thousands of Oklahoman’s WE DO NOT LIKE THIS ISSUE ANY MORE THAN ANY ONE ELSE, Oklahoma Has Thousand’s of Horse People + Non-Horse People Who Do Not Want This In Our State Period!! WE ARE NOT AND NEVER WILL BE THE HORSE ABUSE CAPITOL OF THE US..There Are Thousand’s of Us Who Fight, Support, + Sign Petition’s and Do Every Thing They Can To Put A Stop To This Issue.. By BOYCOTTING,NOT VISITING + NOT BUYING FROM OKLAHOMA DOES NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM..What Does Is For EVERYONE To Help US Fight To Put A Stop to It..Like I Keep Saying.. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF IT WAS GOING ON IN YOU’RE STATE RIGHT NOW?? WOULD YOU DEFEND YOU’RE STATE IF YOU KNEW THAT NOT EVERY ONE FELT THE SAME WAY..WE ARE HORSE LOVER’S TOO..AND I WILL CONTINUE TO VOICE MY OPINION ON THIS ISSUE TO DO WHAT MUST BE DONE TO STOP IT!! Iv’e been watching the New’s ect..And I Have Not Seen Anything In The New’s YET That Has Said It’s LEGAL IN OKLAHOMA.. And Yes God Help Us All, For People That JUDGE US FOR SOMETHING THAT WE ALL DO NOT LIKE,WANT,OR NEED IN OKLAHOMA..I HATE THIS JUST AS MUCH AS ANY ONE!! PERIOD!!!


  8. the only power the public has left is as a consumer-use it-social media is a very effective tool ..within days of “pink slime” being exposed-the reaction on social media caused grocery stores to tell their suppliers to get the pink slime out or lose their business


  9. This is insane.. they are all in the Greed Club togther to make money on horse slaughter with friends, family and spouses in some way to benefit themselves. Never about what the 80% of Americans want and say about this..No concern on we the people of America have no say about it…This is pure BS….


  10. How do you like this crap???? Thiss stuff I get from horses heart sure keeps a person in touch with what is going on in the horse world


  11. Holy Smokes, I never thought I would see this happening again in the US. I will get my emails and calls off to everyone…Now it is up to the Governor..One can only hope that he has a humane bone in his body…God help us and God please help the horses!


    • Let’s hope is right. I received a messgage on FB from US Humane Society to contact our senators and govenors. However I brought me into a disussion with him Horse Slaughter. He grew up a cowboy in agreement with horse slaughter.. and claims it’s all humane he’s seen it first hand???. However I set the record straight and invited him to see the true facts and details of videos etc.on every Horse activist site that exists. He is confused with cattle slaughter in Colorado. No example.


      • I was speaking about the govenor here and his views of acceptance of horse slaughter industry.
        Sorry didn’t make it clear in the response who I was talking to.


  12. Well this is just wrong and I emailed them all and let them know just what I thought of this. hope a million others do the same..


  13. Posted on

    Why is it your state is allowing legislation to be fast-tracked to allow for horses to be slaughtered when an overwhelming number of citizens oppose it?

    Why are they allowing a State Rep to present such legislation when her family stands to gain economically from it’s passage?

    Why are your state rep’s not doing their homework…i.e. the meat can only be shipped overseas after the USDA inspects it and the majority of horses in our country having been exposed to toxic vaccines, pain killers, de-wormers etc and will not pass the USDA inspection?

    Why are they branding the reason as a ‘humane’ way to end the suffering of abandoned and old horses? We all know the process to slaughter horses is about as barbaric as it gets. Slaughterhouses don’t look for old and malnourished animals…they want the muscled meat mass of a 2 to 4 year old in great shape…like the AQHA’s throw away’s. Did you know most are butchered alive and conscious?

    You all need to know about Kaufman Texas and the horrific blight brought on that city because of a horse slaughter facility…here’s a good place to learn about it

    Join in and just hammer the media…R.T.’s right…collusion was the first thought that came to mind knowing the shiftless nature of our BLM!


    • The horses they want to butcher immediately are THE WILD HORSES the BLM has rounded up from the Western Plains. Of course those horses DO NOT have nasty drugs the racing industry horses from New Jersey have in their systems. The Mustangs are being housed in Oklahoma…..oh how convenient for those involved with this to be able to butcher the very icon that represents the last FREE beings in the USA.


      • It is illegal to slaughter wild horses through a mechanism in the DOI Appropriations funding. We can shut down the whole operation. It is time to let the House of Representatives know that we want our wild horses back on the ranges they have been taken from. If we present the argument that our horses belong there and that they have been illegally removed to comply with a number of animals that the World Conservation Group has decided should be allowed to live on the land and are being genetically destroyed from the inside, we might get somewhere with our argument. Remember it is Congress that protected these animals in the first place, and the DOI has gone around Congress and the American people every which way it can. The evidence is there and unmistakable.

        We should use the Public Trust Issue which means that these horses belong to the American people and the job of the BLM was to protect them for us. All of practices of keeping fewer horses on the land than the ecosystem would sustain began with the IUCN’s involvement with Interior, and the subsequent classification of Equus caballus being classified as an invasive species in 1997.

        The people in Oklahoma, just as many of the people at Sue Wallis’s Summit of the Horse, are convinced that this about “private property”—and taking away private property rights which is the end game of Agenda 21. I know you don’t want to hear this and do not want think that is true or if you do know about it and support it for whatever reason—our wild horses and eventually our ability to own domestic horses and the land they need are at the heart of this.

        If we fail to understand that the dynamics underlying the attitutdes of the people of Oklahoma are very similar to those expressed by United Horseman, we may not win this argument. Alabama passed a state law to prevent any law remotely connected to Agenda 21 from being enacted in their state. And awareness of how and why this governance is being implemented in our country is growing.

        I saw this because I just got viewed a conversation on Facebook, and like the programs at the SOTH, horses are not nearly as much of an issue is the idea of being able to own land and continue to farm and ranch. These people are not against animal welfare. They are scared they are losing their freedom—with good reason.


  14. Here is the info to contact Oklahoma and let them know you say NO to horse slaughter: Call & Fax – spread the word & have them Call & Fax & call & Fax even more – BE HEARD!!!
    The Office of Governor Mary Fallin

    Oklahoma State Capitol
    2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 212
    Oklahoma City, OK 73105

    Local: (405) 521-2342
    Fax: (405) 521-3353

    Tulsa Office of Governor Mary Fallin
    440 S. Houston Ave., Suite 304
    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127

    Phone (918) 581-2801
    Fax (918) 581-2835


    • If everyone would flood them with emails… speak out speak up as you said.. let our voices be heard…I did very strongly………….No horse slaughter plants………

      Our Wild horses are at risk of being slaughtered in OKLAHOMA…..

      We the people of America stand up for our Horses protected under 1973 Wild Horse and burro act. Yea so much for that bill now no protection. Government GREED…



    Above is all the emails for the reps in Oklahoma state government. You can copy and paste all of them to your address bar in your email. They will all format nicely. let your voice be heard. I did We need to help our equine friends.


    • OK Maureen, have sent a doozie to all of the “recipients” on your list! Plus other emails to the Oklahoma Chamber AND the 3 tourism names. I sure do hope everyone has done the same.
      I cannot believe – with all the publicity about EU horsemeat/beef that anyone could think this is the time to open a horse slaughter plant. My last remark on every one of the emails was that if they think they can kill OUR wild horses & burros – there will be a publicity storm like they had never seen – I guess it made me feel better – telling them (politely) how I feel, but it really worries me that these goofballs (still polite) have gone this far.


  16. I smell “Wallis” stench all over this! She now has her own little “intern” in the OK legislature whose family stands to make great financial gains if this goes through, as well as do Wallis and her cronies. I’m so sick of hearing the same old excuses of that slaughter will “help” the starving and unwanted horses. Really? Ask the horses! There are several slaughter houses in Canada and they have a HUGE problem with starving and abandoned horses! There is simply no connection and it has been proven over and over; however, “the people’s choices” don’t care. This is all about cattle, oil, and big business. Anyone who can’t take care of their horses has always had slaughter as a choice – this is not going to change anything except to line more pockets with money from the blood of our companion animals! This is appalling!


  17. As soon as i read that Oklahoma was trying to pass bills to slaughter horses, mustangs in long term holding came to mind. Remember i said that they were on the front lines? Now they are truly in danger. Salazars Last slap in our faces. They knew what they were doing when they set these horses up in last stand holding facilities..they planned to slaughter them. Put a new brand on them, ignore the BLM brand and guess what? This was planned…


    • Sent an email trail to each senate on list….Conveyed very strongly there is conflict of interest at the vote. Conveyed NO Slaughter of our Wild Horses as it appears to be a set up by Ken Salazar. NO Slaughter of horses period.


  18. Gayle-Suzanne Barron
    “Okay, Ladies and Gentleman, I have a plan!
    My friend Kelly Blevins made copies of the articles about the EQUINE (please, remember that donkeys, wild burros and mules are also brutally slaughtered for human consumption all over the world right along with the horses, so please give them their due) meat and Bute Facts and scandals in foods processed and sold by these same European multi-conglomerate companies operating and selling these same products in America.
    He took them to the local grocery stores in Florida and presented them to the Head General Manager of each store.
    He asked if they could positively and absolutely swear that there is no equine meat in their foods they sell by these companies.
    Kelly requested they contact corporate and fax them the documents.
    He waited at the store until they could give him an answer.
    Which was resounding “NO they could NOT GUARANTEE there is no equine meat in the foods they are selling!
    They Promptly Removed The Food Products In Question Until Further Research Could Be Done!
    This is an Awesome Way to Bring Awareness and to bring USDA on the carpet to Test Our Foods for Equine Meat and Bute!
    We know they lie, cheat and take bribes, but The Truth Will Come Out one way or the other, and we can just help it along!
    They can only ignore this issue and us for so long.
    Is it not like an elephant in the room on this subject when the silence of OUR Rogue, Never Present USDA and OUR Rogue Bought Off Government and Cattlemen Silence Screams Volumes?!?
    What do you think?

    copied from FB post..FDA has yet to respond to my request for documentation of testing for horsemeat in Beef in the USA


    • It looks to me like the USDA has been historically complicit. However, the Alien Species Council for the United States is made up of Interior (BLM, USFW, NPS), USDA (Forest Service) and Commerce. It seems that it is OK to be an alien species unless you interfere with someone’s ability to make a living, and that is what Salazar has decided is the case with wild horses.

      Furthermore, I recommend we contact our Senators and request that Sally Jewel’s nomination be put on hold until Interior and Ken Salazar has been made to answer for what he has done to our wild horses. We have an opportunity here to get the truth out, and Interior is so up to its neck as a causative agent in this business, they need to be held accountable. No way Ken Salazar should go back to Colorado scott free with a pension.


    • He’s been violating a federal law what’s worse is that he’s been overlooked. I’d love to hear that he’s doin time after his tenure is over.. and i want to see him doing some pretty hard time, Poetic justice would be to make him participate in the equine activism and make him really see from the opposite side all the damage he’s allowed to happen. =/ he’s been an accessory to murder from a moral stance.


  19. I feel I am shouting at the wind, but if I must shout to be heard, in this case, I will. We are not living 20 years ago. We are living now. It’s now the ranchers, it’s not oil, it’s not mining, alone—we have another very big player and that is “environmentalist” groups that have embraced the sage grouse as its embem. Sage grouse need grasses for nesting and habitat—they are in direct conflict with wild horses. Wild hores are protected by federal law, but somehow through litigation the sage grouse has becomet the sacred took of the environmental movement to get rid of wild horses (and other grazing animals off of large tracks of land). We have more wildernesses area, more national monuments, more land that is off-limits to wild horses.

    I have nothing against wildlife preservation or protecting the environment, but our horses are caught up in a battle of special interest groups no one is acknowledging or perhaps because we are sympathetic to their goals, we fail to be able to see their role in this.

    The people in Oklahoma do see it, and if we are going to help our horses, we better start seeing it too.


  20. I Love this web site and have nothing against the site at all, But I Must Voice My Opinion also as I Am A OKLAHOMAN..I Love My State + was born + raised here, I’m a Horse Owner and there Are Thousands of Oklahoman’s that Are Horse + Non-Horse Owner’s that also HATE this HORSE SLAUGHTER B.S.. We Don’t Like, Need or Want Horse Slaughter here in Oklahoma Ether..Period!! I Hate it More than any one,but i will Defend my State against People Who try to Mark Oklahoma as the “Horse Abuse Capitol of the US” There Are Very Good People in Oklahoma Who Hate this Issue as much as Every One Else..BOYCOTTING, SKIPPING OKLAHOMA + NOT BUYING OKLAHOMA MADE PRODUCTS DOES “NOT” Solve the Problem,..Helping Us to Put a Stop to it is What will help instead of making remarks about Oklahoma People, like we wont this here..Well the TRUTH Is WE DON’T want it any more than any one else does in their State or Country..And How Would You Feel if it WERE going on in You’re State?? Would You Still Talk + Act the Same way?? I would hope Not!! So As a OKLAHOMA RESIDENT I WILL ALWAYS DEFEND What I Know is Right..I Will Fight,Support, + Sign Petitions to Voice My Opinion and get My Point across that We Do Not Want Horse Slaughter in Oklahoma, Ever..PERIOD!! So Put you’re self in Our Shoes..It Could be You’re State or Country going through this right Now..I HATE IT TOO AS MUCH AS EVERYONE!!


    • LeGina, Most if not all advocates realize that the majority of PRIVATE Citizens in not only Oklahoma, but any State Would be opposed to a slaughter plant re-opening in their home state,adjoining state or any state for that matter…any “State Government” that proposes such carnage must realize the stigma and economic backlash that comes part & parcel with the Horse slaughter Industry from Americans across the nation, part of that backlash will effect the tourism industry as well as other industries as most advocates have learned sometimes Our voices need to be backed up by letting State Gov’ts that allow horse slaughter know , it will come with a price they may not have considered.. The disdain is aimed at the Gov’t of Oklahoma, Not the individual Residents of Oklahoma and it is the same disdain that will be/and has been aimed at any state gov’t that attempts to reinstate horse slaughter..Many advocates HAVE been in YOUR shoes, and have reacted exactly the same when Slaughter was proposed in their home state..some even stating they would relocate.The truth of the matter is many other industries & businesses will suffer a negative impact if Oklahoma were to actually re-open a Horse Slaughter Plant, The Entire State will suffer a Blackeye..Hopefully those Industries & Businesses within Oklahoma that will be negatively impacted by the Oklahoma law makers poor decision to reverse the slaughter ban will begin to voice their concerns/opinions if they have not already begun to do so. Thank-You for fighting against this plant in any manner that You can in Your Home State~All of Us are fighting for You as well as for All Oklahoma Residents that are opposed to this! And Most of All, For The Horses!


      • Kathyh, I hear what you’re saying + i appreciate the way you handled my comment with kindness, the truth is like you say that no matter where we all live in this big ole world many people feel the same way about Horse Slaughter,,just some things people say about the issue does hit home for many of us, i guess if i feel that i don’t voice my opinion then it would be some thing i didn’t care about. But that’s not me,I just want People to see that there are people who do care as passionately as any one, any where else does about Horse Slaughter and how WRONG it is, I just Pray to the Good Lord that this mess will go away + that We as a World of Human’s will do the right thing and put a STOP to any and all Abuse involved in this Horse Slaughter Issue..


  21. An emai to Gov M.F. has been sent. By her homepage, reading certain areas, she seems to be a “right track” leader. I may be (so) wrong but hoping she will not approve horse slaughter plants.Thanks and keep up the good work. Pat Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 13:13:25 +0000


  22. Sounds like “hoofhugs” has a poiltical agenda here. So what if environmentalists join in to protect our wild horses. Oh, and as far as the “government” taking away our freedoms. Don’t you mean that someone telling you that you can’t go and kill any and all of what you want to is taking away your freedom. Did we not fight a civil war over that? Stick to the issues. I know that people who hate the government are a driving force, but why so much now.


  23. Whelp.. looks like Oklahoma is written off the list of stuff to write about in country songs. =/ I’d loooooooooooove to see Karma play out with this one too.. it’s sad that they decided to reverse the slaughter ban.. if people sell their horses now it looks like they’ll be towin em out of state to keep em out of the slaughter house. >_>


  24. I would hate to be in the business of slaughtering horses in America. They have no idea what kind of hell they’ve dumped on their own heads. As long as they operate a slaughter plant within our borders they will be watched, harassed, subverted and questioned at every turn. And what’s the point? The EU will stop accepting our horses in June anyway. Why would anyone spend millions to operate for a couple of months?


  25. This issue, & it’s only resolve, is to stop talking, & start taking action! This country is going to hell in a bucket, with no way out unless we actually can do something to change things, to stop it, once & for all. Forget legality, courts, especially, politicians, forget being all nice & proper! This IS our country, isn’t it?? So, what are we waiting for, we most certainly have some rights here, somewhere, right?? Do any of you want to take even a microscopic risk of eventual “horse-meat” contamination in the foods you buy right here, in good ole America?? Didn’t think so! If the EU, & citizens in all those countries are riled up, disgusted, & angry, not to mention, feeling a little betrayed by not knowing what was in their food, what the heck is wrong with America?? What do we gain by showing our apparent stupidity, & blindness, & deafness, to what’s going on in the rest of the world?? This IS about animal cruelty in it’s worst, & animal abuse, but, this IS also about food safety, our freedom of choice, our freedoms to express our voices & opinions, & the decisions we make about the well being of our families, & about the well being & care of our companion animals. If we allow horse slaughter to rear it’s ugly, evil head in our country again, you will NEVER be able to trust our government again, or, trust anything regarding the foods you buy to feed yourselves, your families, even what you feed your pets! WE DON’T WANT IT, WE HAVE TO STOP IT!!!! If we don’t, America is no better than the worst disease carrying insects or rodents on this planet!


    • Your correct Valerie on your comment. This is our country and we need to take a stand against this bill.
      Being nice isn’t going to change things. Calling it like it is and expressing awareness of their tactics in planning this all along would make the senate much more squeemish. You have remember that certain seats of the senate have Conflicts of interests which change this entire bill voted…Call them to rescuse themselves that this appears a wrongful set up. Looking at the entire picture of the Wild Horse Roundups and this slaughter bill. Although they didn’t expect the horsemeat scandal in EU. This is outright scandalous at the hands of the government.


  26. By the way, just to “protect” myself, my comments in no way only hold true for Oklahoma, or it’s citizens. My comments DO hold true for ANY & ALL states in this country that decide to allow this animal abuse to start up. We’ve fought against it here in Missouri, as well as other states. It’s not about the probable majority of the states citizens, it’s about the individual state & it’s decision makers who would allow such a horrific place to open.


  27. I select like on this post to support what you are doing. I really do not like what I am reading, I am sick about this…. I want to say thank you for creating awareness and change to STOP horse, donkey and mule slaughter this is truly abuse and greed. Wondering what’s next dogs and cats that are unwanted? This is horrible…..


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